Massive FPS Drops in POE2

Had the same problem with massive fps drops as OP. But disabling AMD SmartAccess Memory in AMD Adrenalin fixed this issue now it runs smoothly.
bump ! why not included in "known issues" as #1?? not saying it should be top priority but where is it even in the priorities !
Yeah they should really do something about the performance. This is going only to get worse with more patchs and etc.
Is already worse since last patch :/ and they dont talk about it. Kinda sad.
rhorains#6760 wrote:
bump ! why not included in "known issues" as #1?? not saying it should be top priority but where is it even in the priorities !

That's exactly the point I don't understand. This thread alone already has over 26k views, how can GGG not respond to this? They don't say a single word about it and prioritize completely different things. All along the lines of “hopefully enough players have completely overdimensioned computers that make our game playable, and we'll keep quiet about the other players with massive performance problems”. The minimum and recommended Specs declared by GGG itself are a joke, our computers exceed them considerably. I'd love to see a stream of someone from GGG running through a few maps with the minimum requirements, it wouldn't work for a second.Quite a shame for such a big company.

I also have little hope that the performance will improve significantly. The whole technology is far too bloated and extremely inefficient. Even a few improvements will not solve the basic problem. The comparison in Performance to POE1 alone is worlds apart from the better graphics in POE2. Personally, I'd rather have the graphics from POE1 and at least be able to play the game instead of having to look at nice animations in a series of pictures.
Bump, this needs to be a EA priority. The actual performance is unnaceptable even for an EA, very sloppy work.
Had the same problem with massive fps drops as OP. But disabling AMD SmartAccess Memory in AMD Adrenalin fixed this issue now it runs smoothly.

you sure this fixed it ? just re enabled it and was pretty sure i had the same problems when it was diasabled.
did you disable it in bios?

ty for answer
each line of text in the chat makes a peak in cpu and frame time.

dogwater coding.
latest patch in combination with latest nvidia drivers improved my FPS in maps substantially. where there is a lot going on, ie. breach or a lot of effects loading there will still be drops, but it is tolerable, as it drops form 60 to around 38ish, while before in dropped into the low 20s.

i have also not had a single crash or freeze on loading screens on Windows 24h2, while before i couldn't play the game without running poe uncrasher, so that seems to be fixed for me.

i think ggg did a great job with this latest patch, if the next one improves the performance just a bit more, for me personally i will be satisfied :D
This is still a massive issue months later. It's absolutely terrible with lightning chain builds. I run an effing 5800x3d and 4080 combo and it doesn't matter if I'm at 4k ultra or 1440 low, I see 50%+ fps drops that cause serious lag then result in my death. Absolutely fucked beyond all recognition that there's such severe death penalty when ~70% of my deaths in the game are 100% GGG's goddamned fault for releasing a game that can't run when the screen even gets moderately busy. It's a disgrace and the dev team should be ashamed that they ever put this out into the world. This is Cyberpunk release bad, but that game didn't punish you for dying.
VÐQ#6556 wrote:
rhorains#6760 wrote:
bump ! why not included in "known issues" as #1?? not saying it should be top priority but where is it even in the priorities !

That's exactly the point I don't understand. This thread alone already has over 26k views, how can GGG not respond to this? They don't say a single word about it and prioritize completely different things. All along the lines of “hopefully enough players have completely overdimensioned computers that make our game playable, and we'll keep quiet about the other players with massive performance problems”. The minimum and recommended Specs declared by GGG itself are a joke, our computers exceed them considerably. I'd love to see a stream of someone from GGG running through a few maps with the minimum requirements, it wouldn't work for a second.Quite a shame for such a big company.

I also have little hope that the performance will improve significantly. The whole technology is far too bloated and extremely inefficient. Even a few improvements will not solve the basic problem. The comparison in Performance to POE1 alone is worlds apart from the better graphics in POE2. Personally, I'd rather have the graphics from POE1 and at least be able to play the game instead of having to look at nice animations in a series of pictures.

My dude, I run a 5800x3d and 4080 FE (not a cracked build, but arguably the second best AM4 build you can get and worth about $3,000 a year ago). I get the same exact issues whether I run at 4k ultra (120 fps drops into the 40s) or 1440 (200 fps drops to the 70s). In both situations it's not just the frame drop, but the game completely stutters and often freezes. I just died on a three-modifier t15 map that I was clearing fine right up until the game sputtered and I died. It's beyond unacceptable. I just lost like 20 million XP and at this point I'll take a full refund for all my stash tabs, uninstall this non-working garbage, and never play it again. How anyone can release such shitty code into the world is beyond me.

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