GGG what's the point of having any stats in the game if they don't do anything?

FutureFear wrote:

I'm sorry that my build isn't up to standards only a little over week into a league... where any upgrade costs me multiple divines which I DON'T HAVE lolz!!

Yes I'm well aware of the state of my build and that it can improve a lot. The point is that 6 years ago when I started playing again this was MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Since then they incrementally increased monster difficulty but also increased the amount of investment a build needs to "beat the endgame" and do all content. While also introducing mechanics you CAN'T defend against at all.

Over time its either "play the meta build" or have a shit build...

In most cases for most builds it's also either go tanky and deal no damage at all... or deal a ton of damage and die if you get hit. Want both, well spend a trillion hours in game and a billion mirrors to make sure you can kill that essence on a T16...

I also happen to have 1395 ES leech, and 343 regen according to POB. Still room for improvement, but not that bad.

Sorry but you made the choice to league start a build like that. Those ivory tower builds have to stack ES, mana strength and intelligence and stat stacking in general is hella expensive. On top of that, ES builds are generally harder to get good defenses going due to the item choices they typically have to make. To top it all off you picked a skill setup that basically requires melee range which increases defensive requirements..

Yes, you are right, 6 years of powercreep means that defensive standards from back then no longer work well today, big surprise. But the player power has grown at least just as much so unless you fuck up there isn't really a problem.
This isn't even about meta builds.
I can pick pretty much any skill there is in this game throw a bunch of 5c rare items at it and end up with better survivability than yours. You just had to pick a build that requires lots of investment before it works properly and is defensively weak in general. If you were good at making money that would be fine but from your talk you aren't good at that so now you're stuck with a weak build and no money.

Sure, the game got harder compared to 6 years ago, but that doesn't change the fact that most of your problems are a direct consequence of your own choices. You can just pretend it's the games fault but it won't get you anywhere.
Last edited by Baharoth15 on Apr 8, 2024, 12:39:43 PM
Nomancs wrote:
This is in wrong section, should be in „help”, people there can help you fix this build.

If I needed help fixing the build, I could ask the creator, watch his videos or open his build guide in POB. I'm well aware I'm missing some things and they're quite expensive to fix.

What I posted is not a cry for help with my build but a fundamental flaw in Path Of Exile's game design. Things like "cannot" "Immune" "100% reduced & chance" are game breaking moddifiers.

If game designers have to resort to such mechanics in order to make content harder, they just failed at their job. Especially if there is no way for players to work around it OR if the work around is not achievable within a reasonable timespan.

Stats should also have meaning and impact... but if you need 20K plus energy shield, 30K mana, 90% hard capped resist all T1 or T0 stats and all max rolled, a ton of armor, spell suppress, block and so on ... to beat certain content... well that content is for 0,000001% of players... then I ask myself what's the point of creating that content if no one can enjoy it?

On top they locked something that used to be easy to get -> your 5th map slot; behind uber content (T17 maps). Add to that uber bosses now have their own unique drop pool even adding to the need to beat those bosses.

So no this post is where it's supposed to be, in the feedback section.
Not to mention that you need forbidden jewels to really make this build work.
Making bad, incomplete build is not GGG fault tho. I don’t need nor have anything you listed and I do T17 and ubers without much issues.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Baharoth15 wrote:
FutureFear wrote:

I'm sorry that my build isn't up to standards only a little over week into a league... where any upgrade costs me multiple divines which I DON'T HAVE lolz!!

Yes I'm well aware of the state of my build and that it can improve a lot. The point is that 6 years ago when I started playing again this was MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Since then they incrementally increased monster difficulty but also increased the amount of investment a build needs to "beat the endgame" and do all content. While also introducing mechanics you CAN'T defend against at all.

Over time its either "play the meta build" or have a shit build...

In most cases for most builds it's also either go tanky and deal no damage at all... or deal a ton of damage and die if you get hit. Want both, well spend a trillion hours in game and a billion mirrors to make sure you can kill that essence on a T16...

I also happen to have 1395 ES leech, and 343 regen according to POB. Still room for improvement, but not that bad.

Sorry but you made the choice to league start a build like that. Those ivory tower builds have to stack ES, mana strength and intelligence and stat stacking in general is hella expensive. On top of that, ES builds are generally harder to get good defenses going due to the item choices they typically have to make. To top it all off you picked a skill setup that basically requires melee range which increases defensive requirements..

Yes, you are right, 6 years of powercreep means that defensive standards from back then no longer work well today, big surprise. But the player power has grown at least just as much so unless you fuck up there isn't really a problem.
This isn't even about meta builds.
I can pick pretty much any skill there is in this game throw a bunch of 5c rare items at it and end up with better survivability than yours. You just had to pick a build that requires lots of investment before it works properly and is defensively weak in general. If you were good at making money that would be fine but from your talk you aren't good at that so now you're stuck with a weak build and no money.

Sure, the game got harder compared to 6 years ago, but that doesn't change the fact that most of your problems are a direct consequence of your own choices. You can just pretend it's the games fault but it won't get you anywhere.

I like to play what seems fun to me to play. I've played many different builds over those 6 years. A lot of them were meta builds, now I picked something else from a guy that seems to understand Path of exile quite well; doing deep delve at 6K+ depth.
I'm also aware that my build is still lacking and needs a lot more improvements the build guide is quite clear on that; thank you.

The fact that you're able to pick any other skills and random rare gear and have better defense is in fact the essence of the problem lolz. Where is the balance in that?
How can GGG honestly say that this is good game design?
Baharoth15 wrote:
FutureFear wrote:

I'm sorry that my build isn't up to standards only a little over week into a league... where any upgrade costs me multiple divines which I DON'T HAVE lolz!!

Yes I'm well aware of the state of my build and that it can improve a lot. The point is that 6 years ago when I started playing again this was MORE THAN ENOUGH.
Since then they incrementally increased monster difficulty but also increased the amount of investment a build needs to "beat the endgame" and do all content. While also introducing mechanics you CAN'T defend against at all.

Over time its either "play the meta build" or have a shit build...

In most cases for most builds it's also either go tanky and deal no damage at all... or deal a ton of damage and die if you get hit. Want both, well spend a trillion hours in game and a billion mirrors to make sure you can kill that essence on a T16...

I also happen to have 1395 ES leech, and 343 regen according to POB. Still room for improvement, but not that bad.

Sorry but you made the choice to league start a build like that. Those ivory tower builds have to stack ES, mana strength and intelligence and stat stacking in general is hella expensive. On top of that, ES builds are generally harder to get good defenses going due to the item choices they typically have to make. To top it all off you picked a skill setup that basically requires melee range which increases defensive requirements..

Yes, you are right, 6 years of powercreep means that defensive standards from back then no longer work well today, big surprise. But the player power has grown at least just as much so unless you fuck up there isn't really a problem.
This isn't even about meta builds.
I can pick pretty much any skill there is in this game throw a bunch of 5c rare items at it and end up with better survivability than yours. You just had to pick a build that requires lots of investment before it works properly and is defensively weak in general. If you were good at making money that would be fine but from your talk you aren't good at that so now you're stuck with a weak build and no money.

Sure, the game got harder compared to 6 years ago, but that doesn't change the fact that most of your problems are a direct consequence of your own choices. You can just pretend it's the games fault but it won't get you anywhere.

good argument there, but imagine someone starting just this year.

for a player who have been keeping up from the beginning, or from 6 years ago, going through buffs/nerfs/patch notes. yeah I'm sure you don't need much brains to follow what GGG paves for.

but jumping into this game as a newbie, and with some basic arpg knowledge, people are gonna find themselves at loss or lost to the depth this game is in right now. I have read poewiki article about armour and items, and other unique interactions to know how some things work in this game, but realistically, does this have to be like this?

i enjoy this game, no doubt, but it's getting tiring to do all this to even enjoy content. In some leagues, I nail it if I go for my regular builds, if I wanna start something new, I have to start all over again, from the basics to understand the interaction/scaling/ascendancy for that skill/character. burying myself onto some guide or wiki. lmao.
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024
FutureFear wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
This is in wrong section, should be in „help”, people there can help you fix this build.

If I needed help fixing the build, I could ask the creator, watch his videos or open his build guide in POB. I'm well aware I'm missing some things and they're quite expensive to fix.


Your flask doesn't even have a prefix. Is an orb of augment too expensive?

Are proper basetype flasks and half decent rolls expensive? Where's the topaz and the sapphire flask?
What about missing a flat mana aura, a lvl 1-3 gem from the vendor to minmax your body armour?
Those 6 regret orbs to unspec storm weaver and the life mastery sure are going to set you back.

There is so much basic essential stuff missing that you can fix for 5c or less.
FutureFear wrote:

The fact that you're able to pick any other skills and random rare gear and have better defense is in fact the essence of the problem lolz. Where is the balance in that?
How can GGG honestly say that this is good game design?

Different items/builds being good at different things and choices actually having consequences IS good game design. As far as i am concerned at least.

Some builds work great with just a couple of chaos invested but cap out rather early in terms of progression like DD for example, others like yours have a sky high ceiling for gear progression but are weak at low investment.
Some skills are good for bosses, others for maps and some are in between.

A game where every item and every skill was just a recolored version of the same thing wouldn't be interesting. If you are into that, play MMOS, most of them have itemization on that level.

It's your job as a player to consider those factors and pick a build you can work with. Obviously you can also chose to just ignore all of it and play whatever you like but doing so obviously will have consequences and apparently you don't like those so...

but jumping into this game as a newbie, and with some basic arpg knowledge, people are gonna find themselves at loss or lost to the depth this game is in right now. I have read poewiki article about armour and items, and other unique interactions to know how some things work in this game, but realistically, does this have to be like this?

This game is literally marketed as a "hardcore" game. GGG themselves said that on countless occassions. Casual players who just want to dip their toes into an arpg are not the target audience. POE having a ridiculously high learning curve is common knowledge and even if you somehow manage to install this game without knowing that you'll learn it before you even get out of the campaign. At that point you can decide to pull through and learn or leave. If you decide for the latter then this game obviously wasn't for you. Not every game needs to cater to people who aren't willing to put in any effort and just want free lunch.
Last edited by Baharoth15 on Apr 8, 2024, 1:32:16 PM
defences have got pretty absurd in their requirements these days and GGG increasingly use content that doesn't have any viable baseline as the next difficulty so it is kinda mandatory.

If you cut that top off however (which is basically T17s and Ubers) you get back to the old way stats used to work and you can get by with significantly less and some game knowledge.

In OP's case i'd take a glance at the character in PoB and instantly be like this will get gibbed by phys spells or mass trash and i'd write it off for HC. That's both good because it means the game has good depth for its defences but also bad because i've got serious game knowledge and i'm using a third party tool to weigh said stats.

Most threads like this come down to the player learning enough about the game to know how to build defences but I do personally think GGG have gone way too far on the content we are expected to run now and I preferred when values were more tame - both ours and enemies.

I get a bit bored looking at a character and working out which of the X prescribed defensive setups i'll use this time and when I don't I usually rip before anything particularly interesting.

Sometimes I miss the simplicity of playing glad and being like that's mapping covered completely (from 75/75 block) so I can do w/e I want with the rest :p
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Apr 8, 2024, 1:45:00 PM
Scarletsword wrote:
FutureFear wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
This is in wrong section, should be in „help”, people there can help you fix this build.

If I needed help fixing the build, I could ask the creator, watch his videos or open his build guide in POB. I'm well aware I'm missing some things and they're quite expensive to fix.


Your flask doesn't even have a prefix. Is an orb of augment too expensive?

Are proper basetype flasks and half decent rolls expensive? Where's the topaz and the sapphire flask?
What about missing a flat mana aura, a lvl 1-3 gem from the vendor to minmax your body armour?
Those 6 regret orbs to unspec storm weaver and the life mastery sure are going to set you back.

There is so much basic essential stuff missing that you can fix for 5c or less.

Hooray you discovered that my prefix on my flask will fix my defenses... lolz.

Where would I put that gem my friend?
My sockets are pretty much filled.
On top I would have to link it with arrogance support, thus would need 2 sockets. to gain what 200 extra life reserved = 60 max ES...
Not worth it to lose any of my other skills.

Those 6 point are doing their job just fine giving me the same amount of DPS as divine judgement with 1 less point to spend as the build would suggest.
Eventually they are spend somewhere else for sure, once I have the right amount of skill point to spend for another cluster jewel. (only lvl 93...)

The life mastery, sure I give ya that, that's a lost point from well yesterday before I spend 20 divines buying upgrades like Indigon, belt, ring and boots.

I'm also deeply sorry that I'm human, have a life outside path of exile and can't spend 16 hours/day in the game. It happens you now.

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