Maven !

jsuslak313 wrote:
Echothesis wrote:

Bad design exists, and is a different issue from not meeting the dps/ehp check of a particular boss.

well.....duh. Not sure why you quoted me because its pretty darn clear what I'm talking about here and its not whatever you said.

The point here is that the design is irrelevant to the problem in this and other cases being talked about. People claim "design flaw" simply because they can't be bothered to LEARN the mechanic and plan accordingly. And also refuse any and all advice and continue to say "It's bad because I say it's bad".

It isn't even a debate or discussion about design or mechanics at that point.

It is possible. And those who reply to such people may be too trigger happy to fire "git gud" at people before thinking if the issue is actually design or just dps check.

Maven memory game is not design issue by itself, but the penalty for failing it (instadeath) is inappropriate, considering out-of-genre nature of memory game. I would rework it to "maven unlocks new attack until next successful memory game", so you can still die to this new attack in the meantime, but it would be according to general combat rules, not "binary death trigger".
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
i cant imagine someone considering the difficulty change from t5 to t16 being something that is catered for elitists. you can farm t16s with life res gear

You can farm T16 with items from the ground. There is nothing shameful if someone else can't. Poe designers are too ambitious for their own good. In a game pretending to be a souls-like difficulty, which is also under constant development, devs should care a lot about reevaluating learning curve, visual clarity, and build parity with each other. GGG do nothing of the sort and are proud of it :) And refuse to let players choose their own difficulty (and still have loot) too.
Last edited by Echothesis on Sep 9, 2024, 2:17:22 AM
ArtCrusade wrote:
The post makes a lot more sense if you change the word "elitist" to "good player"

Pretty much.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Echothesis wrote:
visual clarity

Extremely juiced maps can get a bit overwhelming from time to time for less experienced players with visual clarity but all boss fights are pretty clean as is.
Attacks have a obvious indicator along with visual effects, ground marker or even sound cues but somehow people still die to those obvious indicated hits in even the most clean fights.

As a example here we have a player getting caught and hit by a obvious indicated damage ability.
You notice how little to nothing is blocking the view but the player still somehow manages to get hit despite good visuals and little to no skill effects blocking the view?

Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Sep 9, 2024, 2:52:42 AM
Pashid wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
visual clarity

Extremely juiced maps can get a bit overwhelming from time to time for less experienced players with visual clarity but all boss fights are pretty clean as is.
Attacks have a obvious indicator along with visual effects, ground marker or even sound cues but somehow people still die to those obvious indicated hits in even the most clean fights.

As a example here we have a player getting caught and hit by a obvious indicated damage ability.
You notice how little to nothing is blocking the view but the player still somehow manages to get hit despite good visuals and little to no skill effects blocking the view?

Agreed. A Nintendo 64 has more pixels than this .gif yet you can clearly see what killed the player in question. Visual clarity blows while mapping but delivers in boss encounters.
Should say that I didn't get to practice this boss a whole lot last league as I was playing HCSSF but now that I play an SC private league I have gotten a whole lot more experience with it. Nightmare of Lycia has a few moves to look out for but it's such a clean encounter overall, so unless you roll extra AoE you should be fine.

Same thing with Maven. The memory game has a few patterns to remember and gives you enough time that even if you do fuck up, you can just log out and dodge the explosion.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
just nerf no regen status effect duration down to 2 secs, its so shit without recovery for 10+sec
Pashid wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
visual clarity

Extremely juiced maps can get a bit overwhelming from time to time for less experienced players with visual clarity but all boss fights are pretty clean as is.
Attacks have a obvious indicator along with visual effects, ground marker or even sound cues but somehow people still die to those obvious indicated hits in even the most clean fights.

As a example here we have a player getting caught and hit by a obvious indicated damage ability.
You notice how little to nothing is blocking the view but the player still somehow manages to get hit despite good visuals and little to no skill effects blocking the view?

Sigh, did I say that specific boss fight has visual clarity issues? If you are so keen on posting personal examples (including ones cherrypicked by specific malicious liar), maybe unhide your own profile too? Not that it has any relation to the topic, but this doesn't stop you from actively using "examples".
Why did you identify yourself, Echo? No one mentioned you by name. It‘s just an excellent example of what is being discussed currently and instead you lash out at Pashid personally? That‘s not a winning strategy. Sort of like walking into a telegraphed attack
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Pashid wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
visual clarity

Extremely juiced maps can get a bit overwhelming from time to time for less experienced players with visual clarity but all boss fights are pretty clean as is.
Attacks have a obvious indicator along with visual effects, ground marker or even sound cues but somehow people still die to those obvious indicated hits in even the most clean fights.

As a example here we have a player getting caught and hit by a obvious indicated damage ability.
You notice how little to nothing is blocking the view but the player still somehow manages to get hit despite good visuals and little to no skill effects blocking the view?

Let's not forget how horribly buggy this boss is, every time it phases it can just randomly decide to do 1,2 or 3 more attacks while it's completely immune and untargetable and theeen it decides to spawn the add. Yes very fun design. Also that spinning beam comes out way too fast and gives you like 0 time to dodge it always oneshots me because it appears out of nowhere lol, no way I'm gonna see that because I can't always have the boss perfectly in the center of my screen at all times nor do I have a 4K monitor with 5000x5000 resolution.

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