Crucible FAQ

Is Poisonous Concoction builds at a disadvantage for Crucible passives, cause you can only equip 1 shield ? lack from having benefit on a 1 hand weapon crucible passive as well ?
Will come back to this
Do you guys have any plans to rework Kergal's and Ulaman's Gaze unique abyss jewels like you reworked Tecrod's?

Just wondering because literally nobody on POE ninja has a Kergal's gaze equipped and only 0.1% of people use Ulaman's gaze. These jewels came out 2 years ago and there is still nobody using them. Its weird that you did a abyss rework and passed these over. Also last league you said you would be reworking jewels so that they would feel rewarding when they drop and I feel these jewels didn't get the attention they require personally. Ulaman's just needs a slight buff to make it useable. Kergal's is just awful though.

It would be nice to actually have some cool jewels to socket into the new Bubonic Trails.
Last edited by bigboyblue on Apr 4, 2023, 1:29:54 AM
The new attack mastery "Non-vaal strike skills target 1 additional enemy" will this still apply to the Base smite on a vaal smite gem? Why no love for us poor vaal melee skill users :'(
What if I use a Fractured Fossil or Fenumal Plagued Arachnid to split a weapon with great passives?

Will this create a brand new weapon without any passives or randomly roll weapon passives, or the weapon with its own passives cannot be modefied by these two items?
Are the Crucible trees randomly generated each time and are the skills specific to the weapon or shield type?

Crucible Trees are randomly generated, though the types of skill a weapon can get will be dependent on its item level and class. For example, bows will have access to particular bow passives and will not have access to particular sceptre passives.

Note that an existing Crucible Tree can be removed if you are able to access and complete a special Crucible Endgame encounter.

The crucible tree should also be influenced by mods on the item.
Eg.: If you use cast speed mod essence on a melee weapon you get a caster tree on a melee weapon. Same with bows. Same with minion essence.

Or Delve mods or temple mods. Eg.: A weapon with chaos temple mod gets a chaos tree.
The Gain Adrenaline for 1 second when you switch stance Mastery seems too strong. Will you change it?

Yes. The stats for that Mastery are now:

Remove Damaging Ailments when you Change Stance
Stance Skills have +6 seconds to Cooldown

You guys could go so many better ways to solve this. Next time, please do not make a decision on a hurry.
Will builds that use unarmed be unable to use crucible trees? (concoction skills)

It would be nice to have like a glove(in weapon slot) that can't have mods except crucible trees and still count as unarmed.
unnerf lightning tendrils please. honestly man, i got the mtx for it for a league start and got a build ready for it and you nerf it. like, barely anyone plays this skill anyway i don't understand why it needs to be nerfed.

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