Maven !

Repeat, repeat, repeat. Learn. Repeat.

Or not.

It is simple.

But stating "REMOVE!!!11" is just a child mind thinking.

And no i havent kill her. Yet.
Last edited by de99ial on Sep 6, 2024, 11:36:01 PM
I agree that the memory game is stupid, that kind of mechanic doesn't belong in an arpg lol, its something out of an mmo raid boss. Every league I just buy a maven voidstone carry its only like 40c anyway, then I can kill her myself later with all my gear because I insta-phase her and even sometimes skip an entire memory game phase because of that if I'm lucky. If ggg refuses to design good bosses and keeps stuff like sirus or maven in the game, well the only thing players like me or the OP can do is just skip them by buying a carry.

This game having no "practice mode" with infinite portals for bosses is a big problem, how the hell are you supposed to just magically know what a boss does the first time you do it? Because not everyone plays a tanky af build that can facetank 90% of the mechanics while you learn it. That's a stupid way of learning a boss. But the only way of learning it currently is just "haha die to it a lot and waste your hours of playtime and currency because you lost the invitation and all 6 portals". First time I did a pirate boss this league, I died to water waves and shit.(and lost my full team of rank 10 shippers btw) First time I encountered the Black Knight, I died and couldn't go back in because I found him while that bug still existed that prevented you from going back into the instance so that was fun :) Bossing in this game is just severely flawed and that's a fact.
Toforto wrote:

This game having no "practice mode" with infinite portals for bosses is a big problem, how the hell are you supposed to just magically know what a boss does the first time you do it?

It actually does.....its known as "trade". Infinite bossing, infinite portals. You pay a fee, and practice all you want. By the time you get to a point where you are "supposed" to be encountering these bosses, you should pretty easily be able to afford buying entries.

How are you supposed to know what aboss does the first time? You aren't....that's why you get SIX portals. 6 chances per encounter to learn the pattern. A single encounter with 6 tries and you should be leaving that boss knowing damn near 70-80% of anything the boss throws at you.

Each one has like....4 attacks.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 7, 2024, 10:47:15 AM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Toforto wrote:

This game having no "practice mode" with infinite portals for bosses is a big problem, how the hell are you supposed to just magically know what a boss does the first time you do it?

It actually does.....its known as "trade". Infinite bossing, infinite portals. You pay a fee, and practice all you want. By the time you get to a point where you are "supposed" to be encountering these bosses, you should pretty easily be able to afford buying entries.

Lol no it doesn't? Buying invitations still costs you your currency and time, that's my point. The current design is made to waste your time until you learn the bosses. It isn't infinite retries if you run out of currency, not everyone has a stack of 50 divines sitting in their stash. Why do you think people even buy carries and there are players on tft advertising their bossing service all day and they print divines from that? Because players don't wanna bother trying and failing these bosses, why should they when you can just get it guaranteed with a carry? Especially stuff like uber elder voidstone, that takes SO LONG to grind up all the fragments ain't nobody gonna spend all that time instead of just paying 100c for a voidstone carry. Especially if the map you wanna favorite and run isn't a high-tier red map and you NEED all 4 voidstones to make it t16.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Toforto wrote:

This game having no "practice mode" with infinite portals for bosses is a big problem, how the hell are you supposed to just magically know what a boss does the first time you do it?

It actually does.....its known as "trade". Infinite bossing, infinite portals. You pay a fee, and practice all you want. By the time you get to a point where you are "supposed" to be encountering these bosses, you should pretty easily be able to afford buying entries.

How are you supposed to know what aboss does the first time? You aren't....that's why you get SIX portals. 6 chances per encounter to learn the pattern. A single encounter with 6 tries and you should be leaving that boss knowing damn near 70-80% of anything the boss throws at you.

Each one has like....4 attacks.

Honestly even in ssf you can do as many bosses as you want.

Destructive play and the map notables are the 1 thing that allow me to enjoy ssf.
Because they are lazy, or have no interest in "learning" the boss.

Trade = infinite tries. Just because it might cost you something is irrelevant.

A FREE trainer is straight up cheating, and would permanently make every boss fight totally irrelevant. You want to skip the "wait" of gathering frags yourself? Pay for it. Buying a writ or buying frags directly saves you hours or days of time PER boss encounter. That SHOULD cost you currency, you have to choose whats important to you.

If you want to learn a boss, then the ONLY thing your currency should be going towards is frags for that boss. That should cost you almost zero time in normal gameplay, while PERMANENTLY saving you bossing time later. The lessons you learn don't just go never have to "practice" again presumably.

You also seem to "imply" that its going to cost you TONS of tries to learn the boss. Realistically, you should know pretty much what you are doing in ANY boss like the 5th time you try it (or THIRTY(!) portals). And that's probably on the weaker end. There really isn't a ton of things going on in any boss fight...
If you go in blind and CONTINUE being blind....then that's your problem, not the game or encounter.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Sep 7, 2024, 10:59:03 AM
jsuslak313 wrote:
Because they are lazy, or have no interest in "learning" the boss.

Trade = infinite tries. Just because it might cost you something is irrelevant.

A FREE trainer is straight up cheating, and would permanently make every boss fight totally irrelevant. You want to skip the "wait" of gathering frags yourself? Pay for it. Buying a writ or buying frags directly saves you hours or days of time PER boss encounter. That SHOULD cost you currency, you have to choose whats important to you.

If you want to learn a boss, then the ONLY thing your currency should be going towards is frags for that boss. That should cost you almost zero time in normal gameplay, while PERMANENTLY saving you bossing time later. The lessons you learn don't just go never have to "practice" again presumably.

Ya, if they farm a destructive play atlas for a weekend they could have 30-40 maven writs pretty easily. In sc the barrier of entry to farm destructive play is pretty low. Its pretty smooth with a 3m dps char with decent defense on league start. Its doable with 1.5m or so. If you get defiled cathedral or the green circle boss in a little arena its a bit sketch but otherwise fine. Tolman and alira dd are the other 2 that can be scary in hc.
jsuslak313 wrote:
Because they are lazy, or have no interest in "learning" the boss.

Trade = infinite tries. Just because it might cost you something is irrelevant.

A FREE trainer is straight up cheating, and would permanently make every boss fight totally irrelevant. You want to skip the "wait" of gathering frags yourself? Pay for it. Buying a writ or buying frags directly saves you hours or days of time PER boss encounter. That SHOULD cost you currency, you have to choose whats important to you.

If you want to learn a boss, then the ONLY thing your currency should be going towards is frags for that boss. That should cost you almost zero time in normal gameplay, while PERMANENTLY saving you bossing time later. The lessons you learn don't just go never have to "practice" again presumably.

You also seem to "imply" that its going to cost you TONS of tries to learn the boss. Realistically, you should know pretty much what you are doing in ANY boss like the 5th time you try it (or THIRTY(!) portals). And that's probably on the weaker end. There really isn't a ton of things going on in any boss fight...
If you go in blind and CONTINUE being blind....then that's your problem, not the game or encounter.

Well then you clearly don't understand the problem here lol
There is a streamer called DarthMicrotransactions. He started poe playing like a dork and in his 2nd season he defeated Uber Elder and Uber Shaper, Maven, maybe even Uber Maven i dunno.
He showed everybody how advatangeous it is not to pay any mind to div/h or spending a few chaos to much on trade or selling stuff for a few chaos less. He simply didn't worry about it and spend all his currency for Boss invites, wiped and wiped until he was magically able to defeat them without any busted gear.
Of course he got some help from chat, but still it was a textbook example of what 90%+ of players do wrong that spend way to much time with small trades in their HO and shy away from buying content(aka Boss invites) and try it out.
Last edited by Strickl3r on Sep 7, 2024, 12:32:07 PM
FireflyXT90 wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You want it removed because you can't do it.

While others can?

Do you not see anything wrong with that? Maybe improve how you to play then you wouldn't have issues.

i bet you don't work a job that sometimes consumes 12 h of your day.

Ah the famous "i'm not bad, I just have a real life unlike you".

Maven is one of the easiest fights in the game, just because some people like you (that there is nothing wrong with that) are not good at bossing, doesnt mean it is bad designed or catared to only "the top 0.1% that spend 30 hours per day no life the game".

Actually improve at the game, learn the fight, learn the mechanics instead of attacking everyone because of your lack of experience.

And this coming from someone playing RF that is literally the worst build that exists in the game to do Maven, even then, normal Maven is a joke.
Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
Last edited by FearZGamer on Sep 7, 2024, 1:38:29 PM

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