Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

TheXcomTroll wrote:

Ah yes, instead of contributing to the discussion with counter points you insult the poster personally. Nice touch. Really makes me want to believe your perspective... not

I'm pretty sure you're missing the whole picture but sure... Just so you know he felt "gatekeepered" by me using a lot of words and found it laughable. If you feel that's the right attitude for a healthy conversation well, I got nothing to say. As for counter points I think I stated my point of view well enough. Tldr so you don't feel "gatekeeperd" as well:

1. power creep in PoE is a thing since the game came out. Old conent didn't keep up
2. the time to get to the end game is not as long as people claim it is and I doubt it will increase by much
3. people whine whenever they see nerfs even though the said nerfs never made up for the power added in that very expansion, but still they keep whining time after time about nerfs
4. let's say PoE will balance around casuals, it will end up just like D3.
5. if 120 hours per 3+ month leagues isn't enough for you, you can always go play on standard and "finish the game" there whatever that means to you
6. as for the damage nerfs I'm sure we'll be fine. Most content is trivial as it is and that's not a good thing
one of the most exciting things about POE is the constant changes they make and to adjust playstyle every league which makes things fresh and fun to build around. if i wanted to play the same thing for the past decade i might as well kept playing RPGs. so thank you for the balances and changes.
So how bout Shockwave Totem though?
Fix the random one shots players receive if they are fully capped on all 4 resists and have like 5k life, so they have the time to react with flasks the way you claim you want. That will probably also bring diversity because people won't feel like they need to make overpowered builds to kill super fast before they get one shot. Bring back all the Harvest crafts you removed but make them non-tradable so casuals and probably even non-casuals will look forward to grinding maps knowing they will eventually be able to craft gear capable to take down end game content. Most people don't have all day to play this game. Crafting is actually fun when you its more deterministic but you have to grind for the mats , slot machine crafting the way it is now with fossils and essence sucks. If you want people to slow down then don't make players with limited time forced to pick mega-damage builds as their defensive layer vs. the random one-shots or the mega-speed builds to speed grind currency to trade for over-priced gear. Crafting is way more fun than just buying something you didn't find or make yourself, but essence and fossil crafting is too rng as is and tedious to trade for. As a last suggestion, reduce crap loot as tiers go up and actually improve odds of decent rares dropping will slow people down because they will actually stop to identify possible good items, the way it is now most don't even bother to pick up rares at all and just speed run currency drop farming.
lamePoEname wrote:
I've played less and less the last few leagues due to the frustration of one-shots, loss of XP, not knowing what actually killed me or how to prevent it in the future, not ever being able to hit level 97+ without running ROTAs (which I refuse to do), etc...

I'm not sure how any of these changes are geared toward increasing the enjoyment of the game for people like me. This is likely the nudge I needed to find another game.

I'll still start a character to see firsthand the impact of the changes, but from a non-professional player perspective, this all seems directed at making the game more challenging for the select few at the expense of the rest of us.

Not my company so not my call. I'll see how it goes...

Yeah, I agree... I only started getting good at the game when I devoted gametime to studying the wiki and reddit and watching top tier players on YouTube explain the deeper mechanics of the game. A game that requires that much outside research to play it has some problems. The nerd in me kinda likes it, but it also makes the game feel less fun sometimes. Like I "have to be in the right mood" or i have to first update myself on the latest changes and trends to even confidently know what to be aiming for in my gameplay time. Am I trading am I crafting am I unlocking am I doing challenges, what's most profitable, etc.

I like that PoE is relatively difficult and relatively complicated. I think though, it'd be nice for some things to be streamlined instead of just constantly buffed/nerfed. We ALL want Fortify, we ALL want CWDT, we ALL want movespeed. Like, when you need so much basic shit just to survive the inevitable one-shots, one has to ask why all that shit is necessary for EVERY BUILD to begin with.
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hatefield wrote:
TheXcomTroll wrote:

Ah yes, instead of contributing to the discussion with counter points you insult the poster personally. Nice touch. Really makes me want to believe your perspective... not

I'm pretty sure you're missing the whole picture but sure... Just so you know he felt "gatekeepered" by me using a lot of words and found it laughable. If you feel that's the right attitude for a healthy conversation well, I got nothing to say. As for counter points I think I stated my point of view well enough. Tldr so you don't feel "gatekeeperd" as well:

1. power creep in PoE is a thing since the game came out. Old conent didn't keep up
2. the time to get to the end game is not as long as people claim it is and I doubt it will increase by much
3. people whine whenever they see nerfs even though the said nerfs never made up for the power added in that very expansion, but still they keep whining time after time about nerfs
4. let's say PoE will balance around casuals, it will end up just like D3.
5. if 120 hours per 3+ month leagues isn't enough for you, you can always go play on standard and "finish the game" there whatever that means to you
6. as for the damage nerfs I'm sure we'll be fine. Most content is trivial as it is and that's not a good thing

The problem is end game is boring AF. There is nearly no incentives to kill end game bosses besides Sirius. It’s more effective to run million modded maps and run heist… /yawn
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ZionHalcyon wrote:
axeltt012 wrote:
Wtf... 300 hours to get to red maps. At this point it is only your own fault.
An ''Average'' player can get to red map in 20-25 hours. Lets not even talk about people that make it in 8-12hours.

Hell, even if it took you 75h to get there I wouldn't see any problem with it since it is still possible to make it throught at this point.

I don't think you're casual if it takes you 300hours... I think you're my grandmother who just discovered how to play solitaire on her ipad.

Don't be a total tool. Seriously.

I missed the part where POE is supposed to be Dark Souls.

Well if you want Farmville go play Farmville. Just so we have polar opposites here. But more seriously if you want an easy arpg where you can stroll through content I recommend Diablo III. I heard it's doing great.
Is this the revenge for slaying all your monsters?!

Now we get slayn i think!

Diablo 4 when guys?

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