Additional Upcoming Changes

Dont nerf the duration from incendiary, nerf the dmg. It 1 shots so dont matter if it lasts 3 or 4 secs
this league have been one of the worst league i ever played, the lake was frustrating to play and we all know why, plus this entire league so far i got 0 good loot from the mirror reward all garbage that don't even make it to through the filter. OH YEAH.. the loot goblin are infuriating, I get loots like a massive 103 flask explosion that cover the entire screen, while i see every one else getting stacks of divine, how is that even worth my time and money, plus the damage scaling instant death mechanic are terrible to play. 99.99% of monsters can't get pass my layers of defense, and that 1 small monster just 1 shot kill me, or sometimes i would instantly die less than 10th of a second when touch something on the ground while have 90% resistance and 83% physical damage mitigation. plus a large hp and shield pool, and many other defense layers. minions are absolutely terrible to play this league too, and i usually always a minion player, i was forced to switch to feel fair in power in a trade league...
...we can say that we don't have easy solutions for these issues mid-league and will be looking at what's possible for 3.20.

A) pa-lease - there are easy-enough fixes, you just put your foot down and then act like anything that would actually help is oh so difficult. We are not fools (well, enough of us now are not fools).

B) IOW - this league is dead and there is no reason to come back until 3.20 - where you WILL, ONCE AGAIN rebuff nemesis and offer "fixes" that don't really fix anything - so no real reason to even come back then. And since this is all about getting the game to a state where the first campaign and second one are balanced with each other - even waiting on POE2 is foolhardy (we all saw the "few enemies, large health bars" crap in the POE2 reveal).

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Last edited by Kane_GGG on Sep 17, 2022, 4:42:56 PM
Please, can you tell me which of these changes are live and when the others will be implemented? I see that in the last patch fractured flasks were introduced, but what about the other changes? Will a new patch be deployed soon?
Hi GGG. Please don't ignore your player base. Just because this thread doesn't have >100 pages absolutely does not mean we are having fun this league. From the perspective of a large portion of your audience, we are not. We are merely coping. We are grateful for the minor changes you have made in attempt to fix issues thus far this league, however it is not enough.

Honestly this is the only league I've played in this game where I am actively avoiding the league mechanic. There is no clear incentive in running Lakes; no rewards, no loot, excessive difficulty. I get nothing for doing it other than dying several times. I feel like I'm playing standard.

Please re-evaluate your "vision" for this game. Your players do not enjoy your "vision." Concentrating loot into extremely rare mobs (loot goblins) is not enjoyable. I want to run a few maps and feel some form of progression. Smoothing out the progression curve (i.e. currency drops) is much more enjoyable than RNG spawning a random god touched mob once every 50-100 maps.. at least in my experience. I have gotten 1 raw divine orb drop this league, in grinding hundreds and hundreds of maps. From Tier 1 to Tier 16. I simply cannot gear up my characters. I am trying, but I cannot. I see pictures of people dropping stacks of divine orbs, and it just feels so bad and demoralizing.

On death effects on mobs are as fun to play around as a kick in the nut-sack. The sheer volume of zone control on mobs this league is frankly ridiculous. I cant tell you how many times I have died to "toxic" this league. A disgusting green chaos ball that follows you around forever until it explodes on top of your head and kills you unless you have capped chaos resistance, have chaos inoculation, or have the ability to look at the hundreds of things going on around you and react in time is not good game design. Same goes for the flame balls.

Oh fyi, rare mobs should not be harder than map bosses. I Can't believe I need to type that out.

Please do better in 3.20. You have done so in the past, I know you can do it in the future.

Last edited by emencebeast411 on Sep 18, 2022, 10:03:40 PM
Quite simply, I'll be forever grateful to Lake of Kalandra for motivating me to try Last Epoch.
ETA on ground degen nerfs?
This is so annoying and adds nothing but frustration to the game. No Player thinks "How Exciting, the mob died and now have to wait 10 seconds before I can grab the loot or I will die, how amazing, challenging and fun!"
Thanks for not fixing anything that players want...

I know what i'll do when 3.20 launches...

Playing other ARPG's
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Patch when?...Did they forget about these changes and push it to 3.20?
This patch ain't even live yet lmfaoooo

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