Bex Confirms ExileCon is the Jumping-Off Point for Path of Exile 2's Marketing
" No. But live your truth I guess. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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So you've got no argument then? Just a "nah anh"? I mean you could at least go read what they've said and watch some gameplay of POE2
So that you'd at least have informed your opinion with SOMETHING besides your own imagination. Pandering to players who don't want consequences for their mistakes is a perfect description of what went fundamentally wrong with D3 and 4. If they wanted mindless mobile game time waster gameplay they sure did make some perplexing choices and marketing statements for 6 fucking years. Last edited by alhazred70#2994 on Jun 25, 2023, 4:20:35 PM
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" What IS a "new engine"? What does it take for an engine to be called "new"? What happened between Unreal Engine 4 and 5 or between Creation Engine 1 and 2? Do you think they scrapped EVERYTHING in UE4 and made a completely new one? I mean... Aren't most "new engines" upgrades from the last version? How big/many tweaks must be done to call it "new", and why are the size/amount of the tweaks GGG have done not enough to call it a new version of their engine? I'm just curious here. I have no idea about the size/amount of changes. But you seem to know. Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
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"Everything I said is truth"
"K." "Why aren't you arguing with me!?!?!?!" Lolololol -- I have changed my mind re new engine. Pretty sure TOTK is using the same engine. Hell,.pretty sure ER uses the same engine as every other From game since Demon's Souls. That is not why it's PoE 4.0 and not PoE 2 to me. It's because it still has all of the so-called PoE 1-3.0 in it. It still needs to work around that. And dollars to doughnuts that is a major pipeline blockage for PoE 4.0 given how much content creep that includes. So here is me being generous: were it a new and stand-alone campaign with mostly new classes and a revised endgame cribbed from the Atlas, mostly new skills, some core systems carried over but again mostly new, with at least one new system too radical for the existing game...but running the same engine, then I would consider it Path of Exile 2. Which might sound counterintuitive given all I have done is ask GGG to remove shit rather than add, but that's the core difference between an expansion and a sequel: expansions add to the existing game (they expand it), sequels do something new building on that core. This can be done with the same engine. I was wrong to think otherwise. More is not always best. In fact it rarely is. More of the same almost never is. So let's assume instead of creating Elden Ring from scratch, From simply "added" an open world expansion to an existing Souls game. Would we call that a sequel? A new game? Not really. But what they did was use the same tools to do something unprecedented: a Souls game made for open world play. You can't just tack that on. It's too big and grand an idea to be a mere expansion. Same with TOTK's construction innovation. Those who accuse it of being just glorified DLC failed to grasp how that innovation revolutionised BOTW's foundation. What, then, is POE 4.0's unprecedented feature? The skill gem change looks a lot like an overcooked Sacred 2 skill system to me -- modifying skills with allocated upgrades is not new. A new campaign? Eh. New classes? Eeeeh. Performance improvements? Updates can handle that. So far GGG have failed to really justify why they are calling it a new game. Lots of new shit, sure, but nothing we haven't seen before. Nothing that is so big and insane it can't fit into an expansion or an overhaul of the existing game. I will just repeat what little I know about a true Path of Exile 2, were GGG to make it: it would have featured the skill gem change you have seen in PoE 4.0 demos and promo material, and it would have been an amazing part of that new game's identity...instead of the shoe-horned nightmare it has become. The name says it all. Last edited by 鬼殺し#7371 on Jun 25, 2023, 9:47:16 PM
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" Actually I've decided it doesn't matter. Im tired of helping control misinformation. Fuck it. This is GGG's problem, not even remotely mine to worry about, or argue about. People can think whatever they want. If a patch to an engine makes it new. Fine. Cant wait for the new PoE engine! The semantic battle isn't worth it, nor is it possible to "win" here amongst those that are convinced. GGG can be concerned about the expectation management for this expansion, I will just watch and comment with amusement. Hell the entire point in this thread was that Bex had clarify PoE2 isn't coming after Exilecon, lol. Why? Due to all the videos and speculation out there. That's hilariously bad communication. It should never have gotten this far. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." - Abraham Lincoln Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Jun 25, 2023, 9:37:57 PM
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" To be fair, no one asked you to "control misinformation". And you are right, you are fighting a pure semantics battle by now. Pretty annoying actually, would be nice if you just stopped. Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
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" Yeah, I agree, it is wildly annoying, hence why I indicated it doesn't matter anymore to me. It's not my fight. I don't much care if people don't know its 4.0, etc... I have nothing to gain here by trying to clear things up. Ignorance truly is bliss it seems. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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" hohoho |
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" Let's be honest, you never fought misinformation, you actually spread it. First of all, there are no such things like "patch 4.0", "update 4.0" or "4.0 expansion". Those do not exists. There is Path of Exile 2 in the works. That's how developer/publisher decided to name their product. Second, in every post you tried to "control misinformation", you extensively tried to diminish what PoE 2 brings to the game. You basically ignored 90% of features that are know to be in PoE2. Then for the ones you couldn't ignore, you decided to intentionally downplay their value or importance (like the visuals part and nonsense engine discussion). Only think you do here is expressing negativity against the game and trying to put developers work in a bad light. |
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" They said that it is poe patch 4.0 but decided to call it PoE 2 |
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