Bex Confirms ExileCon is the Jumping-Off Point for Path of Exile 2's Marketing

SerialF wrote:
do the 4.0 crowd have a single evidence about what they re saying. i wonder. all i read si 4.0 4.0 4.0 nothing big coming.
nothing about what you d like to see in game that supposedly a 4.0 can not have.

for instance, they said they re going to make major engine update. the normal idea would be to wait for poe 2 to judge that, but in the meantime i see nothing why it could not happen.

as per game change, well 3.5 and ruthless were a massive change and all within poe 1. so wtf do you even want, if you can stop for 1 sec repeating 4.0 4.0 4.0. this is getting annoying and pointless.

and also if you re in the, campaign is just a tutorial, sure. but then just wait for the poe 2 leagues. seriously

LOL, another one. 4.0 is a massive update, nobody is saying nothing big is coming. Maybe some blizzboy, but do you really care about anything they have to say about POE?

I call it 4.0 because that's what it is, and they called it like that for years. Since the reveal 4 years ago GGG decided to call POE 2 marketing or some other reason, so that's the official name. Why do you care so much?
Last edited by bauermayers#4660 on Jun 30, 2023, 4:34:06 PM
DarthSki44 wrote:
You really want C to list examples of things a new stand alone game could do, that an expansion couldn't? You really can't think of any?

Shit, I don't want to jump right into the convo between you two, but there are plenty of limiting factors associated with PoE1, from basic infrastructure and servers, to game optimization and design flexibility.

PoE1 and Consoles are 100% going to hamstring GGG on what they could do beyond 4.0, that's not even a reasonable arguement imo.

I wrote a lengthy reply here, but after some hours of sleep I've changed it.

I do actually agree, the need for them to keep supporting old gen consoles and the "weight" of standard items are holding them back. I was purely thinking of "PoE 1" as the old acts, which wouldn't necessarily hold them back at all. When you're wrong, you're wrong - and I was wrong.

The question is, though: Is it the right move? We'll never know, I guess.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Jun 30, 2023, 7:00:20 PM
Sorry Phrazz, I assume too much and waffle far too far.

But Diabloski did give the answer I should have. It's there if you read between the lines. I am not willing to commit to concrete examples when I am not a game dev nor do I really....really know what PoE 4.0 needs to be. I can only speak in vagaries and truisms: a new game affords much more creative freedom; expansions must work with what's already been made. What's already been made is not flexible enough to accommodate changes that might constitute the very basis of a new game.

And I believe that while PoE had very promising foundations ten years ago, the sheer amount of weight placed upon them since has rendered them insufficient for what is being touted as a knock down and rebuilding. It makes more sense to just start a new foundation nearby...if you can. Im this metaphor, too many people live in the existing sprawl. How do you pull off a huge overhaul when you have to work around tens of thousands of WFH residents?

But they had no choice here. GGG only own one property and would fold as a company without the rent they make from it. And no one would want to move because GGG couldn't let them take anything with them. Not a single piece of furniture. Not a single decoration. They gave away the barest of living spaces and monetised the rest -- bullshit, right? You get the whole game for free. The rest is all just cosmetic and optional.

Okay...but if that's true, why are people who generally can't even see half those mtxes as they play so attached to them that they'd rather stay in an ailing old apartment than let GGG move them to a shiny new one?

As someone who freely and thankfully tossed all his mtxes onto a bonfire, I truly do not understand the Exile's relationship to their mtxes. Are rhey optional or not? Did you support GGG because you enjoy the game or because you really wanted cosmetics you likely don't even use that often?

Are they REALLY worth not getting a proper, completely new game by your favourite devs? Or...are you happy to accept GGG's idea of a sequel because to do otherwise is to admit your mtxes are not, in fact, optional to you at all?

They're not even very good. Not compared to what other games offer for less. So...what, memorabilia? Keepsakes? Please. Its a fucking GAAS, not a family photo album. You don't even own any of them. I wasn't even allowed to destroy my own mtxes -- I had to request it and oh you better believe that wasn't a short conversation.

When the lights go off, the only part of PoE you will actually own is any merch you might have and your memories of how it affected you. The rest? Gone. Forever.

It's all an illusion of ownership and somehow that's enough to keep people terrified that "Path of Exile 2" might not "carry them over". Newsflash, not-a-cockroach: nothing needs to be carried over because you aren't going anywhere.

It all reminds me of that scene in Dark City where the residents all go to sleep and the true rulers of the city rearrange the structures, the social status, the individual's very beliefs of shit like power and standing. That's 4.0 to me.

Edit: and then there's the REAL elephant in the room: accumulated game knowledge. It takes years to really learn PoE and fairly constant engagement. Would a truly new game render all of that work (and yes, that is the word for it at this point) pointless? I think Exiles are rightfully just as terrified of that as they might be of losing their mtxes.

But hey, welcome to the wonderful world of gaming. Fighting game enthusiasts have to do this regularly. The proof of skill is not in how long it takes to master one title but how quickly you figure out the next one. As I so often say, this isn't chess. This is not a game worth devoting your life to mastering, because you can't. By design. You cannot. You can only know enough to figure out the next iteration quicker than last time.

And a truly new game...that makes a mockery of all of that.

So how do you like them boulder-sized apples, Sisyphus?
The name says it all.
Last edited by 鬼殺し#7371 on Jul 1, 2023, 6:12:37 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
It's there if you read between the lines. I am not willing to commit to concrete examples when I am not a game dev nor do I really....really know what PoE 4.0 needs to be. I can only speak in vagaries and truisms: a new game affords much more creative freedom; expansions must work with what's already been made.

you took the time to write 40 lines of text with not a single example and saying you dont eve know what it could be but sill willing to complain a lot. strangest message in a while. you couldnt even recall 1, just 1 game, where a second version was so creative that you thought, now this deserve a 2 version, not a 2.0, this shouldnt be that hard to give a single example of such a game ?

SerialF wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
It's there if you read between the lines. I am not willing to commit to concrete examples when I am not a game dev nor do I really....really know what PoE 4.0 needs to be. I can only speak in vagaries and truisms: a new game affords much more creative freedom; expansions must work with what's already been made.

you took the time to write 40 lines of text with not a single example and saying you dont eve know what it could be but sill willing to complain a lot. strangest message in a while. you couldnt even recall 1, just 1 game, where a second version was so creative that you thought, now this deserve a 2 version, not a 2.0, this shouldnt be that hard to give a single example of such a game ?

This is bizzare.

Every single sequel, trilogy, 6th installment, 16th version, of an IP I can fathom, has been a standalone title.

Not in one single case can I recall a major developer, taking an existing game, creating an expansion, dlc, patch, whatever, and then calling it a new game, or rebranding it as a sequel. Not ever in my entire gaming life can I remember a similar scenario than what is playing out with Path of Exile.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but asking to prove a negative in this case is beyond illogical. It's literally the case that every single game with sequel, or more, has done it this way.

Now that doesnt mean it cannot work, or that players will be fooled/tricked/mislead, whatever you want to call it, by this marketing. Either way if the players are satisfied with 4.0, then I guess it doesn't matter what it was called, and all those that knew what actually happened can do is shrug, and say "well played GGG".
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Jul 1, 2023, 12:08:54 AM
DarthSki44 wrote:

This is bizzare.

Every single sequel, trilogy, 6th installment, 16th version, of an IP I can fathom, has been a standalone title.

Not in one single case can I recall a major developer, taking an existing game, creating an expansion, dlc, patch, whatever, and then calling it a new game, or rebranding it as a sequel. Not ever in my entire gaming life can I remember a similar scenario than what is playing out with Path of Exile.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but asking to prove a negative in this case is beyond illogical. It's literally the case that every single game with sequel, or more, has done it this way.

Now that doesnt mean it cannot work, or that players will be fooled/tricked/mislead, whatever you want to call it, by this marketing. Either way if the players are satisfied with 4.0, then I guess it doesn't matter what it was called, and all those that knew what actually happened can do is shrug, and say "well played GGG".

I'd personally say Overwatch 2 has been just that. Apart from the 5v5 and of course the monetization model changing, none of the new heroes, maps and events would have been out of place in OW1. The PvE was touted as the reason for the replacement, but they gave up on following through on most of that 1.5 years before release. They wthheld content from OW1 stating that 2 was being worked on, but yeah.
witch enthusiast, send occ/ele/necro builds
鬼殺し wrote:
Sorry Phrazz, I assume too much and waffle far too far.

But Diabloski did give the answer I should have. It's there if you read between the lines. I am not willing to commit to concrete examples when I am not a game dev nor do I really....really know what PoE 4.0 needs to be. I can only speak in vagaries and truisms: a new game affords much more creative freedom; expansions must work with what's already been made. What's already been made is not flexible enough to accommodate changes that might constitute the very basis of a new game.

And I believe that while PoE had very promising foundations ten years ago, the sheer amount of weight placed upon them since has rendered them insufficient for what is being touted as a knock down and rebuilding. It makes more sense to just start a new foundation nearby...if you can. Im this metaphor, too many people live in the existing sprawl. How do you pull off a huge overhaul when you have to work around tens of thousands of WFH residents?

But they had no choice here. GGG only own one property and would fold as a company without the rent they make from it. And no one would want to move because GGG couldn't let them take anything with them. Not a single piece of furniture. Not a single decoration. They gave away the barest of living spaces and monetised the rest -- bullshit, right? You get the whole game for free. The rest is all just cosmetic and optional.

Okay...but if that's true, why are people who generally can't even see half those mtxes as they play so attached to them that they'd rather stay in an ailing old apartment than let GGG move them to a shiny new one?

As someone who freely and thankfully tossed all his mtxes onto a bonfire, I truly do not understand the Exile's relationship to their mtxes. Are rhey optional or not? Did you support GGG because you enjoy the game or because you really wanted cosmetics you likely don't even use that often?

Are they REALLY worth not getting a proper, completely new game by your favourite devs? Or...are you happy to accept GGG's idea of a sequel because to do otherwise is to admit your mtxes are not, in fact, optional to you at all?

They're not even very good. Not compared to what other games offer for less. So...what, memorabilia? Keepsakes? Please. Its a fucking GAAS, not a family photo album. You don't even own any of them. I wasn't even allowed to destroy my own mtxes -- I had to request it and oh you better believe that wasn't a short conversation.

When the lights go off, the only part of PoE you will actually own is any merch you might have and your memories of how it affected you. The rest? Gone. Forever.

It's all an illusion of ownership and somehow that's enough to keep people terrified that "Path of Exile 2" might not "carry them over". Newsflash, not-a-cockroach: nothing needs to be carried over because you aren't going anywhere.

It all reminds me of that scene in Dark City where the residents all go to sleep and the true rulers of the city rearrange the structures, the social status, the individual's very beliefs of shit like power and standing. That's 4.0 to me.

Edit: and then there's the REAL elephant in the room: accumulated game knowledge. It takes years to really learn PoE and fairly constant engagement. Would a truly new game render all of that work (and yes, that is the word for it at this point) pointless? I think Exiles are rightfully just as terrified of that as they might be of losing their mtxes.

But hey, welcome to the wonderful world of gaming. Fighting game enthusiasts have to do this regularly. The proof of skill is not in how long it takes to master one title but how quickly you figure out the next one. As I so often say, this isn't chess. This is not a game worth devoting your life to mastering, because you can't. By design. You cannot. You can only know enough to figure out the next iteration quicker rhan last time.

And a truly new game...that makes a mockery of all of that.

So how do you like them boulder-sized apples, Sisyphus?

Like I said you are very much in favour of a complete new game on a complete new server.

You were one of the players who loved showcasing their mtx. Now you do a 180 because there have been decisions in the past that made you despise the game and/or GGG. Because of that you requested to delete your mtx. You have of course nothing to lose (no mtx and nothing noteworthy of gear) and enough money to spend on the latest premium fluff GGG could include on a brand new server.

Now you try to 'rationalize', in name of the playerbase, that no one should feel attached to their mtx/items and that only merchandise holds value. Was that the reason you showcased your t-shirts in general?

But what about the Voidborn supporter packs where owners where allowed to include Voidborn relics that people could collect?

What about all the oldtime supporter uniques?

What about all that supporter money that went into POE with the goal of updating all the art (which they will do with POE 2)?

You are like a politician living in an ivory tower who thinks to know what is best for the game. Weren't you the guy requesting boycotting GGG because of streamer priority?
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.
DarthSki44 wrote:
Every single sequel, trilogy, 6th installment, 16th version, of an IP I can fathom, has been a standalone title.

But you and I both know that several developers make new games 'just' to sell more. Think FIFA, CoD or whatever, where you can't really claim "a new engine" or major changes from the last installment. Just a new game to make the last one obsolete, heavily encouraging players to buy the new one where 99% of all changes made could've been made through an expansion.

Now that doesnt mean it cannot work, or that players will be fooled/tricked/mislead, whatever you want to call it, by this marketing. Either way if the players are satisfied with 4.0, then I guess it doesn't matter what it was called, and all those that knew what actually happened can do is shrug, and say "well played GGG".

This is the key. The thing here, is the "designed to be played forever" part. PoE is more or less unprecedented when it comes to how progressive it is, how much (and often) new content is being pushed out (for better or worse). To me, it only makes sense to keep this progression, but at the same time make huge changes to animations, models, graphics, physics, new weapon types and certain new gameplay systems. If we add the F2P argument into this, it makes a lot of sense.

As I've written before; I don't care what they call it. If the new character models, new animations, new story line, new weapon types and new gameplay systems make the experience FEEL like a sequel, I think it will justify the naming scheme. Especially if we add that Chris said himself at the Exilecon that they decided to call it "PoE 2" after a lot of discussion internally.

It makes a lot of sense, that should be enough to end the naming discussion. Should they be more clear about it? Yes. And I'm sure they will during and after the Exilecon, when we're closing in on release.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
I was gobsmacked when Chris told me that act IV's advent was so momentous that it would be signified with a new version number. 2.0. Holy shit. That was a really big deal.

And Fall of Oriath being 3.0? Equally momentous.

4.0 will be no less so. Probably even more so given 7 acts of completely new content, skill overhaul, etc.

But as DS44 said, outside of OW2, never in my long history of gaming can I recall an obvious version upgrade also be called a sequel. I don't play series that are apt to do this (COD, Fifa, etc) but if that is your whataboutist response, so be it: set the bar that low for PoE if you wish.

But I feel we can and should hold GGG to a higher standard than series reputed for slush and churn. PoE 4.0 or PoE 2: it can't be both and we all of us need to decide for ourselves which it is. Do GGG get to decide since it's their game? Well they are free to label it as such. And we are free to accept or reject that. It sounds like a simple choice but I have already all but exhausted explanations of what that choice really represents.

So many of my queries go unanswered here while people respond with questions I have already mostly answered. Frustrating, but hardly unusual.

I have also outlined my threshold for 4.0 earning its designation as a sequel and I already know GGG won't do it. Don't have to. Because luckily for them, not all or even many of its long time supporters are as exacting with language as I am.

This thread feels played out in light of how much more we will know in less than a month. Topic title is 100% fact. The rest...varying degrees of opinions. My initial response was cheap sarcasm and honestly I probably should have left it there.
The name says it all.
Last edited by 鬼殺し#7371 on Jul 1, 2023, 6:31:43 AM
鬼殺し wrote:
But as DS44 said, outside of OW2, never in my long history of gaming can I recall an obvious version upgrade also be called a sequel. I don't play series that are apt to do this (COD, Fifa, etc) but if that is your whataboutist response, so be it: set the bar that low for PoE if you wish.

Is the first sentence here really less "whataboutism" than the second?

Fuck it, GGG are doing their thing and shouldn't really be judged by "what other games have or haven't done" when it comes to version numbers or naming schemes. It's not like they have (ever) tried to follow "the norm". Let them do their thing, and we can just sit back and watch how it plays out and judge it based on the result.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Last edited by Phrazz#3529 on Jul 1, 2023, 6:49:57 AM

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