I Think I Figured Out Why Cyberpunk Sux

Negative reviews would have happened anyway because of the massive hype. This doesn't mean the game is bad. In Wolcen's case the game did not work. Nodes on the passive tree were dysfunctional, duping was a thing. So far I haven't seen anything in Cyberpunk that prevents you from playing the way you like apart from superficial complaints like the "the NPCs are not natural enough".

I had my first crash today after 50 hours in and it didn't matter much because quick save is a thing.
BearCares wrote:
Rexeos wrote:
Cyberpunk is great game. More I play it, more I like it.

Its like Witcher 3 - mechanics 5/10; story and presentation 10/10

"I Think I Figured Out Why Cyberpunk Sux" - clikbait title.

Lawsuit is a joke, they have no chance.

Conspiracy theory: they lower stock price more with lawsuit, than buy shares at lower price, stock rises and everybody is happy. :)

I find it amazing that you can equate Witcher 3's gameplay to Cyberpunk's. The only problem Witcher 3 had mechanically was that rolling around was laughably god tier which simpliflied the battles too much. But all you had to do fix that was decide not to abuse it and play on the hardest difficulty.

And what mechanical problems are there in Cyberpunk? I admit I haven't tried hacking but I am curious what you think is wrong.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Dec 27, 2020, 1:45:41 PM
it could be an open world from 1994.

Daggerfall with 10 billions npc in town looking all the same and just walking without any AI .

Like in Daggerfall the guards (cops) will pop up from nowhere and attack you with the same AI.

Ho wait , I can remember that Daggerfall NPC do fight back when you attack them.

So I guess it is almost like a 1994 Daggerfall open world.


here, daggerfall unity. Much better for now than Cyberbug 2077
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on Dec 27, 2020, 3:18:14 PM
Did you spend your time in Witcher 3 attacking random peasants?
Johny_Snow wrote:
BearCares wrote:
Rexeos wrote:
Cyberpunk is great game. More I play it, more I like it.

Its like Witcher 3 - mechanics 5/10; story and presentation 10/10

"I Think I Figured Out Why Cyberpunk Sux" - clikbait title.

Lawsuit is a joke, they have no chance.

Conspiracy theory: they lower stock price more with lawsuit, than buy shares at lower price, stock rises and everybody is happy. :)

I find it amazing that you can equate Witcher 3's gameplay to Cyberpunk's. The only problem Witcher 3 had mechanically was that rolling around was laughably god tier which simpliflied the battles too much. But all you had to do fix that was decide not to abuse it and play on the hardest difficulty.

And what mechanical problems are there in Cyberpunk? I admit I haven't tried hacking but I am curious what you think is wrong.

Its not about whats wrong, but how does it feel. When you shoot, whatever weapon, you have no feeling about its something "cool", there is no much difference when you hit enemy with whatever type of weapon. I play on 3/4 difficulty and fight is basically you crouch heal and shoot, or run around box. Np at all. RPG elements gives small bonuses, like its rather cosmetic except few like rise HP by 30% etc. Raise HP and kill everyone is so far best way. Sneaking is without sense, unles you enjoy sneaking overall - its easier to play Quake III Arena - jump around around and kill everyone, hide, hp restore and repeat. All those hacking stuff starts to be too much of micromanagement, so why bother. Too many objects to pickup, everywhere..

Its perfectly fine if player just want to enjoy what game offers, but the impact is not worth effort, there is no min max of weapons or character.

Its basicaly like a witcher 3 which I played at max difficulty - make sword which is obsolete after level or two. Better pick up what is on the floor and move on.

And like in Witcher - I want go forward due the story and all those dialogs and characters there are. Their motives, dreams etc. Its not about gameplay, but rather about movie experience.

I hope you get idea, what I mean. I even think I should go lower with difficulty - just to enjoy this movie game.

BearCares: in Witcher 3 I used mod to enjoy fights, it was much shorter script than what was in original game - I was able to hit enemy I wanted to with it.

Last edited by Rexeos on Dec 27, 2020, 3:45:47 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
Did you spend your time in Witcher 3 attacking random peasants?

I never finished W3, shit got boring quick but yea I pass my time in rpgs pickpocketing Npcs and adding explosives in their pants (fallout 2 memories)

HA I am those kind of player also in table rpgs. My char in D&D had a lof of fun in the street of Baldur s gate, The DM was often really pissed.
Forum pvp
Last edited by lolozori on Dec 27, 2020, 3:23:25 PM
Try beating up NPCs in Cyberpunk with your fists. Interestingly, the police comes if you aim at them but nothing happens if you beat the crap out of them. Its also hilarious to murder one of the guys who pack weapons right in the middle of a group of civilians. Carrying a corpse while walking down a busy street also causes interesting reactions. It seems that you can do quests even if you are hunted. One time I threw a molotov into a group of people then quickly jumped into my quest giver's car. Fucking hilarious to watch from inside. His car even caught fire at the same time the conversation option "Nice car" popped up.

Last edited by Johny_Snow on Dec 27, 2020, 3:27:15 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
Try beating up NPCs in Cyberpunk with your fists. Interestingly, the police comes if you aim at them but nothing happens if you beat the crap out of them. Its also hilarious to murder one of the guys who pack weapons right in the middle of a group of civilians. Carrying a corpse while walking down a busy street also causes interesting reactions. It seems that you can do quests even if you are hunted. One time I threw a molotov into a group of people then quickly jumped into my quest giver's car. Fucking hilarious to watch from inside. His car even caught fire at the same time the conversation option "Nice car" popped up.

Can you upgrade your character to lift heavy stuff like trash containers and throw them at random NPCs?

I quite liked it back in Deus Ex HR and it looked like you're doing a Bowling strike.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
There are upgrades for your hands like Wolverine and for legs for double jump but thats it. You cannot lift up random objects for sure.
lolozori wrote:
Johny_Snow wrote:
Did you spend your time in Witcher 3 attacking random peasants?

I never finished W3, shit got boring quick but yea I pass my time in rpgs pickpocketing Npcs and adding explosives in their pants (fallout 2 memories)

HA I am those kind of player also in table rpgs. My char in D&D had a lof of fun in the street of Baldur s gate, The DM was often really pissed.

Wow, dissing W3 is almost as bad as dissing Chrono Trigger or Super Metroid. Are you sure your taste in gaming is okay? W3 is textbook excellence. It is the game that all AAA titles aim to become and it represents an advance in the genre of role playing in a video game - period.

TL;DR - I won't suffer no sass from someone who thinks W3 is a boring game!

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