Buff difficulty of regular content

ArtCrusade wrote:
exsea wrote:
POE1 remains uninstalled. tho GGG could entice me to reinstall if at the very least made league content available on standard whenever a new league launches. even then thats just a huge if.

Safe to say you'll not reinstall PoE1 then

quite safe tbh.
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Pashid wrote:
Dxt44 wrote:
Guys complaining about difficulty while playing easy mode... yikes

Hence the obvious request to adjust the game to add difficulty to the current easy mode state of game. shocking concept lol

Request? You have hard mode at the moment, just it's too hard to many like you.
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Dxt44 wrote:

Request? You have hard mode at the moment, just it's too hard to many like you.

Hard mode does not make the base game difficulty harder.
Sorry that you confuse both the core game and the game mode all the time :)
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Dxt44 wrote:
Pashid wrote:
Dxt44 wrote:
Guys complaining about difficulty while playing easy mode... yikes

Hence the obvious request to adjust the game to add difficulty to the current easy mode state of game. shocking concept lol

Request? You have hard mode at the moment, just it's too hard to many like you.

As someone playing HCSSF you are very mistaken about the difficulty... T16s are a joke while T17s need some serious rebalancing to be a solid step between T16s and uber pinnacles. The difficulty curve is all messed up.

T17s will likely be addressed in 3.25, but that doesn't change that the base game is easy as can be. That's what the thread is about. That's the point you keep missing
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
t17 not hard enough for you ? or are you complaining they are too hard ? make up your minds

poe maps before t14 are boring.
new players entering map dont even have anything. yeah, farming essences !
and there are no mods in private leagues to make it easier when on the other hand you can make it as hard as you want.

so it s a bit more complex than "make it harder". you have plenty of options.
SerialF wrote:
t17 not hard enough for you ? or are you complaining they are too hard ? make up your minds

poe maps before t14 are boring.
new players entering map dont even have anything. yeah, farming essences !
and there are no mods in private leagues to make it easier when on the other hand you can make it as hard as you want.

so it s a bit more complex than "make it harder". you have plenty of options.

Read the topic, we’re talking about making campaign and maps till late reds more in line with endgame/league stuff. People who end campaign can often jump to early red maps. We want it to be balanced out to compensate for power creep.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
POE is not too easy. Its plenty fucking hard. Anyone who thinks it's too easy has got some combination of exceptional amounts of free time, or are exceptionally skilled, prepared and practiced (like Ben) or they're playing creative mode and complaining that the easy mode needs to be harder.

Either way POE should never have been balanced based on those. Imagine designing a game to be fun only for .01% of the playerbase lol. Its the main problem with the game, in trying to; "make TyTy Killer take at least a week" (Chris Wilson quote) they have squashed the fun and build diversity out of the game With Archnem and across the board nerfs to supports a couple years backs now. It destroyed anything thats not try hard and min maxed with 100 divines (hyperbole but still) and resulted in the game having 1 easy mode and 6 hard/no life grind modes. I have to say I think I hate POE's direction more the further we get from Harvest where I could make all kinds of cool and fun shit work out.

If you think the game is too easy for an average to above average player watch Quin play. I think the assertion is pure BS, and can be proven by watching such a player play the game.

Personally I find the game either off puttingly hard/tedious or stupidly trivial. Depending on if I'm playing creative mode or one of the 6 hard modes. Part of my problem is I expect an ARPG to be an ARPG: character build and gear checks and not reflexes and games of Simon.

Ofc its a curve right? The more free time or skill or willingness to let others do your gaming for you; the more your view is going to diverge from normal average gamers.

My view is the game is plenty hard in all the non easy modes. Too hard if I'm being honest. I can't just have fun and make a cool build any more unless I do it in SC trade. In which case the game is stupid easy.

I despair of GGG getting valid feedback on the game due to this massive divide in viewpoints on the game.

Watch Quin play something ethical and spend 3 weeks min maxing only to insta die to some dumb un-signaled RNG game over screen bullshit. Too easy? What are you even on about?

Watch Alk play Ruthless for like 8 or 9 days before giving up in Yellow maps. Hard enough to make arguably the games biggest melee try hard just quit.

Who is supposed to enjoy a game that's balanced to be Hard for Ben or Alk? The OP I guess? I think what the OP wants (if any of my assumptions are close, and I think we've had this convo in the past, but I could be wrong) is (drum roll please)

An actual medium difficulty

I'd be on board.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Jul 13, 2024, 5:18:47 AM
alhazred70 wrote:
POE is not too easy. Its plenty fucking hard.
they have squashed the fun and build diversity out of the game With Archnem and across the board nerfs to supports a couple years backs now. It destroyed anything thats not try hard and min maxed with 100 divines

Funny enough there's still a huge build diversity in the game if you don't put your focus just on the full turbo sweat streamers playing the same BiS meta builds over and over again.

Sure HC might has slightly less early game options giving the bigger check list of "required" stats to make your character as durable as possible for better chances of survival, but you shouldn't forget that the game is not balanced around HC.
We're not in 2015 anymore after all.

Both HC and SC do share the exact same watered down easy core game with act1 - t16 maps being easy. It would be nice if they would balance the core game more around HC to have more viable early game options in the mode, or actually aside of that do make HC actually HC with gauntlet mods being enabled at all times or something niche like that.

You should also check out the amount of players who actually do reach 90+ after just a few days in a fresh league across all modes. Shocking numbers that do reflect the lacking difficulty and do tell you that it's not just 0.1% of players being just too good at the game.
Maybe just maybe you should also start to play the game more yourself instead of watching all those streams to get more in-game experience of the current state of the game :)

Release AN was something that made the early and mid game feel amazing again instead of the "kill everything on the fly" like it is now since the second rework and watered down version of AN along with all the new toys of early player power.
But even for endgame you didn't need a 100d budget in order to tackle t16 juiced maps with pre changed AN and even now after all the changes a 100d budget is already overkill to crush all the games content.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Nomancs wrote:

It is as valid argument as „if you want an easy game, go play d4” ;). Mobs in hc or ruthless are same as in softcore, exception is 1life in hc, so that changes nothing for me and a mode Im not interested in, so thanks, but I will stick with my suggestion to buff regular content to compensate for accumulating power creep.

Disagree full on the first point. So /dismiss.

If the options you're provided with in the alternate modes are too hard, then I don't know what to tell you. The devs are not going to skew the entire play balance toward the top 5% of the game.

Particularly when they have given you the ability to make the game insanely difficult.

I have no problem with adding more super hard content to those who elect to attempt it.

But I do not think we need further gates keeping people out. And I very much doubt that will happen. Whatever expensive and broken builds you've made the game "boring" for yourself with will never the baseline for game balance. (If anything, what you're playing will end up getting balanced).

Hardcore, Ruthless, Deep Delves, Uber Pinnacle Bosses and T-17's are a thing.

Or you should ask for new pinnacle content. Agitating to hurt others is simply trolling.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on Jul 13, 2024, 7:05:02 AM
Nomancs wrote:
SerialF wrote:
t17 not hard enough for you ? or are you complaining they are too hard ? make up your minds

poe maps before t14 are boring.
new players entering map dont even have anything. yeah, farming essences !
and there are no mods in private leagues to make it easier when on the other hand you can make it as hard as you want.

so it s a bit more complex than "make it harder". you have plenty of options.

Read the topic, we’re talking about making campaign and maps till late reds more in line with endgame/league stuff. People who end campaign can often jump to early red maps. We want it to be balanced out to compensate for power creep.

and what you re missing is the way ggg did the balance of the game. there is no difficulty to chose from for new / newer players. so game is balanced this way. campaign super easy, white maps fix your def ez, yellow a bit tougher but still feel empty cause no boss chasin, low red start to find a lot of defensive / offensive multipliers, t14-t16 know what you re doing, t14-t16 farming really know what you re doing, delirium, t17. unless they start adding a difficulty mod, all players are competing on the same game difficulty to have fun. and since they refuse to do so, they simply cant make everything till t16 harder unless they want to fuck up their player base. the difference between better players and newer players is you have a fuck ton of option we dont have. like ssf, ruthless, hc, private leagues, delirium, super juicing, boss chasing in t14+

Last edited by SerialF on Jul 13, 2024, 7:19:33 AM

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