GGG what's the point of having any stats in the game if they don't do anything?

You're pivoting. First you complain that T17s are too hard for your character, now you complain you cannot find all information about the game in-game that'd help you make your character better. Which is it? The one or the other?

If you disagree already on the point that maybe you just need to learn more about the game and become a better player, may I suggest that you should maybe adjust your expectations accordingly? This is a hardcore ARPG. If you want a casual experience there's many great alternatives
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Apr 9, 2024, 3:15:39 PM
Coconutdoggy wrote:
Not to mention if you have no defenses your only defense offense right? Well you don't have that either.


My mana pool isn't yet big enough to deal high DPS... however for a mana stat stacking league start character 2.1M (shaper) DPS on a 3-link isn't the worst. It clears T16 maps quite good and relatively fast; same for delve.

The current setup I have also isn't meant to deal really high DPS..; for that I would have to swap to the bow variant with mana forged arrows and archmage... dealing well billions of (shaper) DPS according to the POB's build guide. Although I always take those numbers with a big grain of salt and it would require several mirrors of investment most likely.

ArtCrusade wrote:
You're pivoting. First you complain that T17s are too hard for your "great character", now you complain you cannot find all information about the game in-game that'd help you make your character gear. Which is it? The one or the other?

The title of the my post clearly asks GGG what the point is of having stats that don't do anything...
Nothing about T17 there.
Yes in my post I did state T17 mods, as a good example.
There also are older mechanics in that post under the "older mechanics that don't make sense"

Note (again) that I never claimed my character should be able to do T17. I just listed the mods that seems a bit to much over the top for this game's defensive system. -> Big difference.

You do realize that me pivoting into finding information in the game is purely based on your comment right? Simply pointing out that learning about the game's defensive system isn't possible without third party tools. BECAUSE the game lacks that information, and if it provides information it's simply wrong. Which you pointed out directly with my physical damage reduction lolz.

What about that it's both, and both corollate to each other making the problem even bigger.

ArtCrusade wrote:

If you disagree already on the point that maybe you just need to learn more about the game and become a better player, may I suggest that you should maybe adjust your expectations accordingly? This is a hardcore ARPG. If you want a casual experience there's many great alternatives

Let's make a game to solve climate change... try to learn that...

At some point things just become to complex an finicky Path of Exile has kind of exceeded that point by now. Players spend more time outside of the game learning about it, than actually playing the game itself. This a problem if it keeps increasing. Not only for the economy in trade league, but also for the economy of GGG itself... players will eventually buy less micro transactions. On top the game becomes so hard for new players to join that they quit before ever reaching the state of buying anything. Over time it will kill the game.

IF GGG keeps neglecting their user's experience, their won't be many users left at some point. With the rise of new ARPG recently exceeding all expectations, the time of them having a monopoly is gone.
If they won't listen to the majority of their player base, it won't last long before the above happens... if that happens before Path Exile 2 launches... or if that game is in the same boat as POE 1 ... well, it will have some dire consequences.

So yes, I disagree that a game would requires so much time to learn it outside the game. I know of a recent ARPG that has an entire wiki INSIDE their game :o and an auction house and a simple to understand balanced defense system.

I Like Path Of exile - good story, good end game systems, always something to do... However, it's old, and it begins to show that they don't adept to their player base. Like any company, it's company that has change it's positioning to keep their audience happy... not the other way around. ;)
Last edited by FutureFear on Apr 9, 2024, 3:47:16 PM
No THEY wanna make how they wanna play unlike Blizzard who shit the bed because they don't know what they're doing AND they keep listening to awful suggestions. You wanna know what happens if they listen to you / reddit?

The game turns shit dude.

Lets recap here

1) You zdps
3) You want to finish VERY hard content without a proper char and your writing essays of why they should listen to you?

Cmon dude.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Apr 9, 2024, 3:47:36 PM
There are many things I'd like to address to your post, but I'll just refrain since you're clearly not interested in any opinion that doesn't say what you want to hear. I just have one're saying you have no currency to upgrade your gear, but you have enough currency to constantly fill 5 map slots with scarabs? Not to mention expensive scarabs, since the cheap ones really don't have that much of an impact on a 5th slot.

A vague fragment of the idea behind your post does make sense and is valid - defenses are overly complicated and the ingame tooltip is pure garbage. However, you need to realize that this makes perfect sense in the context of a constantly evolving ARPG. 6 years ago this was enough for endgame content? Yeah bro, 6 years ago Piety was the endgame content. Pretty sure you can still do Piety on the same stats (obviously wasn't Piety, can't rightfully remember what it was at the time, but pretty sure it was something that seems quite trivial today). That is the way games evolve.

Blocks are added on top of other blocks, both in terms of difficulty and player power. You can very much still do the same content you were doing 6 years ago. If you want to do more, you'll need to get more - really don't see how that doesn't make sense to you...? If your expectation is to be able to apply the exact same cookie cutter recipe for every build in every league, then I don't think this is the game for you.

Endgame was never "mandatory". Nothing in the game is actually mandatory - there are still people farming the campaign who never even made it into maps. What does "mandatory" even mean? Mandatory for what? You don't need a 5th slot on your map. At the stage your build is at, 4 slots are more than enough for decent farming and currency making.

My time this league has been very limited, but I was able to tell from the little playtime I had that there is no major difference in difficulty compared to last leagues.
Yea I mean the OP is just doubling down on so many different points rather than addressing their main point or the responses that are in direct response to their main point, because they dont like the answers they got.

In summary for anyone reading still...

Title main point:
"Stats dont matter"
First post supporting evidence: Lists their personal stats

Responses from multiple people:
Stats do matter. Your personal stats are the problem. Even with POB data telling them so.

OP contradictory/grandstanding responses: Its not about my stats. I have played this for 6 years, I know everything.

There's just nothing there with this thread lol.

This is yet another, wonderful example of what Mark was talking about when it comes to Feedback that will not be read or taken seriously by any developer. The community is already having a hard time here
Bump your post as many times as you want. Its not like the Devs are changing anything your way anyways. Probably shouldn't abuse it though, could get you in trouble 😊.
I think my favorite part is how it always comes down to the community - the OP doesn't want the game to be made easier for him, but in fact deeply cares about its state and just wants newbies to have a good time. Right? Its all altruism
Coconutdoggy wrote:
No THEY wanna make how they wanna play unlike Blizzard who shit the bed because they don't know what they're doing AND they keep listening to awful suggestions. You wanna know what happens if they listen to you / reddit?

The game turns shit dude.

Like any company, bad management does the worst thing to their product. Game companies aren't any different in that regard.

If every company would do as they see fit, they for sure would end up broke. Without an audience to sell anything to, there is no income, no income, no company, no game in this case.

The history of the game industry is quite clear on that what happens to those companies if they don't listen to their audience.

We can perfectly have different opinions as players though. I also loved that they added things like uber bosses and ruthless for the players that like that type of content.

Coconutdoggy wrote:

Lets recap here

1) You zdps
3) You want to finish VERY hard content without a proper char and your writing essays of why they should listen to you?

Cmon dude.

It's also rather funny people keep stating I claim X or Y about my build when I never did such a thing. They are assumptions everyone here makes apparently. On the contrary, I keep stating I know it, yet people seem to neglect that I do lolz.

Oh and I also like to add some sarcasm to my answers, simply because this thread is getting quite ridiculous in how many times I have defend myself and correct people in what I did or didn't state and claim.
The essay comments was quite sarcastic...

Last edited by FutureFear on Apr 9, 2024, 4:11:07 PM
Chickenwink wrote:
Yea I mean the OP is just doubling down on so many different points rather than addressing their main point or the responses that are in direct response to their main point, because they dont like the answers they got.

In summary for anyone reading still...

Title main point:
"Stats dont matter"
First post supporting evidence: Lists their personal stats

Responses from multiple people:
Stats do matter. Your personal stats are the problem. Even with POB data telling them so.

OP contradictory/grandstanding responses: Its not about my stats. I have played this for 6 years, I know everything.

There's just nothing there with this thread lol.

This is yet another, wonderful example of what Mark was talking about when it comes to Feedback that will not be read or taken seriously by any developer. The community is already having a hard time here

That's right, I forgot to place everything in square boxes to make it easier to understand what needs to be fixed, my bad.

Should I make it color coded so everyone can easily connect the dots?
Felix44 wrote:
There are many things I'd like to address to your post, but I'll just refrain since you're clearly not interested in any opinion that doesn't say what you want to hear. I just have one're saying you have no currency to upgrade your gear, but you have enough currency to constantly fill 5 map slots with scarabs? Not to mention expensive scarabs, since the cheap ones really don't have that much of an impact on a 5th slot.

A vague fragment of the idea behind your post does make sense and is valid - defenses are overly complicated and the ingame tooltip is pure garbage. However, you need to realize that this makes perfect sense in the context of a constantly evolving ARPG. 6 years ago this was enough for endgame content? Yeah bro, 6 years ago Piety was the endgame content. Pretty sure you can still do Piety on the same stats (obviously wasn't Piety, can't rightfully remember what it was at the time, but pretty sure it was something that seems quite trivial today). That is the way games evolve.

Blocks are added on top of other blocks, both in terms of difficulty and player power. You can very much still do the same content you were doing 6 years ago. If you want to do more, you'll need to get more - really don't see how that doesn't make sense to you...? If your expectation is to be able to apply the exact same cookie cutter recipe for every build in every league, then I don't think this is the game for you.

Endgame was never "mandatory". Nothing in the game is actually mandatory - there are still people farming the campaign who never even made it into maps. What does "mandatory" even mean? Mandatory for what? You don't need a 5th slot on your map. At the stage your build is at, 4 slots are more than enough for decent farming and currency making.

My time this league has been very limited, but I was able to tell from the little playtime I had that there is no major difference in difficulty compared to last leagues.

Everyone is free in giving their opinion, that doesn't mean I have to agree though. Some people here are quite right, especially about the state of my build others aren't. Perhaps I'm even wrong sometimes, it happens.

To answer your currency and scarab question. I haven't bought a single map, or scarab to fill my map device slots. All scarabs are drops, I just don't run all my maps with scarabs. I'm also specked into scarab drops on my atlas passive tree dropping several each map. I was lucky just once, dropping the "Divination Scarab of Curation" which, a few days was 11 divines... now 24... sadly I sold mine for only 11.. but hey no one can see the future, right?
You're also quite wrong that the cheap ones don't add, value, getting another 3 harbingers on my map or 5 strongboxes is a ton of value for a relative cheap scarab.
We also have to take into account that some of my upgrades are 10 - 20 or 30 and more divines per piece...
Add to that, that the current trade system sucks for selling 100's of scarabs at 3 chaos a piece.. to get some currency...
So yeah I rather use them, than sell them in the hopes I drop better and more valuable loot. So far, not much luck.

To jog your memory, 6 years ago it was Bestiary early 2018... however I didn't start playing again until Delve league later that year. :)
Elder, shaper and uber elder were the main end game... moving them around on the atlas with their influence... quite relevant still, they are still around; just not as easy as they used to be given all the player changes over time.

If you would compare a T16 map 6 years ago, and today, they are vastly different in terms of power required to complete them. The Archnemesis leftovers are still here on rare monsters. Can anyone beat a possessed T16 essence with 8 essences and 4 mods on a rare corrupted T16 map with possibly 8 mods??

Some choices GGG made, weren't good at all over all that time. We had insane boosts in power... Harvest, awakened gems, etc. then took that away and made everything harder with Archnemesis. They tried to fix it, but ultimately made the game worse (my opinion). Now however it seems that adding extra (impossible) mods is their mojo for making the game difficult. However given how the game works... these things stack to impossible numbers, even reaching their hard coded engine limit in monsters health... Tell me how that is good for the games future?

You are right endgame is optional, just like playing Path of Exile itself is optional. It for sure isn't fundamental to be able to live lolz.
However I did reach that content before in previous leagues, and even worse, they now placed content I had access too in the first behind content I can't beat in the first week... (5th map slot) so yes, I complain about it.

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