Lack of GGG Transparency regarding current banwave

Just don’t break TOS, and all your supporter packs will be safe [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Drew_GGG on Dec 23, 2023, 10:19:13 AM
There will be no "transparency".

If they ban you and after investigation uphold said ban they don't need to explain why you got banned, how you were detected, or anything else, they don't need to warn you.

The reason is pretty much down to those that DO cheat trying to evade the system in place to ban them.

If they told them it was a specific addon then that is the addon that will get highlighted to the developer to alter enough that it won't get detected.

Section seven (which most people seem to be getting banned for) covers just about everything you could get banned for, the only things that i can think of that are not covered there is repeated scamming, where reports which are verified result in flags being placed upon an account...get too many and you will get banned and doing charge backs on purchases.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
That reddit thread has interesting hypothesis among comments, what if GGG actually tries to train and use artificial neural network to track malicious activity on accounts. That would be naive and unethical as hell, but very poe too. It would explain why all kinds of accounts are getting banned, from thousand hours to created 3 days ago, and from 24/7 uptime to those who didn't login for a year.

Crude example, you give currency for free to someone who isn't on your friend list, who you didn't chat in-game before (maybe you chat on external platform) => you are RMT and banned on the spot because that's how RMT shops operate.
Echothesis wrote:
That reddit thread has interesting hypothesis among comments, what if GGG actually tries to train and use artificial neural network to track malicious activity on accounts. That would be naive and unethical as hell, but very poe too. It would explain why all kinds of accounts are getting banned, from thousand hours to created 3 days ago, and from 24/7 uptime to those who didn't login for a year.

Crude example, you give currency for free to someone who isn't on your friend list, who you didn't chat in-game before (maybe you chat on external platform) => you are RMT and banned on the spot because that's how RMT shops operate.

I was banned and I didn't even start the league... I hadn't played for almost a year. I don't know if these bans are occurring just based on what players are doing in the game, unless my case is an exception... but I saw some other people commenting that they were also banned without playing.

So I have these hypotheses:

Or my account was hacked and they did some shit while I was offline.

Or GGG started this evaluation a long time ago, putting 'red flags' on some accounts and now they have banned all these people... but in this case this technology would certainly be conflicting with some legitimate software.

Or they simply ran a ban wave with the wrong parameters and ended up reaching more people than it should have.

It's kind of convenient to have POE2's launch approaching and have several accounts banned, which will have to repurchase several tabs to play the game. I believe that most people here, even though they are upset about it, will want to play POE2... so I wonder if they are really interested in resolving this situation.
Last edited by caiochc93 on Dec 23, 2023, 1:11:14 PM
Three days without any response... It seems that the holiday of many will be with a lot of sadnes
lagwin1980 wrote:
There will be no "transparency".

Yes, that's the issue. They're playing with our money; our real life bank accounts are being toyed with. It's appalling.
Chulainn_GGG wrote:
Hey everyone,

Unfortunately, we are unable to discuss any details surrounding any bans or moderation action via the forums. If you would like to discuss or appeal any bans, please email us at and we would be happy to look into these further for you!

I sincerely apologise for any inconvenience in the meantime.

So when u plan fix problems ?
I just see u copy paste standard phrases in each thread
I wait now 2 full weeks to fix my Problem (No accesses to my Email, so i cant send myself unlock code)
Its a Simple 30 Sec fix to Change my mail adress in your system
And yes i confirm twice that im the creator of the account (i mean i post atm with it aswell)

U cant tell me thats a 14 day problem, maybe u guys should start work and not reply
And dont tell us that u have many request..... because if noone is fixing the problems of your community its normal thats the list is large

Ivory_vines wrote:

I'm a long-time player with a small amount of MTXes on my account, maybe 80 dollars or so. Every couple of years I add a couple more because I enjoy the game.

However, recently an absurd number of permanent account deletions have taken place, rendering hundreds and even thousands of dollars stolen from the players whose accounts were deleted, as they cannot access the goods and services they have paid for.

This makes me hesitant to spend money on further MTXes. I was planning on doing so today with the effects sale, but I no longer feel that this is a safe choice financially with the risk of theft on GGG's part.

This lack of transparency is an immediate and pressing issue for all players with ANY amount of money invested on their accounts -- GGG can steal that money without consequences and refuse to explain why they've chosen to do so.

You dont own anything to be stolen,the mtx is still their property for one.

For two breaking ToS voids all of what you are saying, almost every banwave has a few unlucky innocents but you can be sure most were doing something naughty, its rather amusing to read your post as its the typical response from someone who is guilty and thought theres no way GGG would notice something like the third party app that shows the mist mini map xD

medicated03 wrote:
Ivory_vines wrote:

I'm a long-time player with a small amount of MTXes on my account, maybe 80 dollars or so. Every couple of years I add a couple more because I enjoy the game.

However, recently an absurd number of permanent account deletions have taken place, rendering hundreds and even thousands of dollars stolen from the players whose accounts were deleted, as they cannot access the goods and services they have paid for.

This makes me hesitant to spend money on further MTXes. I was planning on doing so today with the effects sale, but I no longer feel that this is a safe choice financially with the risk of theft on GGG's part.

This lack of transparency is an immediate and pressing issue for all players with ANY amount of money invested on their accounts -- GGG can steal that money without consequences and refuse to explain why they've chosen to do so.

You dont own anything to be stolen,the mtx is still their property for one.

For two breaking ToS voids all of what you are saying, almost every banwave has a few unlucky innocents but you can be sure most were doing something naughty, its rather amusing to read your post as its the typical response from someone who is guilty and thought theres no way GGG would notice something like the third party app that shows the mist mini map xD

There are alot of people including me, that got hit by this banwave. There are even people whos account wasnt online for x years and got banned too. I dont know why i was banned cos i dont think i did anything that was against ToS that i would know about. Imagine if bank froze your account with all your money and didnt respond to emails or anything. For reason you dont know about even tho you were asking and waiting for multiple days for. In the end, people who were wrongfully banned are in a loss and people who actualy rmt (jenebu still isnt banned btw after 5 unbans and multiple accusations) are still playing the game and spamming trade chat with links to rmt sites all day long. Not even people who were directly reported to GGG tru email support for doing RMT arent banned yet..
medicated03 wrote:
Ivory_vines wrote:

I'm a long-time player with a small amount of MTXes on my account, maybe 80 dollars or so. Every couple of years I add a couple more because I enjoy the game.

However, recently an absurd number of permanent account deletions have taken place, rendering hundreds and even thousands of dollars stolen from the players whose accounts were deleted, as they cannot access the goods and services they have paid for.

This makes me hesitant to spend money on further MTXes. I was planning on doing so today with the effects sale, but I no longer feel that this is a safe choice financially with the risk of theft on GGG's part.

This lack of transparency is an immediate and pressing issue for all players with ANY amount of money invested on their accounts -- GGG can steal that money without consequences and refuse to explain why they've chosen to do so.

You dont own anything to be stolen,the mtx is still their property for one.

For two breaking ToS voids all of what you are saying, almost every banwave has a few unlucky innocents but you can be sure most were doing something naughty, its rather amusing to read your post as its the typical response from someone who is guilty and thought theres no way GGG would notice something like the third party app that shows the mist mini map xD

I'm not currently nor have I ever been banned. Please read a post in its entirety before replying.

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