what the fuck is cyberpunk

awesome999 wrote:

Contrary to my nonchalant stance, I recognise that this game is a phenomenon and will be watching its early days in the wild avidly.

I can't play it because reasons. Visually impressive graphical presentation and story-driven approach. It is a good game but it is nothing revoluntary really.

My backlog and 2020-imposed financial repositioning makes just anything 'new' and 'full price' a pointless consideration. Which is fine. I've never been one for day one 'triple A' releases anyway. Not even Ghost of Tsushima, which is ridiculously up my alley as a Tenchuu/chanbara fan.

I don't feel the hype of these big Triple A title drops but I understand and appreciate that a lot of other people do. It's not like these games are categorically shit and inexplicably popular; they're typically well-made and praise-worthy.

But they very rarely do it for me, which is also fine: I generally have no idea what about a game WILL do it for me and what won't. Makes for some nice surprises when I am forced to reckon with the backlog, as I am now (Shadow of Mordor, for example, really does it for me and I typically don't like modern sandbox stealth games). :)
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.

My backlog and 2020-imposed financial repositioning makes just anything 'new' and 'full price' a pointless consideration. Which is fine. I've never been one for day one 'triple A' releases anyway. Not even Ghost of Tsushima, which is ridiculously up my alley as a Tenchuu/chanbara fan.

I don't feel the hype of these big Triple A title drops but I understand and appreciate that a lot of other people do. It's not like these games are categorically shit and inexplicably popular; they're typically well-made and praise-worthy.

But they very rarely do it for me, which is also fine: I generally have no idea what about a game WILL do it for me and what won't. Makes for some nice surprises when I am forced to reckon with the backlog, as I am now (Shadow of Mordor, for example, really does it for me and I typically don't like modern sandbox stealth games). :)

A large library of unplayed games doesn't motivate me to play them. I'd leave them untouched for the most part. If you have a few hundred games in your game library, you will never finished it.

Great games are what people wanted to play but rarely find. Older video games sometime better than new ones. These old masterpieces are the ones that revolutionalize gaming and survive the test of time. These games have gameplay designs which shine above and beyond all modern trappings. The new ones just constantly trying to live up to those names.

Triple A titles are often good. But Good isn't Good Enough when there are 5 other competition spitting out 10 titles every years. Mass produced Good enough is just disappointing. Overpriced and overrated, the perceived worth of these games are dropping faster, hitting the bargain bin before the end of the year. A tough sell when many people already have more games than time to play them. They'll reach a saturation point where If they make them it doesn't mean people will buy them.
I'm going to ease off on our not-so-little tangent for now, Mork. But it's been thoroughly enjoyable. I'm glad I sat through B5 if only to enable it! ;)

That's fine. I do appreciate the discussion. In the Age of Covid, I'm bouncing off the darn walls and I find myself yammering on the 'net in ever larger, more verbose, posts than even I am used to yammering in... I am not known for my brevity... Thanks!

Contrary to my nonchalant stance, I recognise that this game is a phenomenon and will be watching its early days in the wild avidly.

I don't really care much about the game. I'm a bit more eager to see what the player's reactions are going to be.

After all the tension and hype, will the players retire to play their game in the pleasant afterglow of release? Will they feel fulfilled? How forgiving will they truly be if, while playing a game they've desired for so very long, it <ahem> unexpectedly pops a finger in their backside... :)

From what little I've seen of it, and that's a tiny bit, it might look nice but it doesn't seem very "inspired." I'll see more of it, I'm sure.
from what i've watched of the game, which so far has been several hours, its like a mix between deus ex and borderlands. or deus ex and gta

honestly right now i don't think enough people are far enough into the game for it to be showing its actual gameplay and content. i'd say a good 95% of what i've witnessed is just a dialog simulator and thats already enough for me to never look again.

i absolutely despise movie "games" like the last of us where there is little gameplay. it isn't engaging. its boring.
cyberpunk looks to be exactly that as well. again, maybe it isn't. maybe there is gameplay and an actual open world hidden behind the 8 hour tutorial which seems to be what every single streamer was struggling through, but i guess only a few days will show that.

still i don't see basically anything that is original. i own most of the games that have done what its mirroring so i can get my fix by playing through them again and not wasting money just because of the hype train or on computer upgrades to still suffer through performance issues and early release bugs

i'll never understand why people shell out full price for pre-purchase or release day buys in the video game industry the way it currently is.
Morkonan wrote:
I'm going to ease off on our not-so-little tangent for now, Mork. But it's been thoroughly enjoyable. I'm glad I sat through B5 if only to enable it! ;)

That's fine. I do appreciate the discussion. In the Age of Covid, I'm bouncing off the darn walls and I find myself yammering on the 'net in ever larger, more verbose, posts than even I am used to yammering in... I am not known for my brevity... Thanks!

Contrary to my nonchalant stance, I recognise that this game is a phenomenon and will be watching its early days in the wild avidly.

I don't really care much about the game. I'm a bit more eager to see what the player's reactions are going to be.

After all the tension and hype, will the players retire to play their game in the pleasant afterglow of release? Will they feel fulfilled? How forgiving will they truly be if, while playing a game they've desired for so very long, it <ahem> unexpectedly pops a finger in their backside... :)

From what little I've seen of it, and that's a tiny bit, it might look nice but it doesn't seem very "inspired." I'll see more of it, I'm sure.

So far the best write-up I've read was from kotaku AU, because of two reasons: it dwelt on the minutiae exhaustively, which I expected; but also because it highlighted, with no softening of blows, how stressful reviewing this game was for embargo-bound journalists. Some of them made themselves physically ill from lack of sleep due to how little time they had to get through it -- energy drink marathons and the like. Partners tearfully begging them to take a break. Dramatic? Sure -- but entirely believable. The pressure to do this game justice (regardless of its eventual score) must have been immense, and I've already seen a few coverages of it really flub due to the writer getting fixated on this angle or that.

But at least most of them seemed to really enjoy their time with it, which I think is of paramount importance when you're forced to engage with a single game this intensively and intimately -- they were, after all, under embargo *and* expected to deliver something...special.

As for the game itself? It's all very WYSIWYG to me. I'll wait until I have a Ps5 at the very least, and even then it won't be in my short list of must-haves. But this isn't about my take on the game (I have utterly shit taste in games for the most part); that's inestimably less interesting than others'.
https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
Last edited by Foreverhappychan on Dec 10, 2020, 4:29:00 PM
xMustard wrote:

i'll never understand why people shell out full price for pre-purchase or release day buys in the video game industry the way it currently is.

You must be from the anti pre-order movement. :P
lol dialogue simulator. I've been playing for hours, pure open world gameplay hitting various hideouts. I don't even bother with the main quest for now. Its excellent. Various ways to deal with each situation, extensive perk system, great variety of weapons, extremely expansive hacking.

It has to be played on the harder difficulties though.
Johny_Snow wrote:
lol dialogue simulator. I've been playing for hours, pure open world gameplay hitting various hideouts. I don't even bother with the main quest for now. Its excellent. Various ways to deal with each situation, extensive perk system, great variety of weapons, extremely expansive hacking.

It has to be played on the harder difficulties though.

so is that the thing of it, everyone is just playing the main quest?
in that case its just like skyrim! avoid the main quest at all times to have fun haha

awesome999 wrote:
You must be from the anti pre-order movement. :P

not from any movement. but definitely don't understand the pre-order model or why anyone falls for it
Last edited by xMustard on Dec 10, 2020, 6:53:31 PM
Broke Steam records today. Looks like GGG was right about not releasing new league tomorrow. Just sayin.
kolyaboo wrote:
Broke Steam records today. Looks like GGG was right about not releasing new league tomorrow. Just sayin.

That simply cannot do. If Cyberpunk doesn't sell more than 30 million copies, we need to call it a flop. OK? They are probably only halfway there.
Last edited by awesome999 on Dec 10, 2020, 10:55:29 PM

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