Buff difficulty of regular content

Halugar wrote:
AND delete your stash tab content on every death.

Halugar wrote:

You have a big stick, go everything and delete ur stash if you die XD

Why are we back to "play with your feet and with blindfold on" argument again? I don't want to do shenanigans, so early content would be finally challenging - I want PoE to compensate for insane power creep.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

Then, friend, how you would do that.

Expand your suggestion in the op post a bit more. I may help you.

More difficult means for you more embeeded mechanics or more intrincated keyboard gameplay (micromanagement)?

It means more monster raw stats (dmg/speed/projectiles/resist/crit caps/life/defences)?

You do desire them to regularly nerf certain popular/exploitable setups that can blast content BEFORE the league ends (explody totems, penance brand etc) ?

or maybe more crafting/grinding to be a big guy for good (less loot, more difficult and layered craft tech, more RNG)?

Simply add more silly "infinite" tiered ubber content upwards the existing one like on old fashioned games (endless mapping like delve)?

Or you seek other game modes to be enabled on private leagues (PvP, cutthroat, soulslike invasion)?
Last edited by Halugar on Jul 11, 2024, 6:29:28 PM
Halugar wrote:

Then, friend, how you would do that.

Expand your suggestion in the op post a bit more. I may help you.

More difficult means for you more embeeded mechanics or more intrincated keyboard gameplay (micromanagement)?

It means more monster raw stats (dmg/speed/projectiles/resist/crit caps/life/defences)?

You do desire to regularly nerf certain popular/exploitable setups that can blast content?

or maybe more crafting/grinding (less loot, more difficult craft tech, more RNG)?

Simply add more "infinite" ubber content upwards the existing one (endless mapping like delve)?

Or you seek other game modes to be enabled on private leagues (PvP, cutthroat, soulslike invasion)?

It is prty much in the title and first post.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 11, 2024, 6:29:55 PM
Nomancs wrote:

Halugar wrote:

You have a big stick, go everything and delete ur stash if you die XD

Why are we back to "play with your feet and with blindfold on" argument again? I don't want to do shenanigans, so early content would be finally challenging - I want PoE to compensate for insane power creep.

Because it's a valid argument. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean people won't bring it up.

You are in no way indicative of an average player. There is another 95% of the player-base to consider when balancing the game. Fortunately, GGG does this to a fair degree.

They've provided Hardcore, Ruthless and Solo-Self-Found. Pinnacle bosses in uber mode and even T-17 maps.

Seek your challenge exile.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on Jul 11, 2024, 7:07:47 PM
Nomancs wrote:

Halugar wrote:

You have a big stick, go everything and delete ur stash if you die XD

Why are we back to "play with your feet and with blindfold on" argument again? I don't want to do shenanigans, so early content would be finally challenging - I want PoE to compensate for insane power creep.

Because it's a valid argument. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean people won't bring it up.

You are in no way indicative of an average player. There is another 95% of the player-base to consider when balancing the game. Fortunately, GGG does this to a fair degree.

They've provided Hardcore, Ruthless and Solo-Self-Found. Pinnacle bosses in uber mode and even T-17 maps.

Seek your challenge exile.

It is as valid argument as „if you want an easy game, go play d4” ;). Mobs in hc or ruthless are same as in softcore, exception is 1life in hc, so that changes nothing for me and a mode Im not interested in, so thanks, but I will stick with my suggestion to buff regular content to compensate for accumulating power creep.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Pizzarugi wrote:

Bruh I can't believe this thread is still going. I still stand by what I said though.

What you said, however, is the sad truth of the matter. GGG has effectively built and balanced PoE1 into a corner where the game has to be played at breakneck speed to be considered enjoyable. This decision has wound up throwing melee under the bus, among a myriad of other issues.

PoE2 is just as much a second attempt as anything else. By making a new game from the ground up, they can balance it using the knowledge they gained from the first, and what mistakes they can avoid going forward. This is the chance they needed to actually make melee enjoyable and possibly slow the game down so it doesn't boil to either you 1shotting the entire screen, or the screen 1shotting you.


its why i stopped caring about asking for melee buffs in poe1 and actually have given up all notion of playing poe1 anymore. it is not the game i thought it would be and POE2 will fixit meme is no longer relevant.

i am hyped for poe2 tho.

[Removed by Support]
"I am bored cause I outgrew the game or I always bring the cheesiest cheese that I know of existing in game versus its content so GGG should make WHOLE game harder for ALL."

If they listen to these clearly self-centered sentiments of the terminally logged in its going to become a game with very few meaningful choices for very few people.
Last edited by Bosscannon on Jul 12, 2024, 2:33:04 AM
Bosscannon wrote:
"I am bored cause I outgrew the game or I always bring the cheesiest cheese that I know of existing in game versus its content so GGG should make WHOLE game harder for ALL."

If they listen to these clearly self-centered sentiments of the terminally logged in its going to become a game with very few meaningful choices for very few people.

to me, i actually like giving players a choice. if OP worded it in a way that says "i wish ggg gave players an option to make the campaign mobs more difficult" i would be perfectly fine with that.

players can opt in and find the game more challenging (but without any additional loot/xp rewards)

players who dont, dont need to opt in.

a win for both parties.

suggesting the campaign needs to be harder by default is an instant disagree from me.
[Removed by Support]
Last edited by exsea on Jul 12, 2024, 2:57:14 AM
Just funny to me. People who play a LOT in a SC Trade League talking about difficulty in the game.

Its still the easiest League to beat content and this will never change. So no buffs needed for regular content. Wouldn´t change anything for people with a lot of time anyways.

Also changing builds would help. Letting AI attack for you almost every league would bore me aswell.
exsea wrote:
to me, i actually like giving players a choice. if OP worded it in a way that says "i wish ggg gave players an option to make the campaign mobs more difficult" i would be perfectly fine with that.

players can opt in and find the game more challenging (but without any additional loot/xp rewards)

players who dont, dont need to opt in.

Can be more dedicated/special mtx rewards, but probably bad players will complain they can’t get them easly. But again, this would split community between game modes. Regular content in basic game tho can be adjusted after leagues of power creep. It is about time for it.


Also changing builds would help. Letting AI attack for you almost every league would bore me aswell.

To what? I played most builds. And yeah AI attack juggernaut is boring, whatever this AI attack is.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 12, 2024, 3:28:27 AM

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