Buff difficulty of regular content

SerialF wrote:

dropping 0 loot for key bosses in the game. what a terrible idea. at minimum you re supposed to drop stuff to be able to tackle higher content, and bosses are a great place for that.

There are some useful drops coming from the normal Pinnacle boss fights tho?
Forbidden flesh and flame do provide lots of player power, orb of dominance, awakened gems, Thread of Hope just to name some of them lol

Thinking back about old mmorpgs they all also did put the gg loot into hard mode versions of normal mode dungeons and the normal mode dungeons only served as tutorial group. The current drop change isn't really any different to this well aged system.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Guys complaining about difficulty while playing easy mode... yikes
"End of March makes 3 months and 21 days which is almost 4 months and not 3 1/2, get your math right hoho."
Nomancs wrote:
Bosscannon wrote:
making base game even harder: hard nay
aspirational content for challenge only: yay
aspirational content with exclusive best in game loot: nay

I don’t see a reason to do boss required for challenge more than once if it doesn’t drop more/exclusive loot. Sounds like a bad design.

so you are not in it for the challenge, to you they are grindable content to farm wealth
if they are simply farm then they are in fact no longer a challenge
they are just gatekept wealth generators for those who run top of the crop busted builds
sounds like bad design that serves no purpose other than increasing the gap between 1% meta abusers and everyone else
Last edited by Bosscannon on Jul 11, 2024, 2:08:30 PM
Might be just me... but once you beat the final uber mega boss in any ARPG then your journey is complete, no more reward needed.

No reason to farm anymore, your char is already a champion.

Maybe he could receive a "badge of honor" of some sort.

But the endgame is in rolling new builds and do it again.

If you put exclusive loot that is important behind these bosses then you'll need to make another one because "It's now too easy" over and over and over...
Bosscannon wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
Bosscannon wrote:
making base game even harder: hard nay
aspirational content for challenge only: yay
aspirational content with exclusive best in game loot: nay

I don’t see a reason to do boss required for challenge more than once if it doesn’t drop more/exclusive loot. Sounds like a bad design.

so you are not in it for the challenge, to you they are grindable content to farm wealth
if they are simply farm then they are in fact no longer a challenge

You just wrote it - If I beat in once (as boss arena is a "sterile" encounter and nothing changes there) it means I can do it again so it isn't a challenge anymore, lol. Why create a boss to be killed once? How in any way would it make game more challenging, if you bit it and be done with the game? Mind blowing.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 11, 2024, 3:13:37 PM
Gordyne wrote:
Might be just me... but once you beat the final uber mega boss in any ARPG then your journey is complete, no more reward needed.

No reason to farm anymore, your char is already a champion.

Maybe he could receive a "badge of honor" of some sort.

But the endgame is in rolling new builds and do it again.

If you put exclusive loot that is important behind these bosses then you'll need to make another one because "It's now too easy" over and over and over...

Sounds like a recipe for a dead game - you play once, you kill last boss, and uninstall.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Dxt44 wrote:
Guys complaining about difficulty while playing easy mode... yikes

Hence the obvious request to adjust the game to add difficulty to the current easy mode state of game. shocking concept lol
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 11, 2024, 3:34:13 PM
Pashid wrote:
Dxt44 wrote:
Guys complaining about difficulty while playing easy mode... yikes

Hence the obvious request to adjust the game to add difficulty to the current easy mode state of game. shocking concept lol

I'd rather GGG just make a hard mode instead of making the base game worse for people who are struggling with it.

You're bored of fighting ubers? Good for you. They still rip my shit, and I don't want non-uber pinnacles becoming just as tough to appeal to bored elites.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
The problem of the op, could be adressed with PERMANENT private leagues in SSF mode. I dont know why they didnt release this.

Extra hard modes, can only be unlocked meeting a ingame condition (ex. get all four voidstones to unlock extra elemental dmg, reach delve 1000 to unlock extra projectiles, unlock the whole atlas in ruthless to activate famine/ironman mode etc.) and a MTX that enables your account to have personal SSF league mods enabled just four your masochism.

By beating content AGAIN in this uber extra hard modes, you may earn non monetisable shinnies like badges, achievement tiles, stuff for hideout, curios etc.

And again, if its easy just roll a HCSSFR toon and check again. We have three free permanent layers of difficulty to explore. ;P

Your internet and reflexes are OK, GO HC
You like to be prepared and undestand in depth how the game works (how to obtain drops, craft items, explore side content for mats), GO SSF
You like survival horror, GO R

You have a big stick, go everything and delete ur stash if you die XD
Last edited by Halugar on Jul 11, 2024, 5:17:09 PM
Pizzarugi wrote:

You're bored of fighting ubers? Good for you.

The topic is about regular content and not uber fights, in this case pretty much campaign all the way up to pinnacle bosses, or arguably t16 maps as the early content did lost quite the flavor and point of existence with how easy and effortless you can crush rush the content even on the most weird meme builds.

But even ubers are more than accessible than ever with the player powers we had throughout the past leagues. It's just a matter of practice for each individual player on their own at this point rather than a tough gear check.

But GGG already did step into the right way with the last and current league by making content slightly harder by default. Well "avoidable" during affliction league but mostly unavoidable during the current league.

It's a healthy step for the game to compensate the gap between content difficulty and the current even early accessible power creep. Other games like D3 are a good example that the endless stacking of player power without big changes in difficulty adjustments or big nerfs isn't really healthy for the game.
Some changes did help in the past but there's still good space for more changes like a whole overhaul for the entire campaign, skill gem changes targeted at lower level, and even a difficulty rework for t1-15 maps as they are not on par anymore with today's standards.

And making even another game mode is also a bad idea as we've already seen the big split in the community with all the different modes being a thing.
The discontinued and bad implementation of hc was already bad back in the past and comes with it own flaws same as ssf and ruthless. All three niche modes that did had some potential but ended up getting discontinued in one or another way.
A further more mode would end up the same way as the main focus sticks on the main mode trade league and everything else is also balanced around this mode and the changes.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 11, 2024, 5:35:48 PM

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