Additional Upcoming Changes

fractured flasks kinda pog. all the rest is more bandaid fixes on an ill-planned archnem intergration. cool.
For Innocence's muscular golden arse, please fix Oblivion Fire Trap not displaying elemental proliferation effects ATTEMPT 10? LET'S GO
Hey alright.
Mechanic Misconception:

Are your minions "randomly dying"? Do you have the Fleshcrafter unique equipped?
If you answered "Yes" to both of these, high chance is that your minions have over 50% chaos resistance, converting 100% of their HP into ES, killing them.
"Sir the community says that flask drops aren't rewarding"
"Yes, but... how about FRACTURED FLASKS?!"
I guess?
Last edited by JesusIsBIack on Sep 12, 2022, 11:14:50 PM
not nearly enough. if youre gonna reduce archenemesis mods to the mods that exissted before, WHY NOT JUST REMOVE ARCHNEMESIS?=???
So we know to wait for 3.20 and hope you see reason with the loot, Thanks for the honesty at least.
Just hoping for a good 3.20. 3.19 is all about Grim Dawn for me.
A little too late :/ Wish you guys weren't so hesitant about buffing player power or reducing problematic things
This league has been an absolute disaster.

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