I Think I Figured Out Why Cyberpunk Sux
" Dissing W3 is perfectly fine. Warcraft 3 reforged is a hot mess. They take a good game and ruin it. |
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" There was no 'post game' in Skyrim or the Witcher either - you could just go around clearing dungeons, something you can do endlessly in Cyberpunk too. Technically, even PoE's 'post game' after killing Sirus is the same - endless mapping (or Delving or whatever you prefer). I'm not even sure what you're expecting here - all 'post games' is just endless repetition, and Cyberpunk is no different. Either that, or make a new character of course. |
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" Tbf, you can dupe the economy in Cyberpunk too. The crafting system is still a mess. It may not bork your save file anymore, but you can easily make gazillions simply by abusing the crafting system. Though otoh, that's pretty much still possible in games like Skyrim to this day, so I guess it isn't a death knell. |
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" ya i ruined my skyrim experience pretty fucking early after getting it. can't remember exactly how i did it now (since this was 9 years ago) but i super leveled crafting and enchanting extremely early and fast. once got it to a certain level, as orc, go to an orc camp and just steal all their ore (forget what its called now) and craft mad weapons/armor from all of it. then its pretty easy to get infinite money by leveling up ummm...potion making, whatever it was called. make potions and sell em. within 4-5 hours i'd have very strong armor/gear, enchants, and amazing potions. i did this after playing for a few weeks normally, and just figured how i could cheese it. after i cheesed it and the entire game was a joke from there on, i just couldn't go back |
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Difference is Wolcen is sort of competitive. If you ignore things like duping that means you'll be forever at a disadvantage. In a purely single player game you don't need to do any of this, you simply play.
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" Yeah. That is what i mean with postgame after beating the story. Something to do on a smaller scale after finishing the main quests/story as a means of endgame light. From the reviews CP dont even has that and your character gets teleported to an earlier act after you finish the story and try to continue. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore "A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks Last edited by gandhar0#5532 on Dec 28, 2020, 6:24:54 AM
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" Which I attested to and freely admit. Even so, I can still "read." If what I have read here and from review and game-discussion websites or have "seen" in vids is incorrect, then inform me. Seriously. Honestly, I would want you to tell me where my assumptions are incorrect or something I've stated is false. That'd even be appreciated! The articles keep piling up and they're more than just click-bait attempts. Article after article describing issues with CDProjekt Red's concept of "open-world" or "sandbox" keep demonstrating that normal gamers expect certain things with games that make such claims and... they're not getting what they expected. Even "roleplaying" is being questioned a bit considering players seem to feel they should have more control over their player's actions and personality in dialogue/quest choices. (Though, I wouldn't count that as being as significant a component of "roleplaying" mechanically speaking.) Of course, the hype fuels the complaints. :) But, that doesn't mean they're not valid complaints. It only means they may be a bit more dramatically presented... For myself, if I read CDPR's marketing and its descriptions of what players could expect, would I actually... experience that? All indications I can find say "No." I'm sure you try to learn about the games you're interested in before you buy them. You probably read their descriptions and maybe even try to find some reliable reviews and player testimonials about the gameplay you could expect, right? It appears expectations of certain sorts of gameplay in Cyberpunk 2077 are not fulfilled. With a game that payed for itself on pre-orders... The only reason players got their money back was because of the outcry over bugs and an unplayable product on certain platforms and not because CDPR may have truly misrepresented its product. That should matter to everyone. Just my two coppers and my opinion is worth to you exactly what you paid for it. :) Last edited by Morkonan#5844 on Dec 28, 2020, 12:51:43 PM
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The game has literally the same quest structure as Skyrim and the same world structure as GTA. I don't know your sources and I don't particularly care. The game is received more positively than negatively despite the "open world lie" you are trying to push.
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from everything i've read and the dozen massive video reviews i've gone through i'd say the breakdown is this....
if you're one to be captivated by story and graphics, you'll love the game. unless you think bugs (even minor npc/car glitches and nothing game breaking) will break your immersion. if you're one for details, interaction with the world and npcs, loving to go around and do your own thing throughout an open world, you'll hate this game. im a detail guy through and through. i couldn't care less for graphics (especially when you need to have the best of the best currently to even halfway experience it) and i absolutely couldn't care less about story. i don't get emotionally invested in characters etc. don't give a flying frogs fart. what i notice is every detail. from what i see i don't need to play the game. i already hate it. mostly because what cyberpunk does well doesn't interest me. what interests me is where the game falls on its face, HARD. this is where i come to my conclusion, that even if you do call it an open world, to me and how i think of open world games, it is a terrible one. terrible AI, zero npc interaction, terrible and terribly inconsistent physics, even worse atmosphere interaction. graphics? sure story? i've actually heard mixed things about this. some people love it and the characters, some people think the story sucks. either way i'd say this game is a gamble. if its high notes are what you enjoy then you still gamble experiencing them with little to no bugs. at least no game breaking bugs |
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You really shouldn't hate a game you won't play anyway. You'll pointlessly reduce your lifespan.
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