Additional Upcoming Changes

FreakyDr wrote:
Banshi wrote:

I've been played the first two days. Made my gear at 2 day state, made some currency in heist and start pushing atlas. After that I had two week holiday on a beach. After returning, I've read and watch where is a actual game and decide to stop playing this league. It's mine protest against of the whole situation. I try to show I don't like it.

Last league I've played a lot. I've made two characters Tornado shot and MF build with juice gear. Recombinators was fun. I saw craft from absolutely different perspective.

So, I don't see your point regarding my current of my character. I just want to show my feedback not just word.

There is no feedback if you didn't play the game and don't know it's state first hand. You are not supposed to review something if you've only seen an AD of it on television and held it packaged in thick wrapper. You are protesting on something based on some youtube video, fraction of a stream or worse, Reddit... It's not the kind of feedback anybody needs and it creates confusion. Either play the game for a few days in red maps or don't spread missinformation or argue with someone who actually spent some time playing and is sharing his real experience. This isn't supposed to be an echo chamber.

He's right though about last league and last league was fun enough to keep the players around. The real complaints and issues of last league were the overtuning of arch nemesis mods which was majorly complained about by the player base. I went SRS Popcorn last league and was up there with Uber content. I got worn out before beating any Ubers but everything in the Sentinel league was fun asides Arch nemesis mainly. Essentially delve with triple Degen on the ground to 1 shot you wasn't fun at all.
Just replace Rogue Exiles with Archnemesis (if you want it so much in core) like you replaced Beyond with Scourge or remove it completly from the game and bring us back previous magic and rare monsters!
Last edited by kamil410 on Sep 13, 2022, 10:04:19 AM
More of the same rubbish.
Last edited by petesafool on Sep 13, 2022, 10:07:36 AM
Randiotem wrote:
What alternatives?

This depends a lot on what you want, for me LE just works. But I get, some ppl will have no alternatives and thats ok, you just have to have fun
Last edited by rjchaves93 on Sep 13, 2022, 10:10:51 AM
schaefed33 wrote:
The best would be:

Turn off Servers

Install 3.18

Reset Game

Let us play 3.18 for the next 3 months.

Nothing else needed.

Chris, you only have one job to do: make this game fun.

No one cares about your vision or philosophy; just make this game fun. Now the game is not fun.
Thanks GGG
one step at time, but we are going one step closer to a better Path (kek)
Not a big change, yet the real issue is to have only -very few- "builds" (relying on 1 or -very few skills & items-) which are reaching incredible 50, 100+ Millions dps and being able to make bosses 85 trivial.

While the crushing majority of others skills are absolutely unable to reach such orders of dps, despite extremely costly mini-maxing.

Don't want to play more when you know your build will -never- be able to do it.
Worse part about this is that players are discovering this flawed design too late.
"increasing the cooldown of the Ice Prison Archnemesis mod from 5 seconds to 10 seconds"

Praise be to le Tucan
The gem reward chests were indeed quite annoying. Thanks for the change.

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