Hah, made me chuckle, but unironically, you're welcome!
If you don't quit the game and actually learn how to play and enjoy your 21st ARPG, then it will be through stumbling upon this thread.
Won't take all the credit though, since I'm just mostly retranslating official GGG info from their pre-release interviews.
Last edited by AlyMirage#0497 on Jan 3, 2025, 12:21:12 AM
Posted byAlyMirage#0497on Jan 3, 2025, 12:14:23 AM
Sorry, but there is no loot in this game... nothing... none...nada...
You either buy from vendors or you trade online with other players...
I want to have the enjoyment of FINDING good gear, of getting a good drop that makes me excited... not have to go and buy everything in the worst, most boring way possible!!!
And then you have people swarming you in the chat in the most psychopathic way, telling you 150 times to quit the game because "it's not for you"... and you have "skill issues"... well, I guess not wanting to stop playing to go to an outside online market to buy stuff cause the game doesn't give me anything is a "skill issue"
I dare you to get through the campaign without trading... I dare you!!! The game on it's own as it is, if you don't wanna engage in trades before endgame is UNPLAYABLE!!!
Now tell me something... how is farming money and currency to go and buy stuff you need a video game??? It's not... it's a job... this game's gameplay is the equivalent of saving up to buy a new TV... it's PATHETIC!!! The game is 100% a real life simulator and you're simulating having a boring ass job where you go in and out every day until you have enough to FINALLY go buy something to pass the time a bit more fun for a while... that's it!!!
Sure, you don't want the game to be Diablo 4 and have loot explosions... I get that... but have we gotten so f*cking stupid that we have decided that not looting a single usable item for HOURS AND HOURS in a row is good gameplay???
I'll make another thread on the most basic video game design thing which is how to make a video game FUN and not a chore so that this won't get too long...
GGG... idiots might be glazing you right now, but this is NOT a good game... sure, it has all the ability to be fixed cause the base gameplay has a ton of potential... but as it is now the game is a chore... it's NOT fun and it's certainly NOT REWARDING TO PLAY!!!
Anyway, what you don't understand about term ''Early Access''?
POE 2 is not finished product. Many things are missing, balance is all over the place, many systems are placeholders. Why you act like this was 1.0 release?
Early Access is a unique development model that allows games to be played as they progress towards a full release. Early Access encourages ongoing updates from developers, while letting players participate in direct feedback through gameplay and community involvement.
If I were GGG reading these rants, I’d likely think that many players are overreacting. It’s a bit embarrassing to see this kind of response from the community. Let’s try to keep the discussions more level-headed, please.
Enough with the "early access" bullshit... are you so unable to understand that this is NOT a balancing issue but a problem that has to do with their core "vision" of what the game should be???
You're all so damn blind followers... just obedient zombies that don't understand how to think critically and have been brainwashed to just praise praise praise...
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Jan 3, 2025, 9:51:46 AMOn Probation
Ok, so then because you find Last Epoch easy (which it is to some extent) you don't need to include any of the absolutely GROUNDBRAKING mechanics they have created into new games... also Last Epoch would be instantly hard if you just dropped the damage numbers a bit... PoE2 even if you up the damage numbers with defenses being useless and being one shot all the time without being able to avoid it is still gonna be shit...
Also The fact that LE has a fantastic Loot Filter makes it instantly better...
Also the fact that Last Epoch has a FANTASTIC SSF system vs Trade league system makes it a much more rewarding game...
LE gives you freedom to have fun... PoE2 forces you into very specific patterns that give you zero freedom and zero creativity and forces you to either follow them or have the game tell you that you're trash and force you to start over until you're forced to play the cookie cutter meta...
Anyway, Last Epoch is a video game that allows the player to customize his fun and enjoy it...PoE2 is not a video game but a full time work and chore that makes you just grind money to go to vendors and traders and spend it...
Great, so you go have fun in LE and let the rest of us enjoy POE2. If I ever decide to play LE again I'll be sure to say hi in game.
Glad you decided to show that you have no actual argument against what I said so you just go and become bitchy cause you can't refute what I said ...
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Jan 3, 2025, 9:54:41 AMOn Probation
+1 If u think it isnt enough loot, go play d4, u will have lots of uniques...
Last edited by TakagiAkito#1695 on Jan 3, 2025, 9:57:55 AM
Posted byTakagiAkito#1695on Jan 3, 2025, 9:56:28 AM
Loot is only good because it IS hard to find things. Getting guaranteed upgrades or rewards is extremely bad. Even playing SSF it's not really that hard to find things and if you're in trade it takes like 1 day to finish your character.
I'm not talking about guaranteed upgrades bot!!!
I'm talking about having more loot so that you have higher chances for something actually good to drop!!!
Use your brain... every piece of loot that drops is a dice roll... only imagine a dice with a million different options that the higher the quality of the roll the lower the chance of that roll to be the outcome...
So when you have so few items drop that the rolls of the dices are very limited then there is a HUGE chance you will never ever get a single good roll ever...
So, essentially you're wasting your time in a gambling system with insanely low chances... all ARPGs are gambling systems but with enough loot you on the floor you get good rolls often enough that the game becomes enjoyable because you get upgrades...
But of course you're not smart enough to understand basic math and statistics!!!
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Jan 3, 2025, 10:00:55 AMOn Probation
+1 If u think it isnt enough loot, go play d4, u will have lots of uniques...
good job, that's what you got out of it... you're a genius...
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Jan 3, 2025, 10:01:20 AMOn Probation
PoE2 even if you up the damage numbers with defenses being useless and being one shot all the time without being able to avoid it is still gonna be shit...
If that's how you feel, then why are you here? Why not go and play a game that you actually like, instead of making drama here? You would save everyone time and stress, yourself included.
Maybe because I PAID FOF THE GAME and because I paid for a game that has some sense of enjoyment in it and not a game that wants to whip my back all the time and tell me I have "skill issues" only because I haven't gotten lucky in their insanely tedious gambling system that has very low chances of success so that it keeps people wasting their time in it forever????
Just maybe...
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Jan 3, 2025, 10:03:00 AMOn Probation
Transmute, Augment.... these would get used if there were Souring and Alteration Orbs, but there aren't.
Loot is just terrible. First, there isn't any. Second, when there is, it's white or blue. And when it's white or blue, you are not picking it up unless it superior or has sockets. Why, iLvl 60+ bases are rolling idiotic mods such as +17 accuracy and 7% Fire Resistance, whether the item dropped that way or was Transmuted/Augmented.
The gluttony of Transmute/Augment is due to having nothing to use the orbs on and no ability to start over via a Scour or Alteration when you hit a dead affix.
Well, you just described YOUR problem. And it's not a game's problem.
JFYI - I just today crafted 30+ divine weapon for my char from white item I picked up on the ground in regular map.
How people can be "developers dropping me all those tools, but I'm refusing to use it" and then "devElOpeRs not dropping me tools to beat the game!!1" at the same time is just befuddling.
Congratulations, you got lucky! Others do not, so fuck off with the "wElL tHaTs yOuR pRoBlEm" bullshit.
Nope, I just pick up and use my drops. "Others" do not.
Before getting lucky with 30+ divine craft, I got lucky with 8 divines weapon craft. And before that I "got lucky" with ~15 other weapon crafts selling for 1-5 divines.
Game is literally designed in a way that if you actually pick up what drops and use it, instead of leaving it on the ground and complaining that nothing drops on forums, you inevitably end up with items allowing you beat the game without any trade.
And if you're not picking up most of your loot, because that's what you did in another game and you refuse to change your ways, then I have no doubt that even beating a campaign will remain something you'll keep daring!!! people to do.
Perhaps you are correct.
But who the hell wants to.
For the first 5 days.
I picked up every socketed item and broke it down.
I picked up every yellow or blue and broke it down .
I picked up every white that might be a good base ..
And portaled to town
And went to stash
And went to vendor
And went to vendor
And portaled to town
And went to stash
And went to vendor
And went to vendor
And portaled to town
And went to stash
And went to vendor
And went to vendor
10 days later.
If it isnt the weapon/armour I use.
I don't even stop to look, because its boring as ass.
If that is the desired gameplay loop ...
Assembling currency shard by shard .. so you can go buy gear from the store.
There is a HUGE problem here.
Posted byJitter912#4278on Jan 3, 2025, 10:06:11 AM
Game is literally designed in a way that if you actually pick up what drops and use it, instead of leaving it on the ground and complaining that nothing drops on forums, you inevitably end up with items allowing you beat the game without any trade.
And if you're not picking up most of your loot, because that's what you did in another game and you refuse to change your ways, then I have no doubt that even beating a campaign will remain something you'll keep daring!!! people to do.
That's the problem mate.
It's an ARPG. People want the loot that drops to be good. That's kind of the entire reason some people play.
Like, almost every other ARPG gets this right. Kill boss, boss explodes. Loot rains down. Dopamine spikes.
And then there's PoE. Here's some orbs, so that you can loot a white off the ground in a map, and then spend 20 minutes spamming orbs on it.
See the difference? Please tell me, you can see the difference.
This is literally ARPG 101. Loot needs to be good or the game feels BAD to play for like 80% of the people that load it up.
It is the SOLE reason some people play. This isn't about 'refusing to change your ways'. It's the main reason people buy ARPG's. Explode enemies, enemies explode in loot. Look through the loot, find upgrade. Dopamine spike. GG.
The crafting system in PoE completely circumvents this.
Wow... someone that actually can understand how ARPGs work...
Never thought I'd see the day...
Posted byBlade_Dancer_90#3602on Jan 3, 2025, 10:08:21 AMOn Probation
Sorry, but there is no loot in this game... nothing... none...nada...
You either buy from vendors or you trade online with other players...
I want to have the enjoyment of FINDING good gear, of getting a good drop that makes me excited... not have to go and buy everything in the worst, most boring way possible!!!
And then you have people swarming you in the chat in the most psychopathic way, telling you 150 times to quit the game because "it's not for you"... and you have "skill issues"... well, I guess not wanting to stop playing to go to an outside online market to buy stuff cause the game doesn't give me anything is a "skill issue"
I dare you to get through the campaign without trading... I dare you!!! The game on it's own as it is, if you don't wanna engage in trades before endgame is UNPLAYABLE!!!
Now tell me something... how is farming money and currency to go and buy stuff you need a video game??? It's not... it's a job... this game's gameplay is the equivalent of saving up to buy a new TV... it's PATHETIC!!! The game is 100% a real life simulator and you're simulating having a boring ass job where you go in and out every day until you have enough to FINALLY go buy something to pass the time a bit more fun for a while... that's it!!!
Sure, you don't want the game to be Diablo 4 and have loot explosions... I get that... but have we gotten so f*cking stupid that we have decided that not looting a single usable item for HOURS AND HOURS in a row is good gameplay???
I'll make another thread on the most basic video game design thing which is how to make a video game FUN and not a chore so that this won't get too long...
GGG... idiots might be glazing you right now, but this is NOT a good game... sure, it has all the ability to be fixed cause the base gameplay has a ton of potential... but as it is now the game is a chore... it's NOT fun and it's certainly NOT REWARDING TO PLAY!!!
skill issue