How is this a looter ARPG when you NEVER LOOT ANYTHING!?!?!?!?

Try stardew valley
Belurges#7110 wrote:
The Post is valid.
It has nothing to do with skill, so ignore the 12 year olds.
PoE is not made to be a game that you rely on getting drops in.
A request was made previously to beef drops in SSF only and make characters non-transferable, but was immediately and strongly rejected.

Creating a SSF mode for PoE is already GGG catering for that mindset more than they wanted.
You have to remember that the end Goal for GGG is to have a small amount of 'chase uniques' and have primarily 'chase rares' that can practically only be obtained by gamble crafting with currency.

More specifically GGG has the vision to have the ultimate auction house.
It is why it is being done last, and also why it has had so much work done but still not yet been implemented.
The 'Pay to create a Unique' system of PoE1, along with the 'Pay for unique' of Diablo, coupled with the inflation gutting currency sink of 'Gamble craft the ultimate better than unique item' is the ultimate loop always wanted.
Someone being able to sell a 'virtual' item for $big$ that they can make in 2 seconds is the ultimate dream of any ARPG/Gambling run gaming system.

SSF will never be anything.
The only real concern is which grubby pricks will get their hands into the system once it's complete and full RMT. (Existing item creation aside and silent RMT license aside.)

When a perfect Temporalis or re-vamped headhunter sells for $10k is when they will stop working and leave a 'team' to run re-rolling seasons. Sadly most RMT will come from Asia so Tencent will probably own GGG completely long before then.

They already do own 100% of GGG. Where have you been, under a rock?
Last edited by ExsiliumUltra#5541 on Jan 3, 2025, 2:28:11 PM
Aulyx#1181 wrote:

Transmute, Augment.... these would get used if there were Souring and Alteration Orbs, but there aren't.

Loot is just terrible. First, there isn't any. Second, when there is, it's white or blue. And when it's white or blue, you are not picking it up unless it superior or has sockets. Why, iLvl 60+ bases are rolling idiotic mods such as +17 accuracy and 7% Fire Resistance, whether the item dropped that way or was Transmuted/Augmented.

The gluttony of Transmute/Augment is due to having nothing to use the orbs on and no ability to start over via a Scour or Alteration when you hit a dead affix.

Well, you just described YOUR problem. And it's not a game's problem.
JFYI - I just today crafted 30+ divine weapon for my char from white item I picked up on the ground in regular map.

How people can be "developers dropping me all those tools, but I'm refusing to use it" and then "devElOpeRs not dropping me tools to beat the game!!1" at the same time is just befuddling.

Congratulations, you got lucky! Others do not, so fuck off with the "wElL tHaTs yOuR pRoBlEm" bullshit.

Nope, I just pick up and use my drops. "Others" do not.
Before getting lucky with 30+ divine craft, I got lucky with 8 divines weapon craft. And before that I "got lucky" with ~15 other weapon crafts selling for 1-5 divines.

Game is literally designed in a way that if you actually pick up what drops and use it, instead of leaving it on the ground and complaining that nothing drops on forums, you inevitably end up with items allowing you beat the game without any trade.

And if you're not picking up most of your loot, because that's what you did in another game and you refuse to change your ways, then I have no doubt that even beating a campaign will remain something you'll keep daring!!! people to do.
They need to implement a batter SSF mode like Last Epoch

Game is literally designed in a way that if you actually pick up what drops and use it, instead of leaving it on the ground and complaining that nothing drops on forums, you inevitably end up with items allowing you beat the game without any trade.

And if you're not picking up most of your loot, because that's what you did in another game and you refuse to change your ways, then I have no doubt that even beating a campaign will remain something you'll keep daring!!! people to do.

That's the problem mate.

It's an ARPG. People want the loot that drops to be good. That's kind of the entire reason some people play.

Like, almost every other ARPG gets this right. Kill boss, boss explodes. Loot rains down. Dopamine spikes.

And then there's PoE. Here's some orbs, so that you can loot a white off the ground in a map, and then spend 20 minutes spamming orbs on it.

See the difference? Please tell me, you can see the difference.

This is literally ARPG 101. Loot needs to be good or the game feels BAD to play for like 80% of the people that load it up.

It is the SOLE reason some people play. This isn't about 'refusing to change your ways'. It's the main reason people buy ARPG's. Explode enemies, enemies explode in loot. Look through the loot, find upgrade. Dopamine spike. GG.

The crafting system in PoE completely circumvents this.

Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Jan 3, 2025, 4:12:12 PM
The easy mode of this game is the best job simulator out there. You farm currency and buy the stuff you need. How is that not fun, I don't get it?
Belurges#7110 wrote:
The Post is valid.
SSF will never be anything.
The only real concern is which grubby pricks will get their hands into the system once it's complete and full RMT. (Existing item creation aside and silent RMT license aside.)

When a perfect Temporalis or re-vamped headhunter sells for $10k is when they will stop working and leave a 'team' to run re-rolling seasons. Sadly most RMT will come from Asia so Tencent will probably own GGG completely long before then.

Yes, SSF is useless in this game, it's a game made for RMT, there should not even be a SSF mode. If you play SSF, you're a free-loader.
The good news is that Tencent already fully owns GGG and I'm sure sooner or later they'll finally add a RM auction house in the game, too much friction and lost revenue to force people to use third party web-based RM gear/currency providers.

Akedomo#3573 wrote:

loot a white off the ground in a map, and then spend 20 minutes spamming orbs on it.

That's absurdly wrong, that's how crafting was in POE1 and in POE2 it's completely, fundamentally different.

Everything else is technically correct, except that mental closet you caged yourself into by convincing yourself that item must be colored to get you excited. And it maybe was true in POE1 since scouring orbs made white items pretty much useless.
In POE2 you can argue that white item drop of the base you looking for may be actually more valuable than yellow one.

And I have no trouble getting excited about white items when I see the exact base I'm hunting for, especially when it's a boss drop and it can be rolled into mirror-tier item. That's exactly how you describe - see proper white item, get excited that it might be another 30+ divines upgrade, cross my fingers and check if it is. Just instead of using identifying scroll on yellow item, you use some orb/orbs on white item to reveal if it's an upgrade. You can pretend that orbs just "identify" hidden stats on the item, if it helps you break out of that mental block.

I'm pretty sure that if you start engaging with the systems as they're actually intended, it wouldn't take you long to start getting excited about white item drops and you'll see abundance of loot game actually has.
Last edited by AlyMirage#0497 on Jan 3, 2025, 5:21:55 PM
In POE2 you can argue that white item drop of the base you looking for may be actually more valuable than yellow one.

How exactly? Crafting is basically a multi-step identification anyway. Except it actually isn't, the item is just white, and it's difficult to feel excited about it when i'm out of orbs. It's white, and it's probably gonna end up just blue.

And if i wanted to do crafting, i'd play a survival game. In an ARPG, i want to loot.
Last edited by LaiTash#6276 on Jan 3, 2025, 5:30:50 PM
LaiTash#6276 wrote:

How exactly?

Because of essences.

LaiTash#6276 wrote:

Crafting is basically a multi-step identification anyway.

So I unironically don't understand why yellow is considered SO much better.

LaiTash#6276 wrote:

Except it actually isn't, the item is just white, and it's difficult to feel excited about it when i'm out of orbs.

You're never out of blue orbs in this game. If you are, then just slightly adjust your looting, be a bit more picky with what you transmuting. Or buy them, they were like 150 for 1 exalt at some point, but now price is actually going up, since, I assume, people are catching on on how game is meant to be played.

LaiTash#6276 wrote:

It's white, and it's probably gonna end up just blue.

Blue item can literally cost tens if not hundreds divines, for like 1/50 of an exalt investment.

LaiTash#6276 wrote:

And if i wanted to do crafting, i'd play a survival game. In an ARPG, i want to loot.

Well, then it's strange that you picked POE, since it's literally its distinctive feature, the one that some other major ARPG trying to incorporate in their game loop after its success.
Anyway, I enjoy it and there are a lot of other ARPG to chose from which doesn't have it.
Last edited by AlyMirage#0497 on Jan 3, 2025, 5:53:07 PM

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