Can we have slow methodical gameplay from act 1 back please?
" Especially considering endgame and cruel were late additions. It's very clear that their initial vision is what early acts are and cruel/endgame clown fiesta is the result of exilecon/gamescom feedback. |
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" Like I said - the start of the game feels the way it feels because you're fresh and basically naked. What's the point in having items in this game at all if they don't give you any meaningfull advantage? You have to choose - either you want a game where you learn boss paterns, engage in long fights where everything depends on your skill or if you at some point would have such a powerful gear that you one-shot everything. One negates the other, sorry. |
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" The point is to become more powerful so you can kill more powerful enemies. What's the point of having over 1000 enemy types if you never interact with any of them and all of them die in a single hit offscreen? You might as well just replace all of them with A1 zombies and no one will notice a difference. In a normal game you get more powerful items to fight monsters that are also more powerful which you wouldn't be able to kill without good items (or will have a lot of trouble). |
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" This would be a good point if that was the case for everyone playing this game - which is not. Read the forums - people complain about not being able to complete 3 floor Trial of Sekhemas. Single death maps, Arbiter patterns. You like to mention zoom-zoom which is unafordable for most of the players. You don't like that mobs die offscreen? Well what's the point if every fight with a white mob would take ages? They are supposed to die fast because DPS actually stands for Drops Per Second, because if they don't start to die fast eventually you will complain that it takes ages to find a decent loot because normal fights take too long, loot drops too slow because of that and you're bored and you want to get gear to try your luck with something more engaging but you can't. |
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You're speaking like I'm complaining about too little drops. I'm complaining about exact opposite - there is way too much loot dropping right now but the quality of drops is garbage. When properly balanced killing 5 really strong enemies can be way more rewarding than killing hundreds of trash that dies in a single hit. You also assume that it's what people find fun but I don't see anyone outside of really small PoE1 community find that piece of shit endgame fun. Those who find it fun are already playing PoE1, lets keep it that way - PoE1 is a zoo to keep in all the braindead monkeys.
Last edited by DemonikPath#1311 on Jan 22, 2025, 5:04:17 AM
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" No I'm not. I'm trying to paint a picture of what would happen if things go your way. " I actually agree on that. I have a lot of issues with PoE2 loot, trading and what people here like to call "friction". " I do. People come to diablo-like games to relax, kill waves of mobs, find exciting loot, get godly OP eventually and try some other crazy build to do the same. Almost forgot - in your previous post you mentioned "in a normal game you get more powerful items to fight monsters that are also more powerful which you wouldn't be able to kill without good items". I genuenly would be grateful if you could bring an example of such a game (like what diablo-like RNG loot game you find ideal, where you don't zoom-zoom and oneshot everything sooner or later) or elaborate how is that any different with PoE2? I mean I haven't seen any videos of people being able to do Endgame naked. |
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" Yep. And the only game that did it right from start to the end was Diablo 1. That was brilliant game in many aspects people don't even know or remember. Every level (area) there you meet more and more dangerous enemies. They all behave differently instead of just rushing at you or shooting at you. This is so cool. Unique monsters and their minions were not just regular ones with stupid added affixes like in all later arpgs, but had distinct unique behavior and, sometimes, unique abilities. It amazes me how BlizzNorth devs completely lost this cool feature in D2 already. |
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I find that a huge chunk of players came to poe 2 (me included) because we saw the videos of this slower and methodical gameplay, but the instant we reach endgame its exactly like poe 1 again.
People might find it disappointing at best and false advertising at worst. And furthermore what i dont understand is, many people are here from poe 1, so if they want the same game why not just go play poe 1 and leave this slower paced version for rest of people? Souls like games are a perfect example how you can feel powerful in the end game but still feel ovewhelmed if theres one too many enemies. Were not blasting away 30 black knights with a push of a button there. |
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" It gets worse. They can't go play PoE1 because the game-play and progression loop is so boring that no one will play it for more than a couple weeks after a new wipe. PoE1 normally gets updated every 4 months, but is being delayed due to the resource drain of GGG launching a separate new game. The PoE1 for lifers are only playing PoE2 cause their "better" game-play is too boring to go back to. |
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" Yep. And the only way that was possible is because there was nothing but campaign. And there was nothing bad with that. Grim Dawn did the same as far as I remember - haven't played it for a long time. |
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