Lack of GGG Transparency regarding current banwave

Why don't you keep reporting this guy? As long as he receives more reports, he will be automatically banned.As far as I know, this is how the banning system works.
ouc573632 wrote:
Why don't you keep reporting this guy? As long as he receives more reports, he will be automatically banned.As far as I know, this is how the banning system works.

If you are reffering to me banned for what ? This topic is hot garbage at best.

The entire thing is pointless, show me an ounce of proof anyone of of these posters are innocent ? Oh wait you CANT. If they are as they claim innocent they will eventually get unbanned ,

This entire post is some guy who did nuthing wrong but is worried for his account asking for transparency that is not required at all by GGG and the most hillarious part is him making threats on GGGs forums when hes so concerned for his account 🤡
Just commenting here as proof that more innocent people were hit with bans. I got back into the game after years, was playing for about 10 hours over 3 days and got banned on the 22nd. Emailed support instantly and still haven't gotten any response 5 days later today. Ingame the only ban message says "banned by an administrator" which is misleading and wrong, because this is definitely some automated ban and not one done manually by an admin. On the website here it shows "Third Party Software" as the ban reason which is also not truthful as I never used any kind of third party software for POE, even stuff that is allowed like POE Awakened or whatever else.

Who had the smart idea to go around banning thousands of people before the holidays? That's not a smart business decision and very anti-consumer too.

All those who claim no one was wrongfully banned and everyone just cheated or did other banned stuff are just sock puppet accounts of the company staff. Or worse they think they'll maybe get dropped a few measly coins for MTX for defending GGG.

Do you really think a new char is running around somehow selling their level 20 gear for real money? Do you think they're cheating in Act 2 and using banned third party software? That's some serious brain gymnastics.

On top of that you won't even see how many truly are banned. When your account is banned they also don't allow you to post on the forum here. The majority of people won't go through the trouble of making a new account just to post here.

1. I spend on average 2k usd or more a year in the shop i dont need "coins for mtx"

2. "evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement"

Heres the definition of proof for you, ill let you in on a secret, theres zero in the entire 30+ pages of these topics xD

3. Its impossible for not a single known content creator to not be randomly banned in this scenario, they level far more characters and aqquire fae more wealth than %99 of the games population yet manage to evade all these automatic mistaken bans ? 🤭

Notice how they all use trade macros etc ? What they do NOT do is break tos becauase its their income 🙃

Try thinking just a bit before you speak of brain gymnastics my friend.
Last edited by medicated03 on Dec 27, 2023, 7:09:48 PM
I wouldn't mind some transparency regarding the banwave that's being megaphoned, here and Reddit I'm seeing multiple posts a day about it and honestly it has me kind of afraid for myself and my partner who I play with. This is our main game and we play a bunch every league with 3k and 1.5k hours clocked respectively.

I understand that being transparent with specific bans and such aren't the wisest choice since cheaters can try pick at it to find ways to avoid being detected, but some vague blanket response would be nice like "We banned 10k people, and found only 200 of those were innocent" or something just to reinforce the ban complaints aren't coming from disingenuous people.

I remember one time where Bex did a little investigation on someone being banned on Reddit and the tl;dr turned into "Yeah this person was lying", I don't expect that level of slam dunk but I would like something to hang onto that I'm not going to wake up one day and see I'm banned for doing something I either didn't do, or something I'm unaware of (Computer virus; mouse software; awakened PoE trade - anything). As it stands I've seen multiple high count streamers use Awakened PoE Trade and I still don't know the official stance on it, just people hearsay.
Last edited by Calvat on Dec 27, 2023, 7:39:57 PM
medicated03 wrote:
Just commenting here as proof that more innocent people were hit with bans. I got back into the game after years, was playing for about 10 hours over 3 days and got banned on the 22nd. Emailed support instantly and still haven't gotten any response 5 days later today. Ingame the only ban message says "banned by an administrator" which is misleading and wrong, because this is definitely some automated ban and not one done manually by an admin. On the website here it shows "Third Party Software" as the ban reason which is also not truthful as I never used any kind of third party software for POE, even stuff that is allowed like POE Awakened or whatever else.

Who had the smart idea to go around banning thousands of people before the holidays? That's not a smart business decision and very anti-consumer too.

All those who claim no one was wrongfully banned and everyone just cheated or did other banned stuff are just sock puppet accounts of the company staff. Or worse they think they'll maybe get dropped a few measly coins for MTX for defending GGG.

Do you really think a new char is running around somehow selling their level 20 gear for real money? Do you think they're cheating in Act 2 and using banned third party software? That's some serious brain gymnastics.

On top of that you won't even see how many truly are banned. When your account is banned they also don't allow you to post on the forum here. The majority of people won't go through the trouble of making a new account just to post here.

1. I spend on average 2k usd or more a year in the shop i dont need "coins for mtx"

2. "evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement"

Heres the definition of proof for you, ill let you in on a secret, theres zero in the entire 30+ pages of these topics xD

3. Its impossible for not a single known content creator to not be randomly banned in this scenario, they level far more characters and aqquire fae more wealth than %99 of the games population yet manage to evade all these automatic mistaken bans ? 🤭

Notice how they all use trade macros etc ? What they do NOT do is break tos becauase its their income 🙃

Try thinking just a bit before you speak of brain gymnastics my friend.

You don't know anything, you're just giving your opinion, which no one asked for, on a topic that has nothing to do with you. Apparently, you're just another needy person looking to gain attention. GGG doesn't need your defense.
I was falsely banned for the use of third party software too and immediately send an email to support. I just received a reply telling that my ban was reduced to a warning 5 days later.

I'm glad I can play again, but I absolutely cannot understand why I still get to keep a warning when I haven't done anything. Never used any kind of third party software, even those that are not banable.
medicated03 wrote:

If they are as they claim innocent they will eventually get unbanned ,

I'd have more faith in GGG cheat/bot detection and RMT Holmses out there if they'd have proven their modern technical aptitude by fixing the part of the game we can see, first.

Major performance issues last 4+ months by now, big patch 3.23 didn't really reduce amount of complaints. In addition, 3.23 bug reports fly at 2 pages per day, and WTR for some of these bugs is the most trivial possible, meaning the bug situation was plain never tested before release.

So even if you don't believe anyone here except GGG PR reps, do you really think their tools are flawless?
Last edited by Echothesis on Dec 27, 2023, 11:29:52 PM
This night got response from support. I was waiting something. Just something to discuss, or any statement from support that could help to resolve this issue. So, you are guessing what i got? It's literraly cherry on cake:
I'm very sorry but your account has been permanently banned for breaching our Terms of Use.

So, GGG from here sending us to @supp to discuss problem and not posting private data in open forum and after waiting 6 days i got answer that i read in my profile page? Yeah, great job customer support.
Donoteatme wrote:
This night got response from support. I was waiting something. Just something to discuss, or any statement from support that could help to resolve this issue. So, you are guessing what i got? It's literraly cherry on cake:
I'm very sorry but your account has been permanently banned for breaching our Terms of Use.

So, GGG from here sending us to @supp to discuss problem and not posting private data in open forum and after waiting 6 days i got answer that i read in my profile page? Yeah, great job customer support.

Ye, i got the same message on mail this night.
Very good xmas and new year.
Calvat wrote:
I wouldn't mind some transparency regarding the banwave that's being megaphoned, here and Reddit I'm seeing multiple posts a day about it and honestly it has me kind of afraid for myself and my partner who I play with. This is our main game and we play a bunch every league with 3k and 1.5k hours clocked respectively.

I understand that being transparent with specific bans and such aren't the wisest choice since cheaters can try pick at it to find ways to avoid being detected, but some vague blanket response would be nice like "We banned 10k people, and found only 200 of those were innocent" or something just to reinforce the ban complaints aren't coming from disingenuous people.

I remember one time where Bex did a little investigation on someone being banned on Reddit and the tl;dr turned into "Yeah this person was lying", I don't expect that level of slam dunk but I would like something to hang onto that I'm not going to wake up one day and see I'm banned for doing something I either didn't do, or something I'm unaware of (Computer virus; mouse software; awakened PoE trade - anything). As it stands I've seen multiple high count streamers use Awakened PoE Trade and I still don't know the official stance on it, just people hearsay.

Theres 1 post on reddit 6 days old that has very little activity, zero proof just a bunch of stories like here, your bex example is why theres no substanciated evidence to support anything, as in most cases the people know exactly what they did , if you read alot of stuff now unbans for innocents are trickling out , their customer support or lack of over xmas has created a backlog but the actual innocent people are being unbanned albeit at a slow pace.

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