Lack of GGG Transparency regarding current banwave

I never used VPN! Only the never sink filters, PoB and poe awakened trade, just it. nothing else
medicated03 wrote:
If you arent banned whats the issue ? You are too gullible.

1. 99 percent of these people arent innocent.

2. If by some miracle GGG fucked up they will fix it.

Your post is pointless , they owe you nuthing.

Your mtx is not at risk unless you used the bad software which will NOT be poe trade.

What a bullshit is this ?
I cant lock in and i didnt play 5 Years on my Account
So how i should cheat ?
I saw a new league starts soon and i want play it, thats all

99 precent.... u just here to trigger ppl because your life is sad
Cool story bro.
5 days waiting for a response and nothing...
medicated03 wrote:
Cool story bro.

Kindly asking you to stop making your inflammatory posts in my thread. This is your last warning, thank you.
My friend just made a poe account first time playing and was banned
Ivory_vines wrote:
This is your last warning,

And after that?
medicated03 wrote:
Hahaha dunno but for someone so concerned about his MTX making threats towards me is pretty dumb, thats a great way to get banned 😆

You have to be completely irrational to believe a company during its peak sales point of the year would just ban thousands of innocent people with xmas cash to blow and lose all that buisness with no concern at all.

Then again to believe what a bunch of brand new accounts made because of bans say is also completely irrational.

Do you think im in danger ?

Dude why would i make a new account to post on forum that my main account get banned for reasonable thing. I would love to make a post from my main on forum but i cant when im banned... This is just some kind of weird situation from GGG combined with bad timing of holidays. As you can see there are atleast 30 threads on forum with people getting banned for no obvious reason. And yes with this happening you can be in danger and you can get easily banned like we did.
I'm going to leave my report here, I've already created a post, I've already contacted support by email and still no response

I started playing POE on 12/19, I got banned after two days of playing at level 44 (12/22), I got a little discouraged and went to support and got no response so I created another account

In this new account with the name: bannedintwodays, I dropped mageblood on the second day of the game (I almost deleted it because I didn't know the importance of this item, my friends warned me) I was happy and gave up on my first account and took the game seriously because it had this Lucky, now at level 88 I got banned again yesterday, I was going to buy the chest spaces today, but by "luck or bad luck" I got banned before.

I hope this is resolved, they haven't responded to my post on the first account yet so you can understand, I could create another account and go back to playing because I liked the game, but WILL I TAKE THE RISK AGAIN? No really, I thought there was no worse support than Level UP, if this isn't resolved, you're in for the worst game support I've ever seen
Just commenting here as proof that more innocent people were hit with bans. I got back into the game after years, was playing for about 10 hours over 3 days and got banned on the 22nd. Emailed support instantly and still haven't gotten any response 5 days later today. Ingame the only ban message says "banned by an administrator" which is misleading and wrong, because this is definitely some automated ban and not one done manually by an admin. On the website here it shows "Third Party Software" as the ban reason which is also not truthful as I never used any kind of third party software for POE, even stuff that is allowed like POE Awakened or whatever else.

Who had the smart idea to go around banning thousands of people before the holidays? That's not a smart business decision and very anti-consumer too.

All those who claim no one was wrongfully banned and everyone just cheated or did other banned stuff are just sock puppet accounts of the company staff. Or worse they think they'll maybe get dropped a few measly coins for MTX for defending GGG.

Do you really think a new char is running around somehow selling their level 20 gear for real money? Do you think they're cheating in Act 2 and using banned third party software? That's some serious brain gymnastics.

On top of that you won't even see how many truly are banned. When your account is banned they also don't allow you to post on the forum here. The majority of people won't go through the trouble of making a new account just to post here.
Last edited by forumaccountcausebanned on Dec 27, 2023, 1:05:59 PM

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