From what we've seen so far, do you feel you're going to stay with PoE1 or move to PoE2?
" And? That hardly seems to matter considering it is their job to play video games. Yeah If had a mandated 6- 16 hours of my day allocated to just playing 1 game I will probably have room for one more.. But how realistic is that for most people? Last edited by Saltychipmunk#1430 on Sep 5, 2024, 12:39:33 PM
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Nobody is playing this vomit inducing outdated trash when POE 2 releases
POE 2 is a true next gen ARPG with graphics to go with it. They have completely reworked character rig and animation / graphics to match Diablo 4. [Removed by Support] Look how Awesome my MTX Marauder RF looks Last edited by Taylor_GGG#0000 on Sep 5, 2024, 9:13:27 PM
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I played poe1 a couple of leagues ago for the distinct reason to refesh my knowledge of the game (having previously played around the time of that failed d3 launch (that probably sent a lot of blizzard gamers to ggg in the first place) Loved POE 1 so much a year ago but with so many different avenues to focus on in the end game its hard to know which way to go in terms of build direction/mechanics,
crafting mechanics.....and wealth generation. Loved the complexity of the game (use to play eve online so i wasn't scared of a steep learning curve) but with the announcement of POE2 it didnt make sense for me to focus on poe1 with the new reiteration just arround the corner. I'm confused about the trade in poe2 in regards to PS5 play. I intend go ps5 pro rather than my aging pc. Would probably use the pc for selling via the stash tab. Iv'e heard and hopefully i'm wrong; are there two seperate trade pools? |
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" You made the right move, POE 1 is an outdated vomit inducing experience due to horrible graphics and environment design especially character rig and animation Only thing it has going for it is gameplay it nails gameplay so that makes it better than D3 and D4 by miles. I took 2 year brake from POE and reinstalled it for one last hoorah because POE 2 is coming November 15th, 5 days after my birthday which I will then be 39 years old. I have played over a thousand hours of POE. But POE 2 is the game of my dreams it's true next gen AAA graphics with properly designed environments and artstyle, POE 2 and GTA 6 are the 2 games I have long patiently waited for to retire and play the remainder of my life until I die. All I ever wanted in life was POE gameplay with Diablo graphics. The holy grail of ARPG that has both perfect gameplay and graphics no more having to pick one and suffering we can finally have our cake and eat it. So for that alone it's time for me to go for one last hooray of POE 1. Once POE 2 comes out I will forver delete this vomit inducing game Look how Awesome my MTX Marauder RF looks |
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Why are people saying POE 2 looks awful and slow. They literally only showed the acts until now, not endgame.
If you were to judge POE 1 gameplay purely from the gampleay from campaign it will also look slow and awful compared to endgame. Only when we see what POE 2 endgame will we actually have a clue how good or bad it looks like. Last edited by Satan on Feb 10, 1692, 10:00:00 PM
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Yeeaaah...November 15th hits? I'm outie. PoE1 has had its moments of being fun, but it's honestly been quite a long time since anything in it has really grabbed me. The barrier to entry is too high, even for longtime players who aren't Streamer Memers that spend all their time flipping currency.
Path of Exile 2 is the ultimate Fresh Start, more than any PoE1 league could be. It looks so frickin' slick I cannot wait to get stuck into it and die repeatedly while seeing how much of my Elden Ring game translates. Heh. |
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I have always said I want poe2 to be good for people but it is not for me. The newer stuff they announced only reinforce this opinion harder. I'm not going to do the beta test so someone who wild enjoy it gets the slot.
It just feels like they are taking a lot of bad aspects from poe and amplifying them to be much much worse while slapping on much needed qol ( the new gem systemamong other things) and withholding it from a game that desperately needs it. |
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I personally feel to swap because of bossing alone. Right now it is straight up dog in PoE, just roll the right ascendancy and facetank the whole boss while doing millions of damage into his face without even bothering to dodge any attack.
Hopefully PoE2 doesn't end up the same, then I'm sold when they somewhat can translate that souls boss feeling into an ARPG |
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120% will be on POE 2. Already stopped playing POE 1 for a good while already. Just what I saw from POE 2 already made me feel bad by playing POE 1. Yes I like the concept and changes of POE 2 that much more than POE 1.
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I haven't watched much of the PoE II footage so far, but given that I've been playing without major interruptions since Open Beta, I feel compelled to get into PoE II. While I've never managed to do Übers in PoE I, I feel I've done everything I am able to do in that game. So, PoE II will definitely be tested and I hope it can captivate me (hm... or don't I?) as PoE I did.
Bird lover of Wraeclast Las estrellas te iluminan - Hoy te sirven de guía Te sientes tan fuerte que piensas - que nadie te puede tocar Last edited by Mikrotherion#4706 on Sep 8, 2024, 1:55:22 AM
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