Can we have slow methodical gameplay from act 1 back please?

No-one wants to be slogging through massive endgame maps

It's interesting that while all people who would like interesting combat know that there are zoomers who wants it to be dumb, quite a lot of zoomers writing that there are no other players beside them. Somehow, they are not aware that their primitive preferences not shared by all players, that there are more meaningful ways to enjoy the game.
I think the pace of endgame featured in the endgame reveal video looks good. The characters are clearly more powerful than in the early campaign but their not zooming through with screenclearing abilities.

This is a happy medium I'd be excited for.
Ripto#7716 wrote:
I think the pace of endgame featured in the endgame reveal video looks good. The characters are clearly more powerful than in the early campaign but their not zooming through with screenclearing abilities.

This is a happy medium I'd be excited for.

That isn't reasonable pace. If you want to look at reasonable pace look at 2013 PoE videos.
Its hard for Dev to distinguish between the pace of endgame and Acts. As there are tons of Maps in the Endgame Atlas. Slow pace will make the game become hard-farming which is not familiar / friendly to the casual players. I only have few hours to play at night, repeating map farming with slow pace is really hard to do day-by-day. And as u know, the fast pace is due to the build you create, just ignore the investment to the speed and the power of skill, u gonna have a slow pace game. Act 1-3 is when u dont have enough resources to have fast-pace experience and your levels are the same as the monster. Its funny when s.o ask for slow pace gaming and still want their character to be powerful. Remember that T15 map monster is around 80 and you are at 85-90 which is way higher than the monster.
Slow methodical gameplay = play SSF
Hornsent#1110 wrote:
No. No one wants slow gameplay, we want to be super fast. Need to have more speed options.

Correct. But thing is (in D2 in particular) -- game ENDS when you start oneshotting everything. Because this is the peak you've achieved, there is nothing more to do. Congratulations, you are a god. But to achieve that you had to work hard with a slow pace, overcoming challenging enemies. Here though (POE2) this lasts only for 3 acts. And after that game ends, because you become oneshot-clearer. Yes, you can still grind a bit more currency in maps to buy still better gear to oneshot endgame bosses, but generally game is done by D1 or D2 standards.

You never played D2 then.
People farm Baal and Mephisto on Hell day 2. It's same as PoE. If you farmed Stealth and other runewords, leveling was easy too.
People reached uber bosses on hammerdin day 2-3 too.

I have been playing D2 since LOD's release and have never killed an uber boss, had an enigma, or speed farmed on hammerdin.

Getting there takes a long time, in POE1(and 2) you are an enigma hammerdin by act2(as some builds in POE2, as every build in POE1)
Slow methodical gameplay = play SSF

It seems you've never played SSF, at least in POE2.
Neither in PoE1 nor PoE2 is SSF any different in terms of gameplay from trade.

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