Can we have slow methodical gameplay from act 1 back please?

It would be incredible if the devs revisited the direction they embraced in Act 1 and brought more of that deliberate, tactical gameplay into the later stages of the game.

I'd like to see them have a section of the Atlas Tree tailored towards reducing enemy quantity while increasing their HP, so that it allows Maps to be more Campaign-like. Then add in one or two League mechanics that are more tailored towards this slower, more tactical gameplay.

This would allow the existing system to stay in place as it is, while opening up more options to the player, which in turn would allow for a much wider build variety.
could not agree more. this will be so much better than kill in one shot or be killed in one shot mechanics that we have right now.
Zoomfest is crap. I simply never play it (whenever I make it to there). If the game can't offer something else to do, I quit.
It sounds fun on paper but it wouldn't work. As long as fast playstyle exists people will be forced into that playstyle due to Breach/Delirium/Ritual existing. Speed not only generates more loot per time played simply by its nature, it also gives access to content that gives even more loot which also scales exponentially with clear speed. No matter how much you buff slow playstyle it will not be even in the same universe as speed clear builds.
Agree. First 2 acts felt like actually playing the game. Late game is same brain rot as PoE1 and judging by the league selection (time limited enemy spam leagues like Breach, Delirium, Ritual requiring extremely fast builds to be able to do anything completely killing off any slower builds) it's deliberate which I absolutely hate. I quit PoE1 long time ago because I could take that garbage gameplay anymore and had high hopes for PoE2 after all the demos and interviews but I guess my hopes were for nothing.

It sounds fun on paper but it wouldn't work. As long as fast playstyle exists people will be forced into that playstyle due to Breach/Delirium/Ritual existing. Speed not only generates more loot per time played simply by its nature, it also gives access to content that gives even more loot which also scales exponentially with clear speed. No matter how much you buff slow playstyle it will not be even in the same universe as speed clear builds.

PD2 diablo 2 mod made an invention here. They made 2 options to play maps. One is classic zoomzoom. But second is - mobs denisity is low, their HP is bigger but they drop twice as much. This is oriented for certain builds that have decent dps but not AOE.

Same can be made in POE2. You make less mobs with bigger HP but they drop more. It can be balanced, this is not something impossible.
It sounds fun on paper but it wouldn't work. As long as fast playstyle exists people will be forced into that playstyle due to Breach/Delirium/Ritual existing. Speed not only generates more loot per time played simply by its nature, it also gives access to content that gives even more loot which also scales exponentially with clear speed. No matter how much you buff slow playstyle it will not be even in the same universe as speed clear builds.

PD2 diablo 2 mod made an invention here. They made 2 options to play maps. One is classic zoomzoom. But second is - mobs denisity is low, their HP is bigger but they drop twice as much. This is oriented for certain builds that have decent dps but not AOE.

Same can be made in POE2. You make less mobs with bigger HP but they drop more. It can be balanced, this is not something impossible.

I'll repeat again. This literally can't work as long as Breach, Delirium and Ritual exist. They make this impossible by design. The only way that can possibly work is if leagues like these, especially breach where rewards scale exponentially with clear speed exist.
Last edited by DemonikPath#1311 on Jan 15, 2025, 7:37:00 PM
Act 1 was the freshest experience I've ever had in an ARPG. It was slow, methodical, and calculative, and combined with the WASD + dodge mechanics, it worked brilliantly. With proper positioning and dodging, it was even possible to defeat Geonor at level 16. It felt like playing Elden Ring within an arpg.

doesn't work in a game that is about item progression. you will always quickly outscale and therefore invalidate that slow content.
Act 1 was the freshest experience I've ever had in an ARPG. It was slow, methodical, and calculative, and combined with the WASD + dodge mechanics, it worked brilliantly. With proper positioning and dodging, it was even possible to defeat Geonor at level 16. It felt like playing Elden Ring within an arpg.

doesn't work in a game that is about item progression. you will always quickly outscale and therefore invalidate that slow content.

That is only true if the design focus shifts to larger, faster groups of enemies which forces players to adopt an AoE-focused response. If enemies were fewer and slower in Maps, then the moment-to-moment gameplay would feel more like Act 1. I think there is a way to keep the existing zoom-zoom AoE gameplay while also allowing for an optional slower, tactical gameplay. I'm hoping to get a little further in Maps before I create a new topic on it.
This isn't possible as long as mechanics like breach exist. Seriously, you can't imagine loot difference between slow build (if it even can survive opening a breach) and a fast build. It's not even in the same universe. Slow build would be lucky to survive and get 5-10 splinters while fast builds can literally take out several breachstones from a breach. That's not even 5-10x difference, that's 60-100x difference in quantity of loot. And fast builds are almost guaranteed to be safe because they kill everything as soon as it spawns. Slow builds are very likely to just be overwhelmed and will have to logout or die.
Last edited by DemonikPath#1311 on Jan 15, 2025, 8:09:19 PM
I would really like to see the slower gameplay in endgame too. The end game just looks like poe1.

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