Massive FPS Drops in POE2

VÐQ#6556 wrote:
rhorains#6760 wrote:
bump ! why not included in "known issues" as #1?? not saying it should be top priority but where is it even in the priorities !

That's exactly the point I don't understand. This thread alone already has over 26k views, how can GGG not respond to this? They don't say a single word about it and prioritize completely different things. All along the lines of “hopefully enough players have completely overdimensioned computers that make our game playable, and we'll keep quiet about the other players with massive performance problems”. The minimum and recommended Specs declared by GGG itself are a joke, our computers exceed them considerably. I'd love to see a stream of someone from GGG running through a few maps with the minimum requirements, it wouldn't work for a second.Quite a shame for such a big company.

I also have little hope that the performance will improve significantly. The whole technology is far too bloated and extremely inefficient. Even a few improvements will not solve the basic problem. The comparison in Performance to POE1 alone is worlds apart from the better graphics in POE2. Personally, I'd rather have the graphics from POE1 and at least be able to play the game instead of having to look at nice animations in a series of pictures.

You are still in the denial phase.

GGG DOES NOT CARE. We have almost 10000 posts and 1 Million views for hard crash issue. They haven't fixed it yet. They claim they did and removed it from the known issues instead.

There is a very real possibility that GGG have fired the actual coders that have built the engine and maintained the code so now they have no one to fix these issues.

This type of performance drop is always a coding issue.

To other paying customers like me who have spent their money on this faulty product:

As long as GGG is not interested in open communication our only other option is to increase the pressure and warn others by giving a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam in a detailed and informative manner.
I cannot send/reply to direct messages because my in-game character has not finished Act 1.
What to do:
1)Write a short review about the hard crashes in notepad.
2)Copy and paste it to steam reviews, put up a negative review.
3)Copy and paste it to steam discussions, put it up there.
they better figure it out or they'll turn into Last Epoch 2 ;)
So was this ever adressed or fixed? I had to refund cause it was quite unplayable for me, drops from 120+ fps to 20-30
No. It´s really bad. Worst performance of any game Ive played lately.
Sharing my experience here as well

Last week my CPU shot to 20-80 MS while my GPU has remained at 4-8 creating a massive CPU bottle neck ultimately creating massive frame drops, Stuttering, Sound distortion and even missing parts of the world that arent rendering in. My CPU is sitting at 100% usage when the game is active. POE2 using upwards of 90% of that.

I have tried the following:

- Reinstall of windows making sure all drivers up to date, This includes BIOS and Chipset, Etc. (Happens on both 23h2 and 24h2 updates)
- Rolling back to Nvidia 490.96 video driver
- Clearing Caches / Changing cache size to 100GB
- Clearing chat / Joining random 4 digit chat number
- Changing power plan to high performance (Already set)
- Setting PathofExileSteam and _x64steam to High Performance
- Deleting Nvidia and POE2 shader caches
- Changing affinity in details
- Changing CPU priority in details
- NvidiaProfileInpector guide: Nvidia did recognize the game has POE1 and not POE2. I followed the guide and created the .Symlink (This made the game at least playable to some extent)
- Changing of in game settings
- Disabling sound / Disabling Nvidia HD Audio
- Changing settings within Nvidia Control Panel

* I have downloaded and tested the following games. All of which offered a normal playable experience.

- Cyberpunk 2077
- Diablo 4
- Ashes of Creation Alpha
- Hogwarts Legacy
- Rust
- CoD Black Ops 6
- Lost Ark

There are many more but I cant recall them one by one because I have been wracking my brain for a week now, Trying any solution I could find on youtube or reddit. At this point I am at a loss. The game ran fine until February 9th. I came home after the super bowl and thats when it all began. Nothing changed on my part. No hardware changes, No updates of any kind. Everything remained the same as it was before I left for the game.

Meanwhile I am watching people stream and run the game flawlessly. My setup is on the older side. I know that. But it runs everything else fine and ran this fine up until the 9th. Im at a point where Im going to upgrade but I am seeing even people with 9800x3d and 4090s are having the same issues. Yet other people with the same setup as theirs are running the game just fine??????

Any recommendations or solutions that people have found please share.

Intel 9700k
Strix 4070TI
32 gig corsair vengeance
Last edited by RPkHaze#2648 on Feb 16, 2025, 11:29:49 PM
RPkHaze#2648 wrote:
Any recommendations or solutions that people have found please share.

Intel 9700k
Strix 4070TI
32 gig corsair vengeance

Ye, old 8 core without multithreading wont do well in cpu extensive games and poe in general is one of the most CPU demanding games.
Your GPU is fine, but CPU is massive bottleneck.
GGG Patch Notes: "Fixed an unwanted interaction where players had fun playing the game"
Same with 1070ti.

Either most of ground skill effects are yet to be optimized or recommended requirements are lower than they should be.

Dynamic resolution makes it somewhat playable but fighting boss or large packs with a grenadier turns PoE2 into Minecraft.

our sad life... same. 1660ti...
I'm starting to think that no matter the cpu/gpu it's impossible to have a smooth game on many end game maps and on breaches.
And it's even worse if you play with friends. (don't do that!)
I think it comes from the game engine and the servers and it can't be improved/fixed.
Last edited by nosbleed#2758 on Feb 17, 2025, 4:32:16 AM
"Ye, old 8 core without multithreading wont do well in cpu extensive games and poe in general is one of the most CPU demanding games.
Your GPU is fine, but CPU is massive bottleneck."

The game ran flawlessly the first two months. I could see that being a valid statement had this not been the case. People with 9800x3d have reported the same issues. Game will run just fine for us, Then randomly these issues come out of no where and the game becomes unplayable.
Last edited by RPkHaze#2648 on Feb 17, 2025, 9:51:31 AM

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