Call it "Diablo5" or whatever you want, it takes the worst and most annoying things about Poe-1, makes it even worse, adds main enemies and Rutless, removes mobility, makes it more tedious and long (not much sense) and says it's "harder" to please people like you who will stop playing the game in 2 or 3 months. But this is not as legendary as Poe.
And sir, when you've been playing Poe-1 for years like others, let GGG pat you on the back with your Poe-2, in the meantime respect that there are people who played Poe-1 and are disappointed, and GGG is there because they supported their game. If you don't respect their game, you can make them a lot of money for a while, like Blizzard does, but it won't be the legendary game that Poe is and has been. Call it something else then, if it doesn't respect its roots. Others will do better, like Last Epoch and we'll look elsewhere for what Poe gave. Because that is not what you have done on Poe-1, and not only have you not improved what you had, but you have made it worse in many ways. |
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It already is exactly like PoE 1. Only difference is, it's way less versatile, much fewer builds that's viable and also just a lot more frustration.
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" thats simply not true. things that are better than in poe1: -campain (at least the first 3 acts) -visuals (really looking good) -combat (feels good) things that are worse than in poe2: -everything else -crafting is way worse, no alteration/scouring -talent tree is bland -armour is bad -endurance charges are useless -rarity affecting currency -atlas (bland progression, cant run the maps i want with content i want) -atlas tree (boring, no specializing, every atlas tree looks the same) -build diversity -league mechanics system backwards (takes forever to get the first simulacrum/breachstone, ritual/expedition rng gated) -towers!!! -mod tier system on items backwards -on death effects -gem system (gated behind acts, gated behind levels, gated behind rng drops, not enough supports to support more than 2 skills) -crafting bench gone, runes dogshit i can think about it for hours, but besides the visuals and combat, there is not a single thing that is better than in poe1 sadly |
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" Which is only YOUR opinion. It is not "objective". And seriously you are hilarious. |
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they want a power fantasy and want an easy ride from start to finish with the only think raising their dopamine is loot drops and 1 button kills. truth be told it's a terrible way to play a game and that is why poe1 was a niche game that reached a ceiling and most people who tried poe1 would NEVER return to it.
so these hardcore poe1 faithfuls who spent every season speed running through the game just so they could reach the end game content... bored out of their minds... are the spokespeople now for poe2. which is a real shame. these players would trade currency for the best gear and just activate easy mode basically and they do it for poe2 as well. they want more loot drops. they want bosses to be one shot or die within 5 seconds. they blatantly disregard the game dev's vision and don't even want to engage w the boss mechanics. GGG: Please ignore the elitist poe1 community's truly self centered feedback and create poe2 with your own vision in mind. POE2 has the chance to appeal to 10 million+ gamers. It has already layed out the foundation for that to be achieved and if you turn poe2 into some easy mode zoomfest you're going to end up appealing to just the poe1 player base and No One Else. So please consider the big picture. Forget these easy mode gamers who turn fights that could be epic david vs goliath encounters (new players who don't use the trade system achieve this) into goliath vs david because they show up at the boss battles entirely overpowered. It goes to show how newer players are having MORE FUN with poe2 rather than the poe1 faithful's. This should be eye opening for GGG and should tell them which direction they should take the game. Methodical, meaningful combat. Not a zoomfest. Thank you. xoxo. I hope they release multiple difficulty modes so players like us can have a Hard mode with epic LONG boss battles and fights that really matter. I sadly have found the game becoming too easy because of how much more loot drops now and it's easy to overtune your character vs the bosses. So please buff the bosses at least in Act 2 onward, especially the bosses that are not act bosses because they too often feel like a cakewalk now. " Last edited by IcyMistV#5121 on Dec 29, 2024, 7:00:56 PM
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The giga chads that play 10-14 hours a day and got ahead in the economy are now coasting maps and endgame with broken builds "zoom zooming" in magic find gear.
Everyone else are not having that, and can't afford any trades, and are locked out of content due to low drop rates of gem socket upgrades and waystones, and can't finish ascendancies. If you want a slow game with little progress, how about YOU go back to POE1 ruthless mode? See what I did there? Goes both ways. No, the solution here is to fix content and find middle ground, or better yet, make difficulties where the most amount of people can find content and a pace they find meaningful and fun. Telling other people what they should and shouldn't do for a product they paid just as much as you for? Not a great move. Last edited by eldheim#2436 on Dec 29, 2024, 6:53:17 PM
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yes!!! Dif difficulty settings!!! ty.
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You have to understand that POE 1 players have experienced what great feels like, and now they have been given a mess of a game. Going from Settlers of Kalguur to this, is like night and day.
It does need to be POE 1 but POE 2 is already a massive back step form its predecessor |
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" Not to mention that you actually have to force a poe1 playstyle in poe2 to actually get anywhere. I ca. Respect them wanting a slower more meaningful playstyle but it translates poorly. If I don't max damage rush mobs I'm just dead |
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" The thing is, it's not your call and not mine, and we have no clue what devs are thinking about all of this. PS Fully supporting different difficulty modes idea. Last edited by Suchka_777#4336 on Dec 29, 2024, 7:24:36 PM
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