New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread

Johny_Snow wrote:
So many countries which have no capacity to properly estimate how many people are affected or are at a too early stage. Syria is particularly funny, considering there the sick people are probably in the thousands but nobody cares to report them.

ya its crazy right? ud expect it to hit somewhere like europe first in large amounts because so many people from europe travel around and so many travel to europe. a lot of these 3rd world places around the world, and especially smashed warzones, ud expect it to take longer to get there.

but when it does their ability to deal with it will be nonexistant and exactly that, whos gonna care to measure and report it? were all locked down at home dealing with our own problem.

maybe this thing just burns itself out before it can really hit every community, i hope so, cause the fear has to be that when this takes hold in the less developed parts of the world its gonna be grim. it could already be happening for sure and its just no ones paying attention.
The_Impeacher wrote:
Out of the 11,305 resolved cases in the US, there have been 4,054 deaths.

That means of the remaining (currently) unresolved cases, we can expect that roughly 78,000 will perish. This is 82,054 deaths of all discovered cases so far.

At a clip of 25,000 plus new infected people per day, things look dire. The WH estimate of up to 240,000 victims is optimistic.


Nice April Fools' post I guess.
GGG banning all political discussion shortly after getting acquired by China is a weird coincidence.
Ouch, the UK is not doing good.
Canada overtaking South Korea in 14th place by tomorrow. Maybe sooner.

Spain has been making a serious run at Italy, but the US is way out of reach for either of them.

Looks like the Australians are doing a good job at self-policing. Once the country has gained control and isolated/traced the remaining cases they'll have a leg up on the rest of us if they can seal up tightly until a vaccine arrives.

Spain will drag Portugal up the list in the same way the US will drag Canada up the list.

Tomorrow will be a big day. The 1,000,000 mark will be reached.
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Last edited by The_Impeacher on Apr 1, 2020, 5:00:51 PM
Russia flies humanitarian aid to the USA:


'A Russian air force Antonov-124 "departed with medical masks and medical equipment for the United States," said a Russian Defense Ministry statement.

According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump spoke about this aid during their telephone interview on Monday.

Go Russia for being such a supportive global partner in a desperate time of need!
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Turns out France and Germany both snubbed Italy when they were desperate for assistance, awhile ago:


France and Germany have both come under fire for initially declining to provide Rome with face masks and other equipment to help it handle the outbreak.

But, guess who answered the call for assistance? China and Russia did:

One population with epidemic levels of the virus spread duking it out with another population with epidemic levels of the virus. And transporting people across the world for it. What could go wrong? 🙃

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Last edited by Nicholas_GGG on Apr 1, 2020, 11:21:54 PM
Oh, its just began now in earnest in Russia, no worries. After week or two they'll be chasing Western Europe's numbers (depending on how much they are able to cover up of course).
There's a Covid-19 infection coverup going on in the city I live in (western Canada). City leadership is coordinating with our medical service to hide the epidemic from our citizens. Non-essential businesses are forcing employees to continue working.

I have a lot of time on my hands now to investigate and build a case/evidence for our federal government to look into.

People will be going to jail if they survive this.
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