Massive FPS Drops in POE2

hardware getting better, devs getting lazier.

they dont put efforts in optimization they just hope the super powerful hardware will cover it

even a monster truck can get stuck in mud if it's deep enough.
Last edited by teksuoPOE#2987 on Feb 25, 2025, 3:33:54 PM
I really hope they do something to fix this.
It's very unpleasant to constantly have FPS drops when there are a lot of monsters. Even at low resolution, the game is not smooth when there is too much information to process. It doesn't matter what your configuration is.
And it's worse when you play with friends.

So imagine making a “juicy map” in couch coop on console.
Smooth game and performance should be priority number 1.
16 cores with SSD and RTX 3090 with 16 gb: FPS drops on large packs/boss/rare monsters fights.
Somehow that's a problem to address quite urgently GGG. Thank you!
VÐQ#6556 wrote:
rhorains#6760 wrote:
bump ! why not included in "known issues" as #1?? not saying it should be top priority but where is it even in the priorities !

That's exactly the point I don't understand. This thread alone already has over 26k views, how can GGG not respond to this? They don't say a single word about it and prioritize completely different things. All along the lines of “hopefully enough players have completely overdimensioned computers that make our game playable, and we'll keep quiet about the other players with massive performance problems”. The minimum and recommended Specs declared by GGG itself are a joke, our computers exceed them considerably. I'd love to see a stream of someone from GGG running through a few maps with the minimum requirements, it wouldn't work for a second.Quite a shame for such a big company.

I also have little hope that the performance will improve significantly. The whole technology is far too bloated and extremely inefficient. Even a few improvements will not solve the basic problem. The comparison in Performance to POE1 alone is worlds apart from the better graphics in POE2. Personally, I'd rather have the graphics from POE1 and at least be able to play the game instead of having to look at nice animations in a series of pictures.

Commenting on this every day until GGG figures out there's a problem and fixes it. Cool you got a data scientist from the community! Can she fix this effing problem? Or should you have saved your money? I am starting to believe you fired the people who actually made this game good and are now scrambling for anything. Classic. Be better. The code for chain builds on this game reminds me of autism.

Your game doesn't run. Please find a fix.
POE2 could easily run on a 10 year old Intel-4970 or a XEON 1240...
Its just bad coding..

Developers get lazier and more incompetent every year..

They just have no interest in programing quality code.

Either buy a 90+ Core CPU soon or you cant even play PACMAN anymore....

Maybe even a Quantum Computer wont run the games these lazy Developers program in future....
Last edited by tuccos#0181 on Feb 27, 2025, 4:39:18 AM
16 cores with SSD and RTX 3090 with 16 gb: FPS drops on large packs/boss/rare monsters fights.
Somehow that's a problem to address quite urgently GGG. Thank you!

you need 64-Core to get stable FPS in POE2 dude...
Same problem here, it's been like this for a couple of days now. Two computers with separate internet con.
Last edited by Nattesmyg#7225 on Feb 27, 2025, 5:29:15 AM
Can we PLEASE get at least a acknowledgement that they are trying to fix this?!
PoE2 need some work on optimization.

- In PoE2, i just cast Frostbolt in hideout, fps stays at 60 until it doesn't, dropping to ~40.

In maps sometimes it feels like game itself slows down when casting Frostbolt. Couple time it literally happened, like all animations slowed down by like ~30%, which was fixed by changing area.

- Yesterday in PoE1 i went to do few Chayula Breachstones in full party, butter smooth 60fps, while absolute bullsh*t happening on the screen.

5700x3D with PBO2 that gave me ~10% performance, RX6800, 32gb ram.
1080p 180Hz monitor, in PoE2 i can reach 180fps only with help of Lossless Scaling.
Harmisch#0839 wrote:
Can we PLEASE get at least a acknowledgement that they are trying to fix this?!


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