Buff difficulty of regular content

HC isn't a solution in the state it's in

Real problem is that difficulty varies GREATLY between different types of build.
So ofc if someone finds a way to be strong in this game it will be a cakewalk.

Without balancing the game to close this giant gap between low end and very high end of the spectrum this problem will never be solved.~

Buffing/nerfing everything is just a band-aid fix
Ya but if you buff regular content to be balanced around an op build like splitting steel ci trickster with mb then nobody else can play the game.
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Ya but if you buff regular content to be balanced around an op build like splitting steel ci trickster with mb then nobody else can play the game.

Yes, you won't be able to balance PoE around specific builds - the game is too diverse and mechanically complex. Balancing against several strong builds or very rich players would gatekeep pretty much everything not as potent from playing.

The system now where we have campaign > maps > very high tier maps > pinnacle content > uber pinnacle content seems to provide a place for all types of players to enjoy their builds.

I'd be fine with adding more "aspirational" content for those pushing the bleeding edge, but you certainly don't want to remove the ability of the "fun" builds to have some place to toddle around in.
Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on Jul 9, 2024, 2:57:29 AM
Currently there is no point, they'd need to address the severe power creep behind keys items first then do a balance pass on skills then one on monsters.

Its a huge job, they've made it a huge job it just isn't going to happen. If you want to be challenged play SSF, HC or play scuffed builds.

I'd love a 1 portal SC mode personally but they won't do that and split the playerbase further even if they considered it.

Also to OP specifically your dissatisfaction is the only reason I play HC to begin with, every SC league i've played I cleared everything week 1 regardless of what I was playing and it left me dissatisfied as mentioned. Once your at a stage where your game knowledge/experience dwarf the content presented you've kinda run out of road if you don't change anything.

Whats more its very likely they cannot change difficulty to enough of a degree to get what you want, the game would be unplayable for an overwhelming majority of players.

I feel like you've played a similar build the last few leagues at least, if its your favourite you'll have to change mode to find challenge and if you aren't that attached make something scuffed and make it work. Aside from those two you are SOL :
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Jul 9, 2024, 6:09:55 AM
Pashid wrote:

I mean OP could play HC to have a more difficult game experience or just play a weaker build to make things spicy. No one is holding OP back to do so^^

People do forget that HC doesn't make the game harder. It just puts down a artificial difficulty barrier of slower progression if, big if you die while it also limits you heavily with build options as the game is not balanced around HC since years.

Lots of people don't play HC because they do like to play whatever crazy build they want and some simply don't meet the HC checklist but still destroy the entire games content just fine with maybe just a few deaths giving the lacking defensive layers early on.

Sure, but if you complain about normal content thats the answer you will get. Also OP played SRS Poison good enough for HC so no issues there. Its just an delusional answer to an delusional request thats about it.

Sure, but if you complain about normal content thats the answer you will get. Also OP played SRS Poison good enough for HC so no issues there. Its just an delusional answer to an delusional request thats about it.

Why not asking me to play with a blindfold on or any other solution on similar level? HC doesn't make content harder, it makes you restart your progress on death, doesn't change mobs or drop rates in any way - any real change to this is SSF, but I like to trade.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Nomancs wrote:

Sure, but if you complain about normal content thats the answer you will get. Also OP played SRS Poison good enough for HC so no issues there. Its just an delusional answer to an delusional request thats about it.

Why not asking me to play with a blindfold on or any other solution on similar level? HC doesn't make content harder, it makes you restart your progress on death, doesn't change mobs or drop rates in any way - any real change to this is SSF, but I like to trade.

That reply of me was as bad as the request you did. Thats why i wrote that. Obviously forcing someone to play hc just to increase the difficulty level makes no sense. But your sense of difficulty of normal content is out of touch.

If the basic content was in a good spot you wouldn´t need strong builds to crush it. I´m not against difficult content but I´m against boring and same builds that shine every league. Balancing around these is a bad design.

That reply of me was as bad as the request you did. Thats why i wrote that. Obviously forcing someone to play hc just to increase the difficulty level makes no sense. But your sense of difficulty of normal content is out of touch

Asking to compensate for power creep and making transition from campaign to maps and then to league content or t17 to have a smaller gap in difficulty from higher end content is nonsense? Asking for BALANCE is out of touch?!

If the basic content was in a good spot you wouldn´t need strong builds to crush it. I´m not against difficult content but I´m against boring and same builds that shine every league. Balancing around these is a bad design.

All skills are able to do all regular content. What are you even on about? You can beat campaign with a stick, white and yellow maps are skippable for most builds after campaign.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 9, 2024, 7:05:11 AM
Nomancs wrote:

That reply of me was as bad as the request you did. Thats why i wrote that. Obviously forcing someone to play hc just to increase the difficulty level makes no sense. But your sense of difficulty of normal content is out of touch

Asking to compensate for power creep and making transition from campaign to maps and then to league content or t17 to have a smaller gap in difficulty from higher end content is nonsense? Asking for BALANCE is out of touch?!

If the basic content was in a good spot you wouldn´t need strong builds to crush it. I´m not against difficult content but I´m against boring and same builds that shine every league. Balancing around these is a bad design.

All skills are able to do all regular content. What are you even on about? You can beat campaign with a stick, white and yellow maps are skippable for most builds after campaign.

[Removed by Support] There is an easy super easy fix for your "problem"

Play without defenses and with 1 link then its challenging. Happy I could help you! Cheers.

Oh and if you say that doesn´t make the game harder it makes it unplayable, duh that what most people feel already with non meta builds. So what are you even on about?

Edit: Most people don´t enjoy campaign! [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Jenn_GGG on Jul 9, 2024, 7:38:01 AM

Play without defenses and with 1 link then its challenging.

Unintentionally you describe current state of campaign and maps till reds - only way it could be challenging is to use 1 link without defenses.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

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