GGG what's the point of having any stats in the game if they don't do anything?

FutureFear wrote:

I'm sorry that my build isn't up to standards only a little over week into a league... where any upgrade costs me multiple divines which I DON'T HAVE lolz!!

Yes I'm well aware of the state of my build and that it can improve a lot. The point is that 6 years ago when I started playing again this was MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Since then they incrementally increased monster difficulty but also increased the amount of investment a build needs to "beat the endgame" and do all content. While also introducing mechanics you CAN'T defend against at all.

A little over a week into the league, you know your build is sub-par defensively....and yet you are complaining about the literal HARDEST content in the game you are supposed to do? just aren't ready for it yet? Like every other game? Like your comments about how "aware" you are of the problems with your build?

It's been a week. The average joe shouldn't be blasting t17s yet. You SHOULD need to invest a significant amount of time, money, and effort into perfecting a build to do pinnacle content. What is this crap?
"I can't do the hardest content in the game in the first week so I have to write a complaint on the forum instead of improving my character!"

Sprinkle in some poor generalization of defensive mechanics and voilá, perfect rage bait.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
"I can't do the hardest content in the game in the first week so I have to write a complaint on the forum instead of improving my character!"

Sprinkle in some poor generalization of defensive mechanics and voilá, perfect rage bait.

So now giving feedback about new (and old) content is a crime?

So the new league doesn't add extra mods on monsters that weren't there last league making maps in general harder??
So now getting the 5th map slot is easier than it was previous league, since it's gated behind Uber content?
Which GGG always claimed it would remain optional to do... yet they also gated several exclusive unique drops behind those uber bosses...

The content is no longer optional to do.

ON TOP they give us modifiers where the game doesn't provide ANYTHING in terms of defense or prevention of those mods -> bloodstained sawblades among others.

So yes I will complain after a week, because last league and every league before that, uber content was optional for me, and the 5th map slot was easy to get. Which btw helps a lot in getting better/more drops in lower tier maps. Especially now with the scarab rework.

So yes I will complain about how Path of Exile's defensive system sucks and needs a drastic rework to actually make sense, instead of getting a trillion armor, life, spell suppress, evasion, energy shield, (less) damage taken as, block, resistances, etc. to not get killed by a random white trash mob.

I've never used a single scarab and still get good loot
jsuslak313 wrote:
FutureFear wrote:

I'm sorry that my build isn't up to standards only a little over week into a league... where any upgrade costs me multiple divines which I DON'T HAVE lolz!!

Yes I'm well aware of the state of my build and that it can improve a lot. The point is that 6 years ago when I started playing again this was MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Since then they incrementally increased monster difficulty but also increased the amount of investment a build needs to "beat the endgame" and do all content. While also introducing mechanics you CAN'T defend against at all.

A little over a week into the league, you know your build is sub-par defensively....and yet you are complaining about the literal HARDEST content in the game you are supposed to do? just aren't ready for it yet? Like every other game? Like your comments about how "aware" you are of the problems with your build?

It's been a week. The average joe shouldn't be blasting t17s yet. You SHOULD need to invest a significant amount of time, money, and effort into perfecting a build to do pinnacle content. What is this crap?

People claimed it was my builds fault. I didn't.
I only said I know my build can be improved and also know, just haven't got to it yet.

It doesn't change the fact that there still are problems with defenses in general, regardless of investments made into a build and however long we're in a new league.

I've been playing for 6 years, almost every league, some longer, some shorter with many different builds both good and really bad. I don't care if content is hard, I've had my fair share of experience in playing games with hard content including path of exile.

There however is a big difference in how you make content hard.
Going on the route to not provide the player with a work around or defense to certain modifiers, skills, debuffs, etc. isn't making it harder... rather impossible; even for the best players.

Some people reached T17 in day 1 of the league, while others might never reach it before the league's end.
I happen to be at a point where getting the 5th map slot is quite desired, I can handle T16 quite fine. Yet to get it I have to do the pinnacle content running and completing a T17 map. No other choice here.
Last league though, I could farm some legion get splinters run a 4 way and get it... no pinnacle content here...

I ask the same though at GGG... what is this crap?
Johny_Snow wrote:
I've never used a single scarab and still get good loot

I don't, and that's the power of unbalanced RNG at work.
FutureFear wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:
"I can't do the hardest content in the game in the first week so I have to write a complaint on the forum instead of improving my character!"

Sprinkle in some poor generalization of defensive mechanics and voilá, perfect rage bait.

So now giving feedback about new (and old) content is a crime?

So the new league doesn't add extra mods on monsters that weren't there last league making maps in general harder??
So now getting the 5th map slot is easier than it was previous league, since it's gated behind Uber content?
Which GGG always claimed it would remain optional to do... yet they also gated several exclusive unique drops behind those uber bosses...

The content is no longer optional to do.

ON TOP they give us modifiers where the game doesn't provide ANYTHING in terms of defense or prevention of those mods -> bloodstained sawblades among others.

So yes I will complain after a week, because last league and every league before that, uber content was optional for me, and the 5th map slot was easy to get. Which btw helps a lot in getting better/more drops in lower tier maps. Especially now with the scarab rework.

So yes I will complain about how Path of Exile's defensive system sucks and needs a drastic rework to actually make sense, instead of getting a trillion armor, life, spell suppress, evasion, energy shield, (less) damage taken as, block, resistances, etc. to not get killed by a random white trash mob.

What you call feedback is closer to an elaborate rant than harsh criticism. You're just venting frustrations while providing no perspective but "all of this is bad, GGG fix it"

There are also some glaring misconceptions about defenses in PoE which are an immediate red flag. E.g. you say you have 4 Endurance Charges + 1.4k armour and claim your character thus has 30% physical damage reduction. Frankly, I don't think you quite know how armour works in PoE and I can only refer you to the wiki so you understand how little your physical damage reduction actually is (it's ~18%).

Without Arcane Cloak your physical max hit is only undercut by your chaos resistance which sits at -14%. That's almost nothing.

Evasion rating is also dependent on the enemies accuracy. The 72% is an estimate against T16 mobs and it will be lower on T17 maps. Some mobs have higher accuracy than others, or have the Accurate modifier which means you'll be hit much more likely than that assumption.

I find it very interesting that you consider this a highend character that should be able to run T17 maps without any problems. It's likely fine for most other content with the occasional rip to physical or chaos damage, but that's not the point.

I mean, the fact you even list XP penalty even, or think you should not take damage from Burning Ground if you cap your fire resistance... dude what? You say bleed flask mod doesn't help vs CB, but it does? And what's that complaint about cast on stun builds? Who even runs those? No built is denied by monsters being unaffected by curses. You can still curse them, they just don't suffer a negative effect from it; things like Hexblast still work.

Other mods like cannot suppress spell damage, cannot block etc. can be rolled over if inconvenient. You are supposed to find a combination that you can deal with, much like with Valdo Maps. Path of Exile is a puzzle of finding solutions to many challenges the game throws at you, and T17 is the pinnacle of it. It isn't supposed to be easy to run them. And with a character like the one you're giving as an example it's no wonder why that endeavor so far wasn't fruitful.

There are just so many objectionable points in your post. Things that you state incorrectly, facts you get wrong. I understand that endgame is hard and dying sucks, but you should rather see that as an opportunity to learn more about the game.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Apr 9, 2024, 12:21:56 PM
ArtCrusade wrote:

What you call feedback is closer to an elaborate rant than harsh criticism. You're just venting frustrations while providing no perspective but "all of this is bad, GGG fix it"

I'm quite sorry I didn't write an essay on how GGG should improve their game.
Not my job really... if they paid me, sure I write it.

ArtCrusade wrote:

There are also some glaring misconceptions about defenses in PoE which are an immediate red flag. E.g. you say you have 4 Endurance Charges + 1.4k armour and claim your character thus has 30% physical damage reduction. Frankly, I don't think you quite know how armour works in PoE and I can only refer you to the wiki so you understand how little your physical damage reduction actually is (it's ~18%).

The irony is that even after 6 years of playing the game, people still don't know everything there is to know about it... I rather call that concerning than good though...
Yes I don't know everything about path of exile... forgive me I didn't get that PHD yet.

Also the game doesn't provide much information on defenses, unless we open a third party tool like Path of building to get more in depth information or look up the wiki. Also quite concerning that a game requires the help of their player base to create a tool for that or you need to consult a website to find the info you need and find out that what we see in game on our tooltips is complete b*llsh*t.

Note my in game character tooltip says: "estimated physical damage 35%" a bit higher since I changed some gear since my post.. slowly improving, right.

ArtCrusade wrote:

Without Arcane Cloak your physical max hit is only undercut by your chaos resistance which sits at -14%. That's almost nothing.

Cool - so now I know I still have to find the missing 89% chaos resistance.
Thank you.
Note boots costs me 19 divines... if I don't want to give up stats, or other defenses and damage.
Sorry for not having dropped a mirror yet this league.

ArtCrusade wrote:

Evasion rating is also dependent on the enemies accuracy. The 72% is an estimate against T16 mobs and it will be lower on T17 maps. Some mobs have higher accuracy than others, or have the Accurate modifier which means you'll be hit much more likely than that assumption.

True, the wiki provides that information quite well.
Now tell me where I can find that in game though?

ArtCrusade wrote:

I find it very interesting that you consider this a highend character that should be able to run T17 maps without any problems. It's likely fine for most other content with the occasional rip to physical or chaos damage, but that's not the point.

I never claimed my build is highend. I did state compared to 6 years ago (Delve league) this would have been high end. To highlight how much the game has changed since. Back then there was no issue doing the "normal" end game with such a character.
However since the rework of defenses they did and ongoing removal of some defensive stats on notables in the tree and our ascendancies; the amount of investment required to do similar end game content has changed drastically...
And no I'm not talking about pinnacle content even the difficulty of bosses like minotaur, shaper, elder were affected by all those changes.

ArtCrusade wrote:

I mean, the fact you even list XP penalty even, or think you should not take damage from Burning Ground if you cap your fire resistance... dude what? You say bleed flask mod doesn't help vs CB, but it does? And what's that complaint about cast on stun builds? Who even runs those? No built is denied by monsters being unaffected by curses. You can still curse them, they just don't suffer a negative effect from it; things like Hexblast still work.

Yep the exp penalty is something I never liked in any game for that matter. Simply because you can lose several hours of gameplay in a single millisecond when you die. Even more so if they add or have debuffs, ground effects, map mods, etc. that you can't defend against. Yes they do exist - this league even on a T1 map with the crimson township boss -> there is no defense against his debuff.

As for burning ground. The logical thing would be that fire resistance does help against, it's a fire damage ground effect after all... burning damage is by my understanding of the world still linked to fire and not cold, chaos, lightning physical or poison... However in path of exile it's a complete stand alone ground effect that you can protect yourself from via a pantheon (or flask).

I never stated directly that bleeding flask doesn't help against corrupted blood. However the enchant you place on it "used when you start bleeding" doesn't trigger when you only have stacks of corrupted blood on you. Thus you can still die from it if you didn't notice it in time to use your flask. Sure a corrupted jewel helps to become immune, however it beats the entire purpose of having that mod on your flask in the first place... if the enchant doesn't trigger your flask with CB.

No one playing Cast on stun... so a chieftain DD cast on stun isn't a thing with Immutable Force... I wonder what I played last league then..? O.o

Where did I say hexblast doesn't work with with reduced curse effect?
-> I did say that it prevents certain builds from dealing damage, some builds rely on curses to deal the majority of their damage.

ArtCrusade wrote:

Other mods like cannot suppress spell damage, cannot block etc. can be rolled over if inconvenient. You are supposed to find a combination that you can deal with, much like with Valdo Maps. Path of Exile is a puzzle of finding solutions to many challenges the game throws at you, and T17 is the pinnacle of it. It isn't supposed to be easy to run them. And with a character like the one you're giving as an example it's no wonder why that endeavor so far wasn't fruitful.

Sure, they can be rerolled if you have the chaos orbs for it. It is entirely RNG based though, with some bad luck you could spend quite a few orbs on it.

Valdo maps is really optional content. T17 and Uber bosses aren't anymore when GGG decided to gate the 5th map slot and several unique items behind them.

Also it's not because I mentioned mods from T17 maps, that they were/are the main reason for my post here. I simply added them as a good (new) example.
I also never claimed my build should be able to do them at this stage. It's also pointless to do so and claim that it should, since I only ran 2 T17 and bricked both for obvious reasons. Reason I stated I'm aware of several times.

I did however state the current defenses my character had at the time and wondered why non of them seem to help against preventing one-shots from obvious damage types.
The reason that triggered me to make this post was simply because I bricked a normal Cortex map with maven witness. Getting one-shot by the obvious lightning damage the boss deals... where well lightning resistance doesn't seem to be thing... nor any other of my defense layers it seems.
With some quick research he converts phys to chaos only for 50% on most of skills, thus spells dealing 50% physical damage... and yet look like a simple lightning skill... however the game doesn't give me that information... only POEDB does.

ArtCrusade wrote:

There are just so many objectionable points in your post. Things that you state incorrectly, facts you get wrong. I understand that endgame is hard and dying sucks, but you should rather see that as an opportunity to learn more about the game.

As mentioned previously, I don't play games to get a PHD in them. They are meant to be fun, however (my opinion) is that currently I'm not having fun with the current state of the game. And if it was one league, I'm fine with it... but after 6 years I've seen Path of Exile becoming worse each league adding a bit on top each time... especially nemesis.

I'm also sorry that I rather want to play the actual game, than searching the Wiki and play "Path of building" instead of Path of Exile" to figure out what's killing me.

The game simply doesn't provide enough information for a player to create a decent character that is able to do pinnacle content... let alone normal end game content. The fact that people don't see that's a problem is part of the problem.
Imagine going into Path of Exile 2 where you don't have all those external tools... and face the same difficulty and lack of information to create/build your character, because the game doesn't provide it to you?
Would that be fun?

Just change the word game to program or app... If either one would require another program or app to be able to work properly that would be considered a really bad program. Why would games be any different?

Last edited by FutureFear on Apr 9, 2024, 2:43:17 PM
I don't have a lot to say that hasn't already been said, but it's certainly worth noting that the overwhelming majority of damage dealt by non-bosses in this game is physical.

So a character without very good physical damage mitigation does not have good defenses, regardless of what their other resistances are.
Not to mention if you have no defenses your only defense offense right? Well you don't have that either.
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