Game Balance in Path of Exile: Expedition

The movement nerf scares me thinking that I will not enjoy the game anymore in slowmotion... I really want to like this game!
zaregu wrote:
These nerfs don't seem balanced at all.

its leaning towards south... way down south
Unfortunately, this entire mechanism is currently bypassed by triggering skills as this skips their mana cost. This basically means that we can't design really powerful spells.

This is 100% Nonsense.

You can just put "CANNOT BE TRIGGERED" on the Gem.

hatefield wrote:
TheXcomTroll wrote:

it will end up just like D3

hatefield wrote:
ZionHalcyon wrote:

if you want an easy arpg where you can stroll through content I recommend Diablo III. I heard it's doing great.

A lot of love for the other game... eh!
My thoughts on the major nerf bat swing... I wasn't there when POE first started, I've only played for about 1.5 years now. I don't remember "the good old days" they're trying to get back to, where simply running through the acts of the game were considered dangerous in and of themselves. I'm also not 12 years old any longer (more like 4 times that), so I'm not gifted with amazing reaction time and incredible hand/eye coordination, so even though I've been at it in Standard for quite some time now, I'm not able to even get to the point I think I could fight the end bosses and have a chance to actually WIN... All this before the nerfs.

Draw your conclusions on how I feel.

Perhaps you should consider having some "legacy" servers or the like, that let you play the patches in the state of the game that you DO want to play. Feel like loading up Harvest? Great, enjoy! Is the Delirium patch the thing? Go for it! People who want to go all the way back to the Breach league? By all means, port your way back in time. Play the way you want! THAT would be much more palatable to me... I could go back to Metamorph, where *I* started and where *I* fell in love with the game, not this upcoming Expedition patch that almost certainly will not only prevent me from EVER experiencing the end game, but will probably even prevent me from being able to run T14+ alch-and-go maps...

Anyway, when I first started this game, I really loved the nostalgia of playing prior favorite game ever, Diablo 2, but with some REALLY interesting twists and an amazing skill tree... But now instead of looking forward to playing the game each day, I'm wondering after all the changes in the last year, is this now some sort of chore instead of fun?
Last edited by jackdeth101 on Jul 19, 2021, 10:01:30 PM
Vaildez wrote:
hatefield wrote:
TheXcomTroll wrote:

Ah yes, instead of contributing to the discussion with counter points you insult the poster personally. Nice touch. Really makes me want to believe your perspective... not

I'm pretty sure you're missing the whole picture but sure... Just so you know he felt "gatekeepered" by me using a lot of words and found it laughable. If you feel that's the right attitude for a healthy conversation well, I got nothing to say. As for counter points I think I stated my point of view well enough. Tldr so you don't feel "gatekeeperd" as well:

1. power creep in PoE is a thing since the game came out. Old conent didn't keep up
2. the time to get to the end game is not as long as people claim it is and I doubt it will increase by much
3. people whine whenever they see nerfs even though the said nerfs never made up for the power added in that very expansion, but still they keep whining time after time about nerfs
4. let's say PoE will balance around casuals, it will end up just like D3.
5. if 120 hours per 3+ month leagues isn't enough for you, you can always go play on standard and "finish the game" there whatever that means to you
6. as for the damage nerfs I'm sure we'll be fine. Most content is trivial as it is and that's not a good thing

The problem is end game is boring AF. There is nearly no incentives to kill end game bosses besides Sirius. It’s more effective to run million modded maps and run heist… /yawn

I partially agree with you. But not nerfing stuff will not fix it. Entire screens of mobs falling over with 1 click makes running high density maps so lucrative. Hopefully several nerfs to player power and buffs to monster health and resists over time will help with some of that. I remember a time when you had to check rare mobs before you engaged them. I'm not saying that was the right pace but what we have now makes for a pretty hollow game experience.

Not to mention that if you play trade league picking up 99% of items is actually a waste of time... in an arpg...

And on top of that you can't have interesting monsters if they don't get to do any abilities and they die in 5 seconds. And that has been the case with the game for so many leagues now. They fixed some of that with hp buffs here and there but still...
axeltt012 wrote:
[Removed by Support] If you don't like playing the game while leveling and the process of gearing yourself... maybe you just don't like the game and you just want a trophy without actually playing the game.

Or have you ever thought that the acts are not interesting at all? There's nothing fun in them, it's the same story and the same grind time after time again. Of course people aren't going to enjoy being in it or the gear since most gear is pretty crap till you can get into maps.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Kane_GGG on Jul 19, 2021, 9:57:09 PM
I read a lot of things that seem like they'll be nicer. I can see why some people are going to be upset but in the end I think that they are very good changes and this is going to be an interesting patch. With that being said, please buff Eye of Winter before it goes live.
Are they even playing their own game? Like ... really playing the game? Or do they just fire up their editor mode every morning and think their 5+ mirrors worth sandbox-characters need to be nerfed?
The Malding is GLORIOUS!

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