Lack of GGG Transparency regarding current banwave

medicated03 wrote:
Calvat wrote:
I wouldn't mind some transparency regarding the banwave that's being megaphoned, here and Reddit I'm seeing multiple posts a day about it and honestly it has me kind of afraid for myself and my partner who I play with. This is our main game and we play a bunch every league with 3k and 1.5k hours clocked respectively.

I understand that being transparent with specific bans and such aren't the wisest choice since cheaters can try pick at it to find ways to avoid being detected, but some vague blanket response would be nice like "We banned 10k people, and found only 200 of those were innocent" or something just to reinforce the ban complaints aren't coming from disingenuous people.

I remember one time where Bex did a little investigation on someone being banned on Reddit and the tl;dr turned into "Yeah this person was lying", I don't expect that level of slam dunk but I would like something to hang onto that I'm not going to wake up one day and see I'm banned for doing something I either didn't do, or something I'm unaware of (Computer virus; mouse software; awakened PoE trade - anything). As it stands I've seen multiple high count streamers use Awakened PoE Trade and I still don't know the official stance on it, just people hearsay.

Theres 1 post on reddit 6 days old that has very little activity, zero proof just a bunch of stories like here, your bex example is why theres no substanciated evidence to support anything, as in most cases the people know exactly what they did , if you read alot of stuff now unbans for innocents are trickling out , their customer support or lack of over xmas has created a backlog but the actual innocent people are being unbanned albeit at a slow pace.

Hello, I have created this account to reply to you.
I am the creator of the reddit post 6 days ago who got the attention of 100K+ people and basically no reply from Support. Another similar reddit post was done right after on the banwave.

As you can see, I am not alone. A good bunch of people have been banned in the past few days, even people that have been streaming live. The ones who write, contact support and post here are trying to push for answers and clarifications.

I honestly do not understand whats your point replying to these threads, negating our claims without knowing anything about us.
Go play the Game, since you still can and let us and support deal with this.
A significant number of the posts both here and on reddit feel like they're probably written by the same person, and i wouldn't be surprised if this whole controversy is primarily being propped up by one disgruntled person with a dozen accounts.

Without more transparency its impossible for an uninformed user to say whether or not a significant number of innocent people are being banned. We don't know how GGG identifies people or what the people are even being banned for. They don't know either. Given this complete lack of information, there's little basis on which to make an estimation of the number of innocent people being banned.

I do recall that in the past GGG publicly apologized when they erroniously banned a number of people for refunding supporter packs through steam and explained in detail how and why things went wrong. My impression from that incident is that GGG takes avoiding banning innocent people seriously and puts in effort to both avoid it in the first place and investigate claims that it has happened, which is somewhat reassuring.

Its a difficult issue because the more transparent GGG is regarding their security practice, the more bad actors will be able to circumvent their security.
Don't forget that GGG allows only 2 accounts per physical client machine, so for one disgruntled person to have dozen accounts he must have (dozen * 0.5) pcs, or figure out how to stealthily fake his HWID
Same for me i am a new Player playing for 7 days and i enjoyed it and i even bought premium stashes etc invest 40$ in it and 1-2 days later my Account is banned for no Reason. And The Support is not Responding to this , not answering to the mails etc.
Ragnarokio wrote:
A significant number of the posts both here and on reddit feel like they're probably written by the same person, and i wouldn't be surprised if this whole controversy is primarily being propped up by one disgruntled person with a dozen accounts.

Without more transparency its impossible for an uninformed user to say whether or not a significant number of innocent people are being banned. We don't know how GGG identifies people or what the people are even being banned for. They don't know either. Given this complete lack of information, there's little basis on which to make an estimation of the number of innocent people being banned.

I do recall that in the past GGG publicly apologized when they erroniously banned a number of people for refunding supporter packs through steam and explained in detail how and why things went wrong. My impression from that incident is that GGG takes avoiding banning innocent people seriously and puts in effort to both avoid it in the first place and investigate claims that it has happened, which is somewhat reassuring.

Its a difficult issue because the more transparent GGG is regarding their security practice, the more bad actors will be able to circumvent their security.

I agree with you for most of it, but if GGG takes this seriously as you say, support should be on the case instead of getting replies like: "you got banned because u breached our TOS". also I doubt its the same guy with 12 accounts honestly, so many different stories here. anyway, some time off the game for me is not that bad, doing plenty of other IRL stuff :D
PoeRecovery3 wrote:
medicated03 wrote:
Calvat wrote:
I wouldn't mind some transparency regarding the banwave that's being megaphoned, here and Reddit I'm seeing multiple posts a day about it and honestly it has me kind of afraid for myself and my partner who I play with. This is our main game and we play a bunch every league with 3k and 1.5k hours clocked respectively.

I understand that being transparent with specific bans and such aren't the wisest choice since cheaters can try pick at it to find ways to avoid being detected, but some vague blanket response would be nice like "We banned 10k people, and found only 200 of those were innocent" or something just to reinforce the ban complaints aren't coming from disingenuous people.

I remember one time where Bex did a little investigation on someone being banned on Reddit and the tl;dr turned into "Yeah this person was lying", I don't expect that level of slam dunk but I would like something to hang onto that I'm not going to wake up one day and see I'm banned for doing something I either didn't do, or something I'm unaware of (Computer virus; mouse software; awakened PoE trade - anything). As it stands I've seen multiple high count streamers use Awakened PoE Trade and I still don't know the official stance on it, just people hearsay.

Theres 1 post on reddit 6 days old that has very little activity, zero proof just a bunch of stories like here, your bex example is why theres no substanciated evidence to support anything, as in most cases the people know exactly what they did , if you read alot of stuff now unbans for innocents are trickling out , their customer support or lack of over xmas has created a backlog but the actual innocent people are being unbanned albeit at a slow pace.

Hello, I have created this account to reply to you.
I am the creator of the reddit post 6 days ago who got the attention of 100K+ people and basically no reply from Support. Another similar reddit post was done right after on the banwave.

As you can see, I am not alone. A good bunch of people have been banned in the past few days, even people that have been streaming live. The ones who write, contact support and post here are trying to push for answers and clarifications.

I honestly do not understand whats your point replying to these threads, negating our claims without knowing anything about us.
Go play the Game, since you still can and let us and support deal with this.

Actually im travelling europe and replying at airports , train stations etc.

Im replying for a number of reasons but mostly because people are stupid enough to make posts saying they cant buy mtx in fear of being banned which is both ludicrous and funny.

The entire thing contains zero proof of anything , these people who claim to have streamed blah blah , post your vods, film your processes in windows , provide actual substance for being innocent and maybe you would get traction on reddit.

Anyone can create an account and say i only used awakened trade 🤭 You do realise they ban for offences possibly months ago or longer too its just easier to bulk process them all at once, most online games do this.

Past events have proven most people are full of kaka and ran dodgy programs they thought were safe and got caught etc.

medicated03 wrote:

The entire thing contains zero proof of anything

As your words.

So as @PoeRecovery3 said, why do here?
Last edited by Donoteatme on Dec 28, 2023, 12:19:24 PM
Last edited by ouc573632 on Dec 28, 2023, 5:07:38 PM
ouc573632 wrote:
There are some player accounts in the forum who have joined before 2012 (POE was released in 2013). They rarely actually play the game, they have only a few characters in the past 10 year, and the levels are usually not high. However, they are very active and reply a lot in the forum. Some accounts even reply to more than 14k posts, and actively oppose all complaints. This is strange, isn't it?

Indeed! :D
Some good GGG employee there...kidding, dont reban me
Edit: fun fact, if you look at his forum posts he claims he started as new player in 2019, yet his account is 11yo. his last support pack is dated before he claims to have started....there is enough for a little investigation there lol :D
Last edited by PoeRecovery3 on Dec 28, 2023, 1:48:29 PM
Hello I am in the same boat I have purchased two of the 480 dollar packs have 2000+ hours on the game and no reason to ever risk that as I love the game..

My account is gerriscott

I have been permanently banned - section 7 of the tos like the rest of us.. do we believe that this is going to get sorted because I love the product POe is an amazing game but it seems like something has gone wrong here.

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