Buff difficulty of regular content

Bosscannon wrote:
making base game even harder: hard nay
aspirational content for challenge only: yay
aspirational content with exclusive best in game loot: nay


ggg forgot how they originally meant for aspirational content to be optional and only exist to challenge the top players.

Pizzarugi wrote:

GGG would have to completely upend literally everything about PoE to make it even come remotely close to Diablo 4 in terms of casual appeal. As it currently stands, it's level of difficulty and complexity still remains far and above every other modern ARPG to date. Grim Dawn and Last Epoch don't even come close, and they're already more difficult and complex than Diablo 3/4.

Making the game a little easier to let more people in isn't suddenly going to blur the line between this and the atrocity ActiBlizz are doing with their franchise. That is transcendent level of hyperbole.

I agree with every single word of this and signal boost it.

ggg did understand this very well. they studied POE1 and where its at and how do they "fix it". the solution is theres too much work and rebalancing involved. its better to just make a new game with all the game philosophies/considerations built in from the start. hence POE2 separate from poe1.
[Removed by Support]
Draegnarrr wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:

There are two possible scenarios here:

you need to include what you consider your primary playerbase here as frankly neither of those scenarios are true if you get out of the top performers already.

Completely agree that more voices is better than less you get some good feedback (if they do actually read it) here from players of completely different strata.

I am talking from my own perspective of course. I don't dare speaking on behalf of anyone else, because how could I? ^^
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Can't argue with that :D
exsea wrote:
Bosscannon wrote:
making base game even harder: hard nay
aspirational content for challenge only: yay
aspirational content with exclusive best in game loot: nay


ggg forgot how they originally meant for aspirational content to be optional and only exist to challenge the top players.

Pizzarugi wrote:

GGG would have to completely upend literally everything about PoE to make it even come remotely close to Diablo 4 in terms of casual appeal. As it currently stands, it's level of difficulty and complexity still remains far and above every other modern ARPG to date. Grim Dawn and Last Epoch don't even come close, and they're already more difficult and complex than Diablo 3/4.

Making the game a little easier to let more people in isn't suddenly going to blur the line between this and the atrocity ActiBlizz are doing with their franchise. That is transcendent level of hyperbole.

I agree with every single word of this and signal boost it.

ggg did understand this very well. they studied POE1 and where its at and how do they "fix it". the solution is theres too much work and rebalancing involved. its better to just make a new game with all the game philosophies/considerations built in from the start. hence POE2 separate from poe1.

Bruh I can't believe this thread is still going. I still stand by what I said though.

What you said, however, is the sad truth of the matter. GGG has effectively built and balanced PoE1 into a corner where the game has to be played at breakneck speed to be considered enjoyable. This decision has wound up throwing melee under the bus, among a myriad of other issues.

PoE2 is just as much a second attempt as anything else. By making a new game from the ground up, they can balance it using the knowledge they gained from the first, and what mistakes they can avoid going forward. This is the chance they needed to actually make melee enjoyable and possibly slow the game down so it doesn't boil to either you 1shotting the entire screen, or the screen 1shotting you.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Jul 11, 2024, 8:34:32 AM
Bosscannon wrote:
making base game even harder: hard nay
aspirational content for challenge only: yay
aspirational content with exclusive best in game loot: nay

I don’t see a reason to do boss required for challenge more than once if it doesn’t drop more/exclusive loot. Sounds like a bad design.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
They should put more loot behind Ubers and keep the normal Pinnacle boss fights as "tutorial station" and voidstone source.
With the change that voidstones only drop in solo play so that players who've never done the fights on their own gain some encouragement to learn the fights instead of just buying a kill every league.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 11, 2024, 11:41:29 AM
If bosses aren't interesting enough to fight without a reward they are a bad boss in my opinion.

I like fighting black star and atziri. I think those fights are interesting and have surprisingly good telegraphing for poe.

I find Uber pinnacle bosses less interesting since their gear check is so extreme. The Changes and potential rewards from pinnacle to Uber just weren't enticing enough to grind it out. I don't like having to be functionally immortal or have near perfect movement in a diablo game. Just my preference.

Not every thing has to be about divs per hour or we would all be hideout crafting because literally nothing else compares to it in a trade economy.
Pashid wrote:
They should put more loot behind Ubers and keep the normal Pinnacle boss fights as "tutorial station" and voidstone source.
With the change that voidstones only drop in solo play so that players who've never done the fights on their own gain some encouragement to learn the fights instead of just buying a kill every league.

I would agree with this as long as the item drops were overhauled. Having basic items behind ubers is dumb (and i believe you agree with this to an extent from previous interactions). Now if they do buff melee and make echoes of creation/saviour/voidforge really strong but not required (feeling) items. then that would be great.

For instance i think paradoxicas balance is well placed. Its fairly rare in only 1 safehouse and it has rng on its rolls. Its reasonably obtainable in ssf and its a strong item. Having average/poor performing items behind impossible (to a lot of people) challenges just isn't fun.
roundishcap wrote:
If bosses aren't interesting enough to fight without a reward they are a bad boss in my opinion.

Any arpg would be boring and bad design without loot/rewards, not the other way around. Why anyone would ever want to defeat a boss in arpg if it doesn’t reward player with anything, lol.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 11, 2024, 12:56:48 PM
Pashid wrote:
They should put more loot behind Ubers and keep the normal Pinnacle boss fights as "tutorial station" and voidstone source.
With the change that voidstones only drop in solo play so that players who've never done the fights on their own gain some encouragement to learn the fights instead of just buying a kill every league.

dropping 0 loot for key bosses in the game. what a terrible idea. at minimum you re supposed to drop stuff to be able to tackle higher content, and bosses are a great place for that.

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