Lack of GGG Transparency regarding current banwave

Last edited by ThngsLikeThis on Jan 2, 2024, 5:23:12 PM
Do have 2 account and trading them myself will causing banned?
because its me controlling the accounts, and there are 0 conversation between the trade :(
my alt account has been ban, so I wondering which Term of use i've breached.

Any possible way to "link" them up so that GGG won't misjudge again?

And yes, the ban is happened after I've brought the support pack and some stach stap for QOL.
Ive just got unbanned by GGG, they said they reviewed my case and changed it from ban to a warning. THERE IS HOPE GUYS, YOU MUST BELIEVE
I am in the same boat with nothing resolved yet. I have exchanged several emails with GGG and seem to be getting copy/paste responses. Hoping with these success stories they are noticing that a large number of people were actually banned incorrectly and take the steps to fix it.
If buying MTX is a financial risk to you, don’t do it. Other than that it’s pretty simple: break TOS = ban… as it should be, regardless of how much money you have spent on the game. In no way, shape or form should how much money you have spent EVER have any effect on how you’re treated if you break the rules. Reasons for bans is between ggg and the person affected…. There is no reason for that info to be put into the public space. A ban is something you can appeal… so just appeal it if you feel it’s unjust.
If buying MTX is a financial risk to you, don’t do it. Other than that it’s pretty simple: break TOS = ban… as it should be, regardless of how much money you have spent on the game. In no way, shape or form should how much money you have spent EVER have any effect on how you’re treated if you break the rules. Reasons for bans is between ggg and the person affected…. There is no reason for that info to be put into the public space. A ban is something you can appeal… so just appeal it if you feel it’s unjust.

This is a weird take. Obviously this is a rather large banwave and many people were wrongfully banned. Game companies should be held responsible even the "good" ones.
I was banned on December 27 in the morning, I immediately sent an email asking for explanations, they immediately answered this:
Hi there,

Thanks for contacting Support.

I've gone ahead and passed this along to the relevant team members for review.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know.

As of today, a week has passed and I still have no response.
Indeed, they are answering.
My ban have been converted into a warning, finally with some less automated answer from support (my trust in GGG is restored).

I have asked some extra details on what went wrong, at least to know if it was software, VPN or anything else to generate the trigger. If I dont know what I did how can I avoid it in the future ? Section 7 of the TOS is really inclusive of many things.
I will not play until I have a more precise idea....also 10 days without POE showed me there is a life out there haha

Good luck everyone.

I spent 2 weeks only getting what seemed like automated messages from support so im glad you got taken care of. i sent feedback to support unrelated to my ban, but it looks like mine is gonna be permanent. :(
I came to update that I was unbanned
Are they unbanning people even after send an automated message saying it was unbannable?

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