Buff difficulty of regular content

Reinhart wrote:
Nothing stops you to make your own private league with additional modifiers if you want an increase in difficulty.

If you're willing to sponsor it for me and provide some economy I could play with (yes, playing economy is fun). I think 1k slots will be perfect, when we can start?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Dec 30, 2023, 4:08:00 AM
Nomancs wrote:
Reinhart wrote:
Nothing stops you to make your own private league with additional modifiers if you want an increase in difficulty.

If you're willing to sponsor it for me and provide some economy I could play with (yes, playing economy is fun).

Not just that, being able to play any build you like, or just mess around with silly ideas is also more fun. The sort of fun a private league or ssf can't really provide with the same very few repetitive "budget" friendly builds cause build viability gets largely killed thanks to the lack of mandatory or build enabling items, crafting materials to make crafting projects possible and whatnot.

Reinhart wrote:

Also the game is not easier than in 2013.

The game is a lot easier every since they expanded into more and more character power, various of crazy items and all the other stuff like easy leveling, currency around every corner and all the other stuff.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Dec 30, 2023, 4:15:56 AM
Pashid wrote:

Reinhart wrote:

Also the game is not easier than in 2013.

The game is a lot easier every since they expanded into more and more character power, various of crazy items and all the other stuff like easy leveling, currency around every corner and all the other stuff.

+1 to this, influenced items, double influenced items, elevated mods, influenced implicits, awakened gems just tip of the iceberg. I remember when triple T1 resist was a thing.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
cacmeister wrote:
Let us see that 40/40 SSF, HC or SSFHC next league then let’s talk about the game being too easy.

You know 40/40 isn't hard right? That's just time investment stop doing that.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Coconutdoggy wrote:
cacmeister wrote:
Let us see that 40/40 SSF, HC or SSFHC next league then let’s talk about the game being too easy.

You know 40/40 isn't hard right? That's just time investment stop doing that.

Again, another player who constantly gets 40/40 and is so rich as to trivialize the game near league start telling others getting 40/40 is easy. This discussion is a magnet for people who are completely detached from the reality most players are going through.

Honestly, if anything needs to be made "harder", GGG should start by making challenges required to be completed solo from start to finish.

Beating an uber boss isn't easy for most people. Instead of allowing the challenge to beat several of them be commodified via boss kill services, you should be required to make a build strong enough to handle them yourself. You can't have another player with you at any point in the encounter. The moment someone else enters the arena, you immediately forfeit the challenge and have to try it again by opening new portals.

And as a consequence, GGG might start making more reasonable challenges consistently to account for players not being able to just buy their completion. That would be nice. It's the only reason I never got a 40/40 ever until last league. I want challenges to actually be challenges, not goods and services that are so difficult that you must pay someone with an ungodly powerful build, or is so niche that it can only be done by someone else since your build mechanically can't complete it. You didn't earn it if you had to pay someone to finish it for you.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Dec 30, 2023, 9:06:38 AM
Pizzarugi wrote:
Coconutdoggy wrote:
cacmeister wrote:
Let us see that 40/40 SSF, HC or SSFHC next league then let’s talk about the game being too easy.

You know 40/40 isn't hard right? That's just time investment stop doing that.

Again, another player who constantly gets 40/40 and is so rich as to trivialize the game near league start telling others getting 40/40 is easy. This discussion is a magnet for people who are completely detached from the reality most players are going through.

Honestly, if anything needs to be made "harder", GGG should start by making challenges required to be completed solo from start to finish.

Beating an uber boss isn't easy for most people. Instead of allowing the challenge to beat several of them be commodified via boss kill services, you should be required to make a build strong enough to handle them yourself. You can't have another player with you at any point in the encounter. The moment someone else enters the arena, you immediately forfeit the challenge and have to try it again by opening new portals.

And as a consequence, GGG might start making more reasonable challenges consistently to account for players not being able to just buy their completion. That would be nice. It's the only reason I never got a 40/40 ever until last league. I want challenges to actually be challenges, not goods and services that are so difficult that you must pay someone with an ungodly powerful build, or is so niche that it can only be done by someone else since your build mechanically can't complete it. You didn't earn it if you had to pay someone to finish it for you.

It's very easy I don't know what you're rambling about; Get a proper char and there you go done and if you don't well okay go pay for it that's your choice.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Dec 30, 2023, 10:20:35 AM
Pizzarugi wrote:
This discussion is a magnet for people who are completely detached from the reality most players are going through.

Thing is, most people didn't beat Hillock in first zone. Among my friend list I'm the average guy, some people are a lot better, some are a bit slower than me. I write this, because "most people" shouldn't be used as a metric, as only GGG knows the data.

I think important part of my first post was missed, I will rephrase it:
What I suspect is, that league content (whisp empowered maps) are desired difficulty by GGG (because of power creep). Gap between regular content and juiced league content is big, and I would like for GGG to buff regular content (and old leagues) so it wouldn't be so much easier than league stuff (for more smooth experience/transition). Also skipping white and yellow (and red) maps should be turned back into progression (as right now we can just blast them just after finishing campaign)
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Pizzarugi wrote:
Beating an uber boss isn't easy for most people. Instead of allowing the challenge to beat several of them be commodified via boss kill services, you should be required to make a build strong enough to handle them yourself. You can't have another player with you at any point in the encounter. The moment someone else enters the arena, you immediately forfeit the challenge and have to try it again by opening new portals.
That would just lead to gear renting services or some such thing. Only real "self" is SSF. Just showing challenge completion differently for SSF/HC/SSFHC would already fix that. They wouldnt need to change anything else. Easy extra bragging rights for those playing harder modes.
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Nomancs wrote:
Pizzarugi wrote:
This discussion is a magnet for people who are completely detached from the reality most players are going through.

Thing is, most people didn't beat Hillock in first zone. Among my friend list I'm the average guy, some people are a lot better, some are a bit slower than me. I write this, because "most people" shouldn't be used as a metric, as only GGG knows the data.
GGG has shared such data in the past for challenge completion (IIRC).
And you can also extract such data from ladders (less useful in league SC trade cause its overfull but for harder modes, look at Delirium SSF HC event for example, full of failed low levels).
No wonder it's lost, it's in the middle of the jungle!
Bump your post as many times as you want. Its not like the Devs are changing anything your way anyways. Probably shouldn't abuse it though, could get you in trouble 😊.
Last edited by Chickenwink on Dec 31, 2023, 1:34:28 AM

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