Crucible FAQ

Onslaught died for this
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.

remove adrenaline mastery come on ffs
Going to be interesting.
Why create a dozen of unique weapons for minion or other builds and then put them on totally irrelevant item bases and follow up with content that screws everyone who plays builds that use unique items not for their item class but for - the UNIQUE mods. Thx GGG. Well done.
Last edited by a_k_a on Apr 2, 2023, 7:14:39 PM
Did you forget to post Minion Mastery changes?
No, there were no changes to Minion Masteries in this expansion. We are aware of feedback asking for these in the future.

This was also asked in a few youtube videos as well, because the mastery appears in the trailer. So an oversite? Or something that got rolled back?
Last edited by LennyGhoul on Apr 2, 2023, 7:12:42 PM
United in Dream is a sword, but is used for Minion builds, what passive tree skills will be available on this will it be Sword related ones, or Minion related ones?

a_k_a wrote:
Nice to know that everyone who plays builds that use unique items not for their item class but for - the UNIQUE mods - gets screwed. Thx GGG.

What are you talking about? Uniques gain powerful stats that other rares cannot gain. Its called trade off. No build dies because you cant use 15% increased max life
The Pathfinder changes are not a revamp, they are heavy handed nerfs without so much as a sliver of thought put behind it.

Why did you mutilate the whole ascendancy and why dishonestly sell those changes to us with misleading labels? Those are not revamps, the class wasnt "stale". Excessive defensive powerlevel in 3.20 can be achieved with nearly any Ascendancy, but on pathfinder it requires not just high investment, but cant be done without a 3.20 exclusive unique. So that cant be your reasoning for 3.21. What the hell were you thinking?!

Explain your reasoning at least!

This is shit. Shame on you.
Last edited by Rakschas666 on Apr 2, 2023, 7:21:50 PM
Q: With Ruthless offering a different, smaller set of challenges to complete than the base game, will it be possible to complete some challenges in Ruthless and others in the main league in order to get these rewards?

A: You can't mix and match. They are separate challenge tracks.

Hmmmm... Is there a Ruthless Challenge MTX? I might be down for that.
Eat your vegetables.

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