I'm too soft for Poe2

Bosses feel good to me. I don't mind dying to them, even if it's 7-8 times, because they're mechanically fun to fight.

What feels terrible is the combination of incredibly tanky trash mobs and poor checkpoint placement. Spending 10 minutes clearing methodically through a stage only to get cornered and die, and then having to clear out every single thing you just killed. It's a bad feeling.

They need to add more checkpoints in some places or else retune the difficulty in some areas.
For the act2 boss I most certainly had to learn the mechanics, because it took a whopping 20min+ to drain his HP.

They need to tone down the difficulty or at least the HP values because who the hell has an optimzed build in act 2. There are Zana-like phases where you have to stand not just next to, but behind the NPC to avoid the fatal wind degen, with zero audio hints. On TOP of that, during that whole time adds are spawning so you can get overwhelmed without sufficient clear. I mean this is act2 non-cruel and it's way harder than POE1 pinnacles. Had to slot in Frost Nova just to keep the adds under control.

I think this is by design though, because the 2nd half is actually easier to tank despite there being so much crap on the screen. I think GGG wanted you to feel an "epic" boss fight.

Despite all this i'm having an absolute blast, just have to take lengthy breaks between play sessions cause damn it's way too intense, like Souls bosses 1st time. If they kept the difficulty like Act1 I think it would be better overall for the gamestyle POE is known for.
Reinhart#6743 wrote:
Valmar#3550 wrote:
IM perfectly fine with the difficulty.
What I dont like is the aweful click to move system, 100 times worse than in PoE1.

Game forces you to use wasd or controller, is crap design.

That is because poe 2 is designed firstmost for console. I tried the control scheme and did not like it.

I just played the first zone and logged in town yesterday after the server troubles.

Sad that most supporter money from 2017 onwards went to developing a console-focus game.

Yeah absolutely,. 100% agree.
IGN: Gonorreitor
Leveling up, finding rares, crafting, resetting a zone and doing a few bosses feels amazing and thats exactly how i wanted this game to feel. On top of its new everything and discovering stuff and improving also feels great. I look forward to the difficulty and over coming when things feel bad. Now...with that said in the end game if with the tools we're given and investments we have we still feel slow and weak then its a problem. For me at least so far you can take a little time, or get lucky, to break through shit and feel powerful for a bit and it feels great and satisfying which is what i was hoping for.
Also, this is everyone's first run and that comes with a lack of game knowledge, quickly knowing what to do and where to go, having no leveling gear etc etc. So if you're still curious and interested just stick it out.
They balanced the game around Ben the streamer, I guess only the most hardcore players will enjoy this new game, its not for me though.

Each Ben is equivalent to 1000 other POE players?

I hope Ben buys 1000x the number of supporter packs and MTX to compensate.
How is it console focus when click to move feels find and WSAD feels fucking really fine on top of using a controller to do inventory Tetris isn't great or navigating through the tree? If they gave us d4's trash mobile-looking character UI and no passive tree in all directions THEN i would be saying things like "drrr its made for consoles first and foremost before anything else" Its not, console was just another part of the well rounded machine that they're trying to, and did, make here to try and make everyone happy.
Absolutely IN LOVE with the game. Haven't had this much fun with a new ARPG since I first started Last Epoch a while back. Feels great to play. The pace of combat, the weight of animations, the mechanics and synergy between skills, the animation cancelling on Block and Dodge roll. Feels amazing to play.
Even the 'wasd' took some time to fully get into but it felt natural after a few hours. Another thing, the sound design is actually incredible. Really pulls you in. It's almost annoying as I usually listen to some nonsense podcast or whatever in the background, but I don't want to anymore.

Think I need a 'walk forward' key between fights/in-town though as WASD can be a bit much all the time. Also I'd like to auto-compare loot on the ground to what I have equipped. Some of the skill hit boxes are a little small on some skills, especially for a 'wasd' combat game at least on warrior atm. There might already be options for some of this, but I'm too busy enjoying playing to go and do a 'deep' check.

The other thing is while I can appreciate it's early access, it's a massive tease showing me my hundreds of cosmetics but I can't use them yet haha. Massive respect to GGG for this though. I legit bought a new pack just to support. Clearly not all devs are equal and GGG are built different.
Also I've had many hard-crashes quite a bit while Microsoft Edge is running (yeah I know. I just like it for work ok, I'm sorry haha. I use others to I promise). After shutting it down and using my other browsers, it's been fine. Super weird.

I can understand why current PoE1 players might not be that keen, but I guess that's why GGG are maintaining both games.
I'm mainly posting so that GGG don't lose their resolve and go back to 'screen clear > zoom zoom' that I got bored of several years ago.

A thousand thank you's for this great game. No major changes please. I can't stand this zoom zoom shit anymore. No offense to those who like it.
nGio#1658 wrote:
Holigawd#2935 wrote:
I'm in love with the difficulty. I live for challenge.

No you don't, or you'd be playing CoD in a lobby full of verbally abusive professional 13 year olds who are performing 8 million actions per minute. Dude, it's an arpg. You aren't in the finals at Worlds. "Right click this guy 48 more times than you did in PoE 1 and weave in a space bar between each one" isn't difficult. It's just a lower speed limit.

Yes I do.

It sounds like you're just adverse to challenge and probably suffering from skill issues as well. Don't presume to tell me what I like and enjoy, remember that going forward.
I got the sauce.
Skill issues and expectations are just two reasons why some people posting aren't playing instead.

Exactly. People keep forgetting that PoE 2 is a whole different game.
There is nothing "hard" in PoE2.

There are easy mechanics made punishing by inflated numbers.

It is going to be nerfed by at least 20% once retention numbers come out. Cry now, or later. Either way, it is happening. Writing is on the wall.
Last edited by sempuken#7215 on Dec 8, 2024, 1:57:38 AM

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