Bex Confirms ExileCon is the Jumping-Off Point for Path of Exile 2's Marketing
The takeaway from my discussions with Chris post sell out was that the safety net Tencent provided was a major factor. Especially for GGG's employees. So I am not just throwing weird or wild ideas around here. It was not a takeover -- there weren't mass layoffs or a change in regime. Sure, some left for their own reasons but Tencent knew not to fuck with what was clearly working.
Diabloski: you are welcome to factor the pandemic into your overall understanding of the delay to PoE 4.0 any way you wish. Just make sure you do. Even if only a little bit. Everything you said, from the strict NZ hiring laws to the post mortem non-starter that was Exilecon 2019, was affected. Kinda hard to bring in new talent when fucking flights are rare as kiwi's teeth doncha think? I of all people am not going to give GGG a pass on much at all, but in this case you should consider the razor and go with it. Whether that's Occam's or Hanlon's...that's up to you. The name says it all.
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" Ok. I am pretty sure they will stick to the plan. How much graphics they will update, I don't know, but all the PoE2 systems will be present (because they are not going to balance to separate systems). 1453R is correct. Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
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It's funny how much this thread sounded like Last Epoch discussion when they announced their final delay to the 0.9 multiplayer patch.
OMG THEY'RE GONNA MISS THEIR WINDOW THEY NEEEEEEED TO RELEASE ON THE 3RD SATURDAY BETWEEN POE LEAGUE AND D4 OPEN BETA WEEKEND OR THEY'LL MISS THEIR WINDOW AND NO ONE WILL EVER PLAY IF THEY DONT RELEASE EXACTLY WHEN I WANT TO PLAY THEN IM NEVER PLAYING THIS GAME ILL BE BUSY PLAYING X INSTEAD. a whole lot of working themselves into a frenzy and taking the launch day they would personally prefer and extrapolating that to 'game can't succeed if it doesn't release on the schedule I'd pick'. It's fine. The worst thing they could to is release a bad product. Make it good, then when its ready if you want to bump it by a week or two to avoid something big or capitalize on something (vacation availability, competitor oopsie) then do that but you don't rush a 5-6 year project out the door 12 months early just to hit some nebulous window of opportunity that may or may not even be real like holy fucking christ. That's a great way to throw a decades worth of work in the dumpster. |
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" Emphasis mine. Maybe this might be a gamebreaker for "new D4 fanboys", who are presumably going to be more casual anyway and can't bear the thought of continually relevelling. But in that case I really can't see them being attracted to PoE, where new leagues (seasons) have required new characters since they began in 2013. Looking for a mature guild to play with? Courtesy, Integrity, Fair Play. I understand this is a role playing game, but I don't think the best role to play should be shopkeeper. - AlteraxPoe |
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" And I'm pretty sure they won't. If they've done a bunch of stuff why haven't we seen it so far? We also haven't gotten the "re-balance" for acts 3-10 yet. Which is very weird. Maybe they stuck to the plan for a while(which is why we got a new Brutus fight and some new voice lines) and then dropped it because they realized it would take up too much time and resources. We'll see in 35ish days, tho. My money is on them dropping most of the old stuff completely. Ninja.
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" Let's see what happens. Pointless to discuss whether they have backtracked on things they have promised. I am just having fun guessing what will happen. You owe me 5 chaos orbs if I am right ;-) Danskere: PM mig, hvis I har brug for en guild.
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" Nobody at GGG said anything like that. |
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I will be very surprised if you guys aren't playing some form of PoE 4.0 by the end of 2024. "Path of Exile 2 arrived a year after Diablo IV" just sounds a LOT better as a quote than "Path of Exile 2 arrived a few years after Diablo IV". And please disabuse yourself of any notion that the gap between the two won't be a talking point come press time.
The name says it all.
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We are already playing PoE2 in "some form", and have been for many leagues. It's really the expectation management that I've beaten to death in this thread, that is the problem.
I was hoping Exilecon would clear things up, but now we know that won't be the case. Which is super disappointing. Like really really a bummer. Maybe the beta will be "good" but a truncated, focused, limited beta, doesn't do a whole lot beyond control what players see and feel. I will reserve judgment until we know a bit more, but right now, being skeptical and pessimistic is totally understandable imo. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln |
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" No, we don't. What we do know is 3.22 is not the 4.0 beta. Anything other than that is baseless speculation. Just go and read the gd tweets. |
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