Maven !

FearZGamer wrote:
FireflyXT90 wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You want it removed because you can't do it.

While others can?

Do you not see anything wrong with that? Maybe improve how you to play then you wouldn't have issues.

i bet you don't work a job that sometimes consumes 12 h of your day.

Ah the famous "i'm not bad, I just have a real life unlike you".

Maven is one of the easiest fights in the game, just because some people like you (that there is nothing wrong with that) are not good at bossing, doesnt mean it is bad designed or catared to only "the top 0.1% that spend 30 hours per day no life the game".

Actually improve at the game, learn the fight, learn the mechanics instead of attacking everyone because of your lack of experience.

And this coming from someone playing RF that is literally the worst build that exists in the game to do Maven, even then, normal Maven is a joke.

Nope it has nothing to do with "learning mechanics". The memory game is just stupid and should be deleted, it doesn't belong in a game like this. Do you have any idea how many players are deterred by this 1 mechanic and don't want to touch maven at all? Sirus is also another example of horrible boss design, especially uber sirus you die once in that garbage fight and it can escalate into losing all your portals because "ha-haa he can die-beam you off-screen and you can't do anything about it also he spawns another storm every time you die have fuuuun". I can do maven only because I kill her in less than a second, doesn't mean I enjoy the memory game. I still hate doing it even if I'm able to do it without dying most of the time. And if someone like me who is able to do the boss without a problem is saying its bad, then its bad lol
If you are over the age of 10, i'm pretty sure you have the mental capacity to memorize a simple "up,left,right,left", if that is hard then any other mechanic is hard for you.

Exarch ball phase gotta dodge?Too hard.
Eater ball soaking phase gotta run from beam?Too hard.
Shaper gotta bring balls to the edge?Too hard.
Sirus gotta run to find the exit of the "lab"?Too hard.
Maven gotta place balls in middle?Too hard.

You can label every single mechanic that exists as "doesnt belong in the game".

Maven memory game is 10x easier than exarch ball phase, yet why does exarch mechanic belong in the game and maven one doesn't?

Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
FearZGamer wrote:
If you are over the age of 10, i'm pretty sure you have the mental capacity to memorize a simple "up,left,right,left", if that is hard then any other mechanic is hard for you.

Exarch ball phase gotta dodge?Too hard.
Eater ball soaking phase gotta run from beam?Too hard.
Shaper gotta bring balls to the edge?Too hard.
Sirus gotta run to find the exit of the "lab"?Too hard.
Maven gotta place balls in middle?Too hard.

You can label every single mechanic that exists as "doesnt belong in the game".

Maven memory game is 10x easier than exarch ball phase, yet why does exarch mechanic belong in the game and maven one doesn't?

Exarch ball phase is also impossible for me and I always die in it even in quest exarch omegalul, also did you even read my post????? I literally said I can do the memory game no problem, I just hate the mechanic. Just because I can memorize up left right whatever doesn't mean its fun. Also don't even try to defend sirus, that fight has been horrible since release.
Last edited by Toforto on Sep 7, 2024, 2:24:09 PM
Toforto wrote:
FearZGamer wrote:
If you are over the age of 10, i'm pretty sure you have the mental capacity to memorize a simple "up,left,right,left", if that is hard then any other mechanic is hard for you.

Exarch ball phase gotta dodge?Too hard.
Eater ball soaking phase gotta run from beam?Too hard.
Shaper gotta bring balls to the edge?Too hard.
Sirus gotta run to find the exit of the "lab"?Too hard.
Maven gotta place balls in middle?Too hard.

You can label every single mechanic that exists as "doesnt belong in the game".

Maven memory game is 10x easier than exarch ball phase, yet why does exarch mechanic belong in the game and maven one doesn't?

Exarch ball phase is also impossible for me and I always die in it even in quest exarch omegalul, also did you even read my post????? I literally said I can do the memory game no problem, I just hate the mechanic. Just because I can memorize up left right whatever doesn't mean its fun. Also don't even try to defend sirus, that fight has been horrible since release.

Sirus fight, while having a lot of bugs, is the most well designed fight currently in the game.

Every ability is well telegraphed, with good voice lines for all attacks, interesting mechanics like corridor blast and meteor maze,the spinning beams attack makes it feel like Maven but without the unnecessary regen beams, multi clones that you gotta pay attention to where sirus dashes because that is always where the beam from, best looking arena, best looking aoe attacks that do little damage and just make the fight "feel" way cooler.

Sirus fight seems a slop with a bunch of random abilities that you gotta get "lucky" and dodge like the multi clone beam, but when you understand all the mechanics you realize how good it actually is.
Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
sirus is ok if you have a lot of dps or arent melee. assuming youre talking about uber sirus. there are no issues with normal bosses in this game. you can load up bleed shield crush glad at lvl 80 and clear all the normal bosses with ssf gear. I did this testing on std before league start on an old gauntlet char that was sst. just gem swapped.

Its all about patience and mechanics. Its hard when the game is designed around GO GO GO!!!! DIVINES PER HOUR FAST GOGOGO!!! then there is a boss mechanic that requires you to dodge or chill for a second to do a mechanic.

If you guys have ever seen the kid that got his world of warcraft subscription cancelled by his parents and his brother recorded him. This divines/hr frenzy phenomenon reminds of of that kid.
FearZGamer wrote:
Toforto wrote:
FearZGamer wrote:
If you are over the age of 10, i'm pretty sure you have the mental capacity to memorize a simple "up,left,right,left", if that is hard then any other mechanic is hard for you.

Exarch ball phase gotta dodge?Too hard.
Eater ball soaking phase gotta run from beam?Too hard.
Shaper gotta bring balls to the edge?Too hard.
Sirus gotta run to find the exit of the "lab"?Too hard.
Maven gotta place balls in middle?Too hard.

You can label every single mechanic that exists as "doesnt belong in the game".

Maven memory game is 10x easier than exarch ball phase, yet why does exarch mechanic belong in the game and maven one doesn't?

Exarch ball phase is also impossible for me and I always die in it even in quest exarch omegalul, also did you even read my post????? I literally said I can do the memory game no problem, I just hate the mechanic. Just because I can memorize up left right whatever doesn't mean its fun. Also don't even try to defend sirus, that fight has been horrible since release.

Sirus fight, while having a lot of bugs, is the most well designed fight currently in the game.

Every ability is well telegraphed, with good voice lines for all attacks, interesting mechanics like corridor blast and meteor maze,the spinning beams attack makes it feel like Maven but without the unnecessary regen beams, multi clones that you gotta pay attention to where sirus dashes because that is always where the beam from, best looking arena, best looking aoe attacks that do little damage and just make the fight "feel" way cooler.

Sirus fight seems a slop with a bunch of random abilities that you gotta get "lucky" and dodge like the multi clone beam, but when you understand all the mechanics you realize how good it actually is.

Well telegraphed? Surely his off-screen die-beam and instantly teleporting you into a maze when there's a storm on top of him is well-telegraphed yes. Surely the spinning beams are a fun mechanic while trying to find him as he keeps firing beams at you, then he just teleports into an immunity phase and die-beams you and you don't know which clone is the real one. And the corridor he does where he just blasts balls at you is completely unfair, you either have to quickly flamedash past them and get lucky or "hurr just have a character that can facetank them". Sirus is THE worst designed boss in this game lol, there's nothing to understand about his abilities, there is no skill involved here. Why do you think they had to tweak it so much and change the storms. It's bad. Sometimes I kill uber sirus deathless, sometimes I die 3-4 times and its always to some dumb,annoying mechanic. Also visually the Sirus fight is so horrible aswell, its just red on red on red on more red on more red, they had to make his abilities more visible in a patch and its still bad even today because uber sirus exists. Anyway this is going off-topic, I don't care anymore to discuss that fight when you clearly don't see how much of a design failure it is lol

Well telegraphed? Surely his off-screen die-beam and instantly teleporting you into a maze when there's a storm on top of him is well-telegraphed yes. Surely the spinning beams are a fun mechanic while trying to find him as he keeps firing beams at you

He always says "DIE!" when casting the ability, so if you dont dodge its your fault.

then he just teleports into an immunity phase and die-beams you and you don't know which clone is the real one

You always know which clone is real, he doesnt "teleport", he dashes to a location, and the spot that he dashes to is the real sirus, all others spawn after he does the dash.

And the corridor he does where he just blasts balls at you is completely unfair, you either have to quickly flamedash past them and get lucky or "hurr just have a character that can facetank them".

Every single character has no problem doing this mech, it does little damage and you can dodge every single ball just walking, without even using any single movement ability. You can literally just stand still and weave left and right while doing dps if you dont want this mechanic to quickly end in order to safelly do more dps instead of rushing through the mech.

As I said, when someone doesn't know how the mechanics actually work, they think the fight is badly designed.
Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
FearZGamer wrote:

Well telegraphed? Surely his off-screen die-beam and instantly teleporting you into a maze when there's a storm on top of him is well-telegraphed yes. Surely the spinning beams are a fun mechanic while trying to find him as he keeps firing beams at you

He always says "DIE!" when casting the ability, so if you dont dodge its your fault.

then he just teleports into an immunity phase and die-beams you and you don't know which clone is the real one

You always know which clone is real, he doesnt "teleport", he dashes to a location, and the spot that he dashes to is the real sirus, all others spawn after he does the dash.

And the corridor he does where he just blasts balls at you is completely unfair, you either have to quickly flamedash past them and get lucky or "hurr just have a character that can facetank them".

Every single character has no problem doing this mech, it does little damage and you can dodge every single ball just walking, without even using any single movement ability. You can literally just stand still and weave left and right while doing dps if you dont want this mechanic to quickly end in order to safelly do more dps instead of rushing through the mech.

As I said, when someone doesn't know how the mechanics actually work, they think the fight is badly designed.

Nope, bad fight. Stop being so elitist already, and I told you there's nothing else to discuss about this fight. It's very cool that you can do it without dying, but most people agree that fight sucks. I hated it when it came out in metamorph, and I will keep hating it until it becomes so irrelevant that it doesn't even reward you with a favorite map slot so it's just an optional boss for its loot and nothing else.
Toforto wrote:
It's very cool that you can do it without dying, but most people agree that fight sucks.

That's a bold statement. Where did u get ur confidence from? I'd like to see numbers for that.

Imo Sirus is one of the best fights in PoE. The intermission phase is obviously a fail, which is why they changed it, but it's still pretty stupid.
Other than that I think it's how FearZGamer described it. U can outplay every mechanic he does. He certainly has a fair share of bugs tho, but I've personally never witnessed any. No offscreen beam, no teleporting into storm maze ect.
Usually when I die on Sirus it's my fault and I need to do better.

/edit: on the topic of Maven, I still dislike the memory game, but I've done maven often enough now that I don't care anymore. At some point u know all combinations and u can do them blind, even in p3 while dodging the beams. I'd like GGG to not implement stuff like that in future bosses, but if they choose to... well it's not the worst thing in the world either.
Last edited by Sadaukar on Sep 7, 2024, 3:54:18 PM
Sadaukar wrote:
Toforto wrote:
It's very cool that you can do it without dying, but most people agree that fight sucks.

That's a bold statement. Where did u get ur confidence from? I'd like to see numbers for that.

Imo Sirus is one of the best fights in PoE. The intermission phase is obviously a fail, which is why they changed it, but it's still pretty stupid.
Other than that I think it's how FearZGamer described it. U can outplay every mechanic he does. He certainly has a fair share of bugs tho, but I've personally never witnessed any. No offscreen beam, no teleporting into storm maze ect.
Usually when I die on Sirus it's my fault and I need to do better.

/edit: on the topic of Maven, I still dislike the memory game, but I've done maven often enough now that I don't care anymore. At some point u know all combinations and u can do them blind, even in p3 while dodging the beams. I'd like GGG to not implement stuff like that in future bosses, but if they choose to... well it's not the worst thing in the world either.

Well every time I die its always to the same things. I'm sorry but I can't outplay an off-screen instakill. And I say most people because a lot of people were complaining on the forums when he came out during metamorph, hell even streamers were saying he was too hard and all the bugs the fight had didn't help like getting stuck on the stairs in the upper part of the arena if he spawned a maze there lol
I still have to 120% focus for maven memory game, and even then I sometimes mess it up. Like I can't memorize more than 4-5 things in a row, if you make it 5 or 6 like in the last phase I just forget it half the time even if I'm standing on the first tile that lights up.

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