Lack of GGG Transparency regarding current banwave

Donoteatme wrote:
medicated03 wrote:

The entire thing contains zero proof of anything

As your words.

So as @PoeRecovery3 said, why do here?

What do i need to prove lmao ?

You want me to point you to the people posting who were unbanned ?

You literally just quoted me from a post explaining exactly what im doing here then asked me what im doing here smh...

PoeRecovery3 wrote:
ouc573632 wrote:
There are some player accounts in the forum who have joined before 2012 (POE was released in 2013). They rarely actually play the game, they have only a few characters in the past 10 year, and the levels are usually not high. However, they are very active and reply a lot in the forum. Some accounts even reply to more than 14k posts, and actively oppose all complaints. This is strange, isn't it?

Indeed! :D
Some good GGG employee there...kidding, dont reban me
Edit: fun fact, if you look at his forum posts he claims he started as new player in 2019, yet his account is 11yo. his last support pack is dated before he claims to have started....there is enough for a little investigation there lol :D

Idk what you are smoking, you realise the game had a beta right ?

Which from memory i tried then went back to WoW or rift or whatever mmo i was no lifing at the time , 2019 sounds about right for when i started actually actively playing poe wooooo big conspiracy bro 🤣

If you think i work for GGG you didnt read much of my posts clearly , might wanna try again.
Has anyone ever been unbanned? you guys are missing the point of the post
Afelionx wrote:
Has anyone ever been unbanned? you guys are missing the point of the post

I have been, surely I'm not alone.
Just a lowly standard player. May RNGesus be with you.
I agree with you for most of it, but if GGG takes this seriously as you say, support should be on the case instead of getting replies like: "you got banned because u breached our TOS".

I think support is on the case. Multiple people in thread have already said that their bans have been reduced or reversed.

I understand that GGG being so opaque about how aware they are of the issue or what they're doing to resolve it is frustrating and scary, but its also an important security practice.
Ragnarokio wrote:
I agree with you for most of it, but if GGG takes this seriously as you say, support should be on the case instead of getting replies like: "you got banned because u breached our TOS".

I think support is on the case. Multiple people in thread have already said that their bans have been reduced or reversed.

I understand that GGG being so opaque about how aware they are of the issue or what they're doing to resolve it is frustrating and scary, but its also an important security practice.

Who exactly said that their ban of these days have been reverted?
I think the guys that look into these type of things took holidays honestly and we need to wait for them to be back.
This huge amount of cases makes me think even more there has been some mistake in their detection process, in the wrong time (just before Xmas holidays).

I just suggest to keep this thread alive and everyone who wants some answers to stay here in the loop.
Last edited by PoeRecovery3 on Dec 29, 2023, 5:10:58 AM
medicated03 wrote:
PoeRecovery3 wrote:
ouc573632 wrote:
There are some player accounts in the forum who have joined before 2012 (POE was released in 2013). They rarely actually play the game, they have only a few characters in the past 10 year, and the levels are usually not high. However, they are very active and reply a lot in the forum. Some accounts even reply to more than 14k posts, and actively oppose all complaints. This is strange, isn't it?

Indeed! :D
Some good GGG employee there...kidding, dont reban me
Edit: fun fact, if you look at his forum posts he claims he started as new player in 2019, yet his account is 11yo. his last support pack is dated before he claims to have started....there is enough for a little investigation there lol :D

Idk what you are smoking, you realise the game had a beta right ?

Which from memory i tried then went back to WoW or rift or whatever mmo i was no lifing at the time , 2019 sounds about right for when i started actually actively playing poe wooooo big conspiracy bro 🤣

If you think i work for GGG you didnt read much of my posts clearly , might wanna try again.

I think it is time for you to buy a new support pack. the "troll Supporter" :D
Last edited by PoeRecovery3 on Dec 29, 2023, 5:08:37 AM
Well I have had very little assistance I
Hoping that when ggg staff is back this gets sorted because I can't spend more money knowing that accounts can get a ban for nothing.
Shovelcut wrote:
Afelionx wrote:
Has anyone ever been unbanned? you guys are missing the point of the post

I have been, surely I'm not alone.

Nah you and a number of posters ive seen.

Its becoming fairly obvious some of these posters are rhe same guy on diff accounts too 😂
medicated03 wrote:
Shovelcut wrote:
Afelionx wrote:
Has anyone ever been unbanned? you guys are missing the point of the post

I have been, surely I'm not alone.

Nah you and a number of posters ive seen.

Its becoming fairly obvious some of these posters are rhe same guy on diff accounts too 😂

I'll buy the troll supporter pack for you, just stop posting here.

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