Buff difficulty of regular content

You're asking for balance to be adjusted to your tastes, other people are disagreeing with you because they may not like to play meta builds or farm for 2-3 weeks, or maybe even 2 months because of their time restrictions to put those builds together. Maybe they already play hc and the game (t17s at least) already feels challenging.

If you express an opinion, expect other peoples opinions. [Removed by Support]

How much difficulty would be enough. Should they add the atziri mod to every zone like ubers had in gauntlet? Is that enough? Well ben did that deathless should we also add shaper touched mobs in every zone now?
Last edited by Drew_GGG on Jul 9, 2024, 8:22:02 AM
Nomancs wrote:

You are the one complaining about the game being too easy doe, maybe you would be better with something else? I will do whatever i want, thanks.

Thats why I created this topic, doe. Regular content become too easy over the years. I will do whatever i want, like this topic, thanks.

Lonnie455Rich wrote:
You're asking for balance to be adjusted to your tastes, other people are disagreeing with you because they may not like to play meta builds or farm for 2-3 weeks, or maybe even 2 months because of their time restrictions to put those builds together. Maybe they already play hc and the game (t17s at least) already feels challenging.

If you express an opinion, expect other peoples opinions. [Removed by Support]

How much difficulty would be enough. Should they add the atziri mod to every zone like ubers had in gauntlet? Is that enough? Well ben did that deathless should we also add shaper touched mobs in every zone now?

You know we're not talking about t17s but about regular content like campaign, early and mid maps. Why are you adding ubers to it?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
You're asking for balance to be adjusted to your tastes, other people are disagreeing with you because they may not like to play meta builds or farm for 2-3 weeks, or maybe even 2 months because of their time restrictions to put those builds together. Maybe they already play hc and the game (t17s at least) already feels challenging.

If you express an opinion, expect other peoples opinions. [Removed by Support]

How much difficulty would be enough. Should they add the atziri mod to every zone like ubers had in gauntlet? Is that enough? Well ben did that deathless should we also add shaper touched mobs in every zone now?

He did, and expressed such. The response is due to the "shut up and play blindfolded if it's too easy for you" argument trying to shut out the discussion entirely.

You are free to argue any which way you like as long as you don't tell other people to not make suggestions / ask for things. That, and the personal attacks are unnecessary and uncalled for. Let's stay civil, folks.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Jul 9, 2024, 8:31:24 AM
This whole initial idea just seems pretty selfish to me - talking about I can do it easy so everyone should have it harder approach. Experienced veteran player playing meta build which he played in different variations bunch of times before should not be measure used when deciding difficulty of early/mid game content. And neither is meant to struggle there or measure his skill or strength of build there.

Early/mid game is imo mainly training grounds for newer or more casual players to get to know the game and build which they, unlike many others, might be playing for the first time. Where they can progress if they put some effort in without playing perfect or ideal builds. Obviously not everyone is following build guides and so on. It means that lots of players (i think even majority) don't find campaign or early maps easy or even less trivial.

Veteran player should aim to get through early game as fast as possible. This is the same as in D2 for example. New players can enjoy normal difficulty for countless hours, have fun and make slow and steady progress there, meanwhile for experienced players it is just necessary stepping stone to get to later stages of the game and run through normal in 1 hour. Same in Poe - you have to go through campaign every new league, but you can always make it faster then before. That can be challenge in early game for vets if they need one. This is my third league, campaign still takes me over 10 hours despite I don't think it is difficult. Next league I will try to make it bellow 10 and will still enjoy it. While good and experienced players will run through it in 4 hours with no problem.

And let's face it - if you will be playing over and over builds which are pretty easy to set up plus you know they can beat easily very endgame content you will never feel the challenge. That doesn't mean that majority of player base has to struggle just because you personally are bored. If you want to make it more challenging pick new build (maybe even not considered strongest) and make it work. Just about anything can work in Poe, but takes very different level of effort and skill. You might find that you enjoy game more.

And btw most people do not seem to like the idea which is pretty much speaking for itself.

Note: This is my second post saying the same in different way. First one was bit more straight forward but unfortunately got removed for "being antagonistic". Shame, I liked it much more. xD

BadAssTom wrote:

And let's face it - if you will be playing over and over builds which are pretty easy to set up plus you know they can beat easily very endgame content you will never feel the challenge. That doesn't mean that majority of player base has to struggle just because you personally are bored. If you want to make it more challenging pick new build (maybe even not considered strongest) and make it work. Just about anything can work in Poe, but takes very different level of effort and skill. You might find that you enjoy game more.

I was, I was playing my own melee build till TotA and I got bored out of making own builds, not interested in it anymore.

BadAssTom wrote:
And btw most people do not seem to like the idea which is pretty much speaking for itself.

Same goes for people who lost 6L shields and 1h weapons, most don't like to give away power, even if it is healthy for the game. Most people don't like to pay taxes - but it isn't wise to remove them.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 9, 2024, 12:40:37 PM
Nomancs wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
You're asking for balance to be adjusted to your tastes, other people are disagreeing with you because they may not like to play meta builds or farm for 2-3 weeks, or maybe even 2 months because of their time restrictions to put those builds together. Maybe they already play hc and the game (t17s at least) already feels challenging.

If you express an opinion, expect other peoples opinions. [Removed by Support]

How much difficulty would be enough. Should they add the atziri mod to every zone like ubers had in gauntlet? Is that enough? Well ben did that deathless should we also add shaper touched mobs in every zone now?

You know we're not talking about t17s but about regular content like campaign, early and mid maps. Why are you adding ubers to it?

I'm merely stating there is challenging content. The game already drip feeds difficulty from act 1 to ubers. I promise you if you ask most people that try this game and quit very early they will say its too hard and complicated.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
You're asking for balance to be adjusted to your tastes, other people are disagreeing with you because they may not like to play meta builds or farm for 2-3 weeks, or maybe even 2 months because of their time restrictions to put those builds together. Maybe they already play hc and the game (t17s at least) already feels challenging.

If you express an opinion, expect other peoples opinions. [Removed by Support]

How much difficulty would be enough. Should they add the atziri mod to every zone like ubers had in gauntlet? Is that enough? Well ben did that deathless should we also add shaper touched mobs in every zone now?

He did, and expressed such. The response is due to the "shut up and play blindfolded if it's too easy for you" argument trying to shut out the discussion entirely.

You are free to argue any which way you like as long as you don't tell other people to not make suggestions / ask for things. That, and the personal attacks are unnecessary and uncalled for. Let's stay civil, folks.

I don't remember what was said in my post that was edited but I don't post things that I consider antagonistic or personal attacks but I'm probably considered abrasive.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:

I'm merely stating there is challenging content. The game already drip feeds difficulty from act 1 to ubers. I promise you if you ask most people that try this game and quit very early they will say its too hard and complicated.

Your argument is only valid IF you aim PoE to be for everyone like mobile gaming candy crush moms. PoE doesn't need to be for everyone, and there is even a saying - "Something that is made for everyone, is made for no one".

EDIT Fixed quote
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 9, 2024, 12:51:18 PM
Nomancs wrote:
BadAssTom wrote:

And let's face it - if you will be playing over and over builds which are pretty easy to set up plus you know they can beat easily very endgame content you will never feel the challenge. That doesn't mean that majority of player base has to struggle just because you personally are bored. If you want to make it more challenging pick new build (maybe even not considered strongest) and make it work. Just about anything can work in Poe, but takes very different level of effort and skill. You might find that you enjoy game more.

I was, I was playing my own melee build till TotA and I got bored out of making own builds, not interested in it anymore.

Not even saying your own build. Just something different from what you are playing usually which seems to be minion builds. Something you have never played before and has different gameplay. Maybe has expensive endgame gear so it takes more effort. Simply what you don't know. Not sure what it is in your case but there must be bunch.

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