New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread

I wouldn't trust someone who's perfectly content misleading people to move on to legal action next...
Meanwhile New York, which has been hit like a motherfucker, allowed people to gather together to watch a ship earlier this week. Wake up and impose stricter measures you dinguses
So India, which seemed to be making the right moves to control this thing (they're currently under a nationwide 3 week lockdown, announced well before the virus got out of control), is now facing a massive potential outbreak thanks to one of the topics which the mods here won't let us discuss...

Hint: It's pretty much the same thing that happened in South Korea.
They are spraying people there with bleach or something. Its hilarious, sometimes I watch videos showing Indian police to improve my mood.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Apr 2, 2020, 12:25:13 AM
Also, it seems that nations that have widespread immunization programs against TB are more resistant to this virus. Meanwhile, certain countries don't immunize their people against TB anymore, and are consequently facing the worst of it. Guess which nations those are...

Actual paper -

Mind you that this so far only shows correlation, not necessarily causation. And this comes from the NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, so take what they say with a grain of salt -
Last edited by Exile009 on Apr 2, 2020, 4:15:11 AM
So is Germany vaccinated then? There must be a reason why the deaths there are so low.
Johny_Snow wrote:
So is Germany vaccinated then? There must be a reason why the deaths there are so low.

They have a quite a high amount of the population living in rural areas, something like 50% - other harder hit countries in Europe have much lower percentage in rural areas - UK, France, Spain are about 20%, Italy 30%. Belgium next door with more deaths and around 1/10 of the population of Germany has a tiny rural population.

They are also much bigger on testing which is why deaths / number of infected there is so low, they have been testing anyone even with minor symptoms so then it's easier to keep people apart when they know for sure who has it.

I may of course be completely wrong, that's pure speculation on my part. It could also just be they are a week or two behind other countries and they'll see a surge soon.
Last edited by RandallPOE on Apr 2, 2020, 6:25:40 AM
We test alot.
Testing is free.
We didn´t test alot of healthy people yet. Antibody-test maybe in a week.
Our true infected numbers Can/Could/Probably are double/tribble/tentimes higher.
At any rate, this is probably a part of envoirment now, this is good because humanity immunises against this.
The deathrate of the economic holiday is yet unknown.
If you assume of 10Mill infected worldwide, the deathrate of the virus lowers itself.

Chinas rates are probably altered.
American recovery rates are probably underreported. Why risk going to doctor to report back?
South Korean numbers indicate a slow rate of reinfection.
Spain and Italy seem to run out of hosts.
Iran probably reached a reportability maximum.
Germanys deathrate is expected to rise a little bit, with importing.

I´m still under the impression that this could be already the 2nd/3rd/...-wave , if i remember back last year, there were some cases in my known-people-list with a pretty heavy flu. One which didn´t want to go to the doctor, the other who told me he broke a rib probably from coughing during sleep (asthmas). I can´t validate any of that.
I´m not sure one person can "droplet" that many people that fast. This sounds like a T-virus straight outa holywood. Different sources are not beeing investigated, probably willingly ignored.

Reasons, many ..., different healthcare, different hot weather, nocturnal bats, not alot of fastfood, no genetical altered foodsources, low radiation, no skyscrappers, rural industrialisation, Unity-government, no slums-policy, quick fanatical purgers, vaccination against alot of stuff excluding this particular, a focus on paperwork we count what we count. Pick which u like.
Germany started at the same time France did. If anyone is lagging behind, its the UK.

Also I believe Spain started a tad later than France but was hit much harder so there are definitely differences that don't depend on time frames.
Canada moved up to 14th place. Austria, we're coming for you next.

edit: Zoom Zoom up to lucky 13. Cya Austria. Looking at Netherlands now, but they'll be a tougher get. More densely populated countries have a built in spread advantage.

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Last edited by The_Impeacher on Apr 2, 2020, 3:19:07 PM

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