Thaumaturgic Dust - now useless basically

But you need 3 ships to increase your odds of getting pirates.

At this point send barely anything and just use ships to bait pirates.

Kinda annoyed i let go all my cheap sailors. At this point just run cheap ships for power runes.
Last edited by pdpg74 on Aug 13, 2024, 11:37:41 PM
And the same bug is still in game: Three ships sent out, received a notification of three ships returning.

Only two ships with rewards. Third (highest value) sitting empty with no messages.

I was pretty sure I had encountered this a few times, but assumed I must of unclicked it or something.
If they don't undo this change by tomorrow evening I am done with the league.
~ Seph
I could be wrong and it will require more testing, but this patch seems to have disconnected the dust association with "shipment value" while maintaining the actual multiplier for shipment rewards.

Thus far, using the exact same shipment setup I've been using for days, I've not seen any meaningful change in rewards despite my "shipment value" being substantially less than it previously was. (actually appears to give a little more popcorn currency)

Curious if anybody can help verify this?
I was expecting a nerf from the wording. In GGG's code ''a buff in almost all cases'' usually used to translate to ''a nerf in all sensible cases and maybe a buff for the top 1% of the top 1%''. I hoped they were moving away from such an aproach to communication. On a related note, I run a couple of shipments post patch and it seems that dust was indeed nerfed. The range 8k-200k dust yielded very little returns compared to 8k yesterday.
Sent my first shipment with dust today, Whole cargo was stolen.

no thanks, ill go back to sending corn by itself.

When i feel like playing again.
Innocence forgives you
Last edited by SilentSymphony on Aug 14, 2024, 5:24:22 AM
but guys...this was a buff!
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
but guys...this was a buff!

It pretty much is as long as you don't employ only a single level 1 disenchanter. Yeah, you need more dust to get 3x value BUT you can realistically get 4 times value now if you are somewhat invested in disenchanting. 216000 for 4x multi is MUCH more achievable than 8,8 mio.
Before the patch i could send like 5x 50mil shipments.
Now all i can send is 1x 26mil and i have no ressources anymore LOL.
Big Buff!!! You DID really good testing it.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
but guys...this was a buff!

It is a "buff", for those who play 26 hours a day, which is the intended audience for the monster known as modern POE. This small segment of players (or should I call them free labor?) were really struggling and needed a further helping hand!

Sometimes GGG makes their preferences a little TOO obvious, such as in this "buff".

Last edited by mnieradko on Aug 14, 2024, 8:52:41 AM

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