GGG what's the point of having any stats in the game if they don't do anything?

mnieradko wrote:
Imagine a person who has played many other ARPGs comes into this game and builds a character with decent armor rating, decent block, and maxed baseline res (75%). They die constantly and inexplicably in mapping to literally anything short of the weakest white monster melee hit or arrow/bullet, even with rolled mobs that have nothing threatening beyond "monsters do 25% more damage" or something.

Then you tell them "nah your current character build really has no defenses, and oh make sure you don't go near the monsters or stand still for more than 0.1 seconds."

Then you tell them "no armor isn't really good against physical damage, you need so and so that grants physical damage reduction %," to which they reply "but isn't that the point of armor?" and you say "not in this game, git gud."

They will probably just laugh and go back to the games they played.

Ok but can we take a moment to appreciate the complete comedy of these two posts being side by side.

Baharoth15 wrote:
It's not that defensive stats do nothing, you are just completely mistaken on the numbers required.

Physically you have essentially no armor, only 4 endurance charges. That's less than 20% total mitigation there. A rare hitting for 5k phys is on the lower end of things in t16 maps and if that happens twice you are already dead.

Elemental wise you have again your hp pool and 75 res. The game is based around having 75 res. It's designed in a way where you'll still take noticable damage from normal mobs in white t16 maps while having that amount of resistance. You most likely aren't running your maps white though.

Chaos, well again you have your mana pool and every chaos hit dealt to you does extra damage because of your lacking res.

Your EHP is actually "good enough" to not get oneshot by trash mobs but rares and most map bosses in red maps have attacks that can oneshot you at this level of defense, even without map mods. That said, i'd take bets that most of your deaths aren't from actual oneshot i.e 1 attack killing you, but from getting hit by a ton of stuff in quick succession. After all you have really low recovery 160 ES leech and 300 ES regen is as good as nothing.
Even a couple of spiders hitting for like 500 damage each can pick you apart in less than a second if there are enough of them. With "enough" meaning ~10 which again, in this game and with it's mob density is like nothing.

You basically take a leather jacket to a gun fight and complain that it hurts when you get shot. You think you are tanky but frankly, your build is a glass cannon. Your ES pool is nothing to write home about and you have less than what i'd consider even basic mitigation on all fronts.

A scion may be born of the rich, and as such hold more opportunity...
but a scion will never be able to appreciate the finer beauty of those less fortunate.
I POB'd his char there's nothing that can fix it hes like made out of paper man.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Baharoth15 wrote:

but jumping into this game as a newbie, and with some basic arpg knowledge, people are gonna find themselves at loss or lost to the depth this game is in right now. I have read poewiki article about armour and items, and other unique interactions to know how some things work in this game, but realistically, does this have to be like this?

This game is literally marketed as a "hardcore" game. GGG themselves said that on countless occassions. Casual players who just want to dip their toes into an arpg are not the target audience. POE having a ridiculously high learning curve is common knowledge and even if you somehow manage to install this game without knowing that you'll learn it before you even get out of the campaign. At that point you can decide to pull through and learn or leave. If you decide for the latter then this game obviously wasn't for you. Not every game needs to cater to people who aren't willing to put in any effort and just want free lunch.

I started around the end of Sentinel, hit Act 6 and damn that's a big wall, I looked up so many guides, to understand how to fix my character, and next league took advice from longtime players and followed a cyclone guide, made it to maps, and hit a wall around yellow maps.

skillcheck, and defence check, are nice, I enjoyed building around that to clear that. until there comes a point where it gets into ridiculous territory. now GGG has given me an upper ceiling that I have to breach, it's so ridiculously high, that I literally have to detach from my other IRL stuff. at this point, the game's not worth it for me, or in other words, I am not cut out for this.

Big picture, they are slowly raising the bar, where only the core 10000 players remain. and I understand this marketing too, where 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of users. in this case for GGG, it could be 99% revenue from 1% of users.

I used to be in that core pool, playing throughout some leagues, I enjoyed Ancestors a lot, and I spent some dollars on this game, not as much as some people with banner /badge walls, but a big portion of my daily income.

Now I fell out of that core pool. thats all
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024
Just play detonate dead Necro if you want to be tanky
iParadoxG wrote:

Now I fell out of that core pool. thats all

Nothing wrong with that, i am in the same boat though for other reasons. Consequently my play time has dropped massively over the last few years. I still pick it up occassionaly but i honestly can't deal with it for more than a few hours per season at this point. There are plenty other games to explore so if this one isn't for you, just move on.
honestly I get his argument, baseline defenses of just armor/es/ev are significantly weaker than years ago. 10k armor used to be a high amount for a lot of builds when acrobatics was a thing.

This kind of build would have been extremely tanky not too long ago, now people for some reason think it is paper. Every character shouldn't need to run multiple defensive auras, but unless you have grace and determination. Usually people arguing that defenses need multiple layers are running mageblood with defiance of destiny anyway, their entire build would fall apart with a well rolled rare.

I ain't going to offer advice because that isn't the point, but personally I am playing a champion with 42k armor and evasion, suppression and fortify, and I feel like I am made out of paper. I can't imagine what people who don't have those as a baseline are feeling. The monsters have really gotten out of hand to the point where making a glass cannon is truly the only answer. Can't kill me if they are dead, I got six portals for a reason.
Exactly 600 deaths so far!
roundishcap wrote:
honestly I get his argument, baseline defenses of just armor/es/ev are significantly weaker than years ago. 10k armor used to be a high amount for a lot of builds when acrobatics was a thing.

This kind of build would have been extremely tanky not too long ago, now people for some reason think it is paper. Every character shouldn't need to run multiple defensive auras, but unless you have grace and determination. Usually people arguing that defenses need multiple layers are running mageblood with defiance of destiny anyway, their entire build would fall apart with a well rolled rare.

I ain't going to offer advice because that isn't the point, but personally I am playing a champion with 42k armor and evasion, suppression and fortify, and I feel like I am made out of paper. I can't imagine what people who don't have those as a baseline are feeling. The monsters have really gotten out of hand to the point where making a glass cannon is truly the only answer. Can't kill me if they are dead, I got six portals for a reason.

besides the monster mods, map mods. there are people in this game with wild gear who make a character that goes well above 2 or 3 mil for armour, that shouldn't be possible, but I like they try to check the upper limits of the game, GGG should put a ceiling on it, instead of making an admirable 40k a paper defence. there should be a point of diminishing return well within achievable reach.

unrelated eg. armour capped by overcapped res, with res scaling to moooon with some broken gear interaction should never exist, lol.
player agency, where?

"do you guys not have phones?" - blizz 2018
"do you guys not have 2 monitors, 3 overlays, 4 discord, 5 websites, 6 loot filters?" - ggg or smth 2024
"deal with it" - ggg, 2024
you're getting a lot of forum warriors who never die and only have good builds that never fall over instantly to white mobs in maps with no damage mods. Never.

They are far FAR better players than all the HC players who are constantly ripping instantly on tanky builds.

Because they don't play the actual game they just make it up in their head.

Now I'm not saying your specific build is good but I recognize your premise as being very accurate. And so does the the best player in the games history.

The basic issues is that GGG only just learned what "Time til death" design means. And used none of that in the making of POE so instant death is very normal for tanky characters that are built correctly. Because most deaths in the game are actually just effectively dice rolls.

Again this is straight from the mouth of the best POE player (see sig) don't listen to the elite forum warriors they're playing a narrative version of POE where making a solid build allows them to do what you can not do because they are just THAT GOOD at the game unlike you and... well Ben_.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Apr 8, 2024, 2:58:31 PM
FutureFear wrote:
Your build is a leaf and you wonder why it gets blown around in the wind? LMAO

And how does telling me this help improve my build?

The fact that it's still a leaf with those stats is what's wrong lolz.

Recovery is the number one defensive layer, especially when you have very little mitigation like in this setup. Take any leech wheel and then take the instant leech mastery and watch yourself die 5% as much as you used too.

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