Can we have slow methodical gameplay from act 1 back please?

(Some will say build variety will come with more balance change, item added but i would argue that given the way damage and defense scale it can't compare to poe 1 because the baseline scaling is locked)

Straight up facts. For damage scaling the devs need to be brave enough to nerf over-tuned shit and ignore the 10% crybabies that can't understand long term design decisions. As for defence scaling I have a few posts covering defence changes that would improve the game's foundation:

Armour needs changing:

Resistances need changing:

Evasion needs minor changing:
I guess they're just going to make the same mistakes twice.

PoE1 didn't start out zoomer with a screen full of enemies. It turned into that turd nugget over time. They still don't seem to comprehend the inherent downsides of Enemy Density.

I have no idea why PoE2 started out in current PoE1 stat values. Especially after Expedition when they tried to curve the massive DPS we could do. Ya know. So map bosses don't die instantly.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
I've played 5 characters till endgame. On one I unlocked all 30 atlas points. I keep making new characters becausec I seriously despise most endgame mechanics. I find I'm just skipping everything except bosses and expedition, because I either die because I get overwhelmed or don't kill enough to get any relevant rewards. I have no desire to play screen-deleting builds. I could've stuck with D4 for that. End game is a big disappointment.
This isn't possible as long as mechanics like breach exist.
You could reduce the spawning of breach enemies by 10x and make each enemy contribute to wave growth 10x more. It would be the same mechanic, but with more deliberate combat.
Sakanabi#6664 wrote:
Summoner#7705 wrote:
I'd like to see them have a section of the Atlas Tree tailored towards reducing enemy quantity while increasing their HP, so that it allows Maps to be more Campaign-like. Then add in one or two League mechanics that are more tailored towards this slower, more tactical gameplay.
This would be pretty good. It would have to account for breach too.

That's actually pretty cool idea and imo deserves separate thread.

Done ;)

Is more of a rough draft / initial concept, but is maybe fleshed out a bit more:
Last edited by CycloneJack#6077 on Jan 16, 2025, 10:21:52 AM
+1 (less "zoom zoom 1-shot" pls [end-game/mapping])
Trade is EZ mode. ;) | Path of Trading ;) | "TLDR: -1 Devs ohhh" (Lol.) | "I've played a lot of videogames. It's my primary recreational activity. Best games ever: Elden Ring and Diablo 4." ~Elon Musk, 2023 | "Dawg", "IQ 48" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ | [Removed by Support]
how do you go from Count Geonor, the Putrid Wolf with actual combat to ritual spawning in some really bad placements. while locked in a tight room where it's kill or be killed.

identity crisis

i no longer want poe1 gameplay.

if the required way to play poe2 is zoom zooming on release, i d probably quit poe entirely.

the clearspeed of some builds in poe2 is disgusting.
[Removed by Support]
Agreed, endgame feels like POE1 with 5+ years of powercreep delivered on early access release. You either quit because your build isn't one of the reddit kiddie 1-shot clear screen broken meta builds or reroll to that build.

It's not fun trying to play a non-meta build when content is balanced around those broken builds.
Last edited by USMC_Maxim#6265 on Jan 21, 2025, 8:53:13 PM
And do be reminded, they make no hiding that they intend the endgame to be like this. Instead of changing the endgame, they would double down and does numbers tuning.

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