Buff difficulty of regular content

Pashid wrote:
even if you play a non meta build the game provides way too much player power even early on to absolutely crush the entire game.
All the added power creep over the past years and adjusted game difficulty did in fact made the game a lot easier.

Also hcssf and ruthless are both not more challenging modes, the only challenging part about both especially ruthless is to find the mentality to limit yourself to a lot fewer viable build options.

Archnem rares definitely didn't make the game easier. I think the perception that made the game easier was the rise of hit based bow builds. Then the 1 shot uber builds. There wasn't as much incentive that I remember from having 200m dps until ubers were added. Rare monsters were made significantly harder. They stated they did this in kalandra league to make combat on average more meaningful. The game wasn't made easier, people just were just more incentivized to make op builds that one shot the screen and half the screen over. I think build evolution and being able to farm mageblood/hh for the average folks have just made it look that way. Until sentinel league i never even had a hh much less a mageblood. Since 3.18 I've had a mageblood and/or hh every league. I don't really know if thats the average players experience or if that was when my abilities got to that point though.

Another thing that on average made players stronger was the timeless jewel calculator being cracked. If they balanced the game up for that detail then they nerf everyone thats not into doing that much min max. Then having that is a baseline and ssf would be even more of a chore.

If the game is too easy play a more challenging mode. Hc was fun until t17s.
Last edited by Lonnie455Rich on Jul 5, 2024, 3:45:18 PM
I feel like there's a lot of inherent bias in this topic.

The baseline should be what's hard for a new player, not what's hard for a seasoned veteran. Even with all the power creep, new players won't have a clue how to effectively use it, and fall victim for what's actually hard on PoE, learning what should be done to beat PoE. After you learn that, PoE is easy.

What i wouldn't mind seeing is an actual bridge for uber content. The current jump from T16s to T17s is absurd to say the least and should absolutely be better balanced.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
Lonnie455Rich wrote:
If you think the game is too easy then quit following other peoples builds and come up with something from scratch. Make that your challenge. Metaslaving and saying the game is too easy is always a hilarious take.

yeah, already done that, like molten strike jugg, did some ubers with it, but testing it takes a bit more time than I would be interested in now.

Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Or better yet, play hcssf or ruthless.
I like the trade, so maybe one day when I will feel like it. But I would rather have them work on base game difficulty.

Lonnie455Rich wrote:
Don't beg for changes that negatively effects new players

They don't have to start playing and instantly do t17 and ubers, you could learn the game slowly. That would be better for the game.

AdRonZh3Ro wrote:

What i wouldn't mind seeing is an actual bridge for uber content. The current jump from T16s to T17s is absurd to say the least and should absolutely be better balanced.

Thats why I ask to bring the old content to be more in line with new/league one, t16 could be harder so jump from t16->17 wouldn't be that big.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Go ruthless but,

Ruthless is not enough ruthless unless you play SSFHC, AND delete your stash tab content on every death.

And of course, you never-ever, logout during a fight.

Last edited by Halugar on Jul 5, 2024, 8:37:10 PM
Nomancs wrote:
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:

What i wouldn't mind seeing is an actual bridge for uber content. The current jump from T16s to T17s is absurd to say the least and should absolutely be better balanced.

Thats why I ask to bring the old content to be more in line with new/league one, t16 could be harder so jump from t16->17 wouldn't be that big.

Tunning T1-T16 to get more in line with T17 is fine, but everything else should be untouched for the reasons stated before.
Ruthless should be [Removed by Support].
AdRonZh3Ro wrote:

Tunning T1-T16 to get more in line with T17 is fine, but everything else should be untouched for the reasons stated before.

Yea, often there is a huge gap between normal map and map with league content (for example t1 vs t1 juiced with affliction). I think I mentioned it before that after campaign it is easy to jump on higher tier maps skipping white tiers. If GGG would buff nonjuiced maps, gap would be smaller and it would compensate for power creep.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Jul 5, 2024, 9:33:11 PM
I thought they did this already with "Ruthless" mode. I understand all the 2Pro-Kids are playing it these days.
Last edited by RightHandofGod on Jul 5, 2024, 10:31:44 PM
Nomancs wrote:

What I suspect is, that league content (whisp empowered maps) are desired difficulty by GGG

Okay lol. This is really off the deep end now OP

Wisp empowered mobs are not the intended difficulty lol. These are harder hitting and more tanky than AN mobs were on day one of rares being changed and everyone knows how that went.

Difficulty will never be scaled to that level again. It’s pointless to ask for that.

You need to start restricting yourself on trade because that’s what’s making it so easy and unenjoyable for you (what I do I don’t buy gear) and maybe move onto SSF, that includes your perfect unique rolls and level 6 awakened gems and clusters you are just buying them; along with easy 6 link access. This is what’s ruining your gameplay, this is why it’s easy and over quickly for you.

Speccing into blight and getting your own annoit etc… this is all stuff you skip because you just buy everything. You say you “enjoy trade” but you really don’t it’s ruining your progression. Even Ubers are as easy for you as they are for streamers that play this game —->as job on HCSSF<—-.

There already are several modes that will make the game harder for you, up to you to play it. They are 100% not changing difficulty to wisp empowered mobs though lol.

This ^

It's like drinking a glass of excellent wine in one huge gulp like a caveman and then complain you couldn't savor it.

Perfected currency strat, following guides or building things that are already tested or pretty straightforwad. Ofc it's going to sound easy.

Play melee evasion with skills, acendancies that are known do be underperforming and try to beat all bosses with them and always roll maps yellow and corrupted. Beat delve bosses too.

There is bias here because power disparity is huge between different builds ascendancies and skill gems even if the player isn't doing nothing considerably wrong with his build.

Now even if they buff mobs the you'll quickly find a way to overpower them again. If you aren't trolling and really want a difficult PoE you'll have to impose some self limits or different playstyles.
funny enough Nomancs has likely achieved more on it's own in this game than any of the average "play ruthless" shouting player here combined.

People do forget that ruthless on it's base is a entire different game mode that failed heavily in the implementation just as much as HC did past a certain league.
The ruthless mode has the same difficulty as the normal league with just the little plot change of artificial difficulty in terms of build diversity, but people who fail to realize that have either no idea what they are talking about or never touched ruthless at all. Player numbers in this mode are pretty damn low for reasons they did the wrong choices to have ruthless ruthless.

Fact is even on league start scenario and campaign gear or shoelace budget t1-t16 maps and even the pinnacle fights are a joke these days even on non meta builds.
Mostly cause content was never adjusted and player power was endlessly introduced with each league.

The campaign should have random Arimor lantern mods from the beginning with mods being increased in level as you venture further into late game maps.
Along with that AN mods should be reverted to the state they used to be as they in fact actually spiced up content a little bit and made rare mods feel like rare mods.
Death penalty should be increased with each level as the current 10% is a joke even on level 99-100 giving how crazy the game throws exp at the player for free.

Even this league made the game a hell lot easier and even the so scary t17 maps and ubers looked like a joke with the almost for free handed out close to mirror tier deterministic graveyard crafted items.
All the folks that still fails to be successful with so much free player power and watered down game should really consider to check up some guides or other useful sources to gain knowledge, or just get good lol.
We are already at Path of Diablo 3 power levels.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Last edited by Pashid on Jul 6, 2024, 1:27:38 AM
How would sc players feel about the difficulty of t17s if there was only 1 portal.

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