New SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 Thread

Its inevitable. Switzerland caught fire because of Italy, Portugal because of Spain, you because of the US.
Absolutely. The people in my backward, science denial city aren't getting the message. Maybe they'll start caring after the first 100 die? I doubt it.
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This is very interesting.

It seems like Sweden is the measuring stick. Can a country, which doesn't seem to care at all about the virus actually prosper? Are they running into a disaster? This will be a very interesting experiment to be sure. The UK failed it, implemented the measures too slow and are suffering. Lets see the Swedes.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Apr 2, 2020, 1:05:46 PM
The Swedish government are morons to think denial is going to work out. They are zooming up.

When I say morons, what I mean is murderers.

1,000,000 and we've only barely begun.
Any signature worth using is against the rules. Therefore, no signature will be found here.
Last edited by The_Impeacher on Apr 2, 2020, 2:05:59 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
Oh, its just began now in earnest in Russia, no worries. After week or two they'll be chasing Western Europe's numbers (depending on how much they are able to cover up of course).
outside of the big cities (mostly Moscow and Leningr.., er St Petersburg) a lot of Russian population is rural or suburban and lacks any social mobility whatsoever due to poverty. Which, in this case, can be a blessing.

However, from what I hear from some people I know there, is that there are very few measures about metro and train travel, which is perfect for this virus to spread.

In general tho, countries with strong authoritarian/communist regime that can enforce discipline and really make people follow rules of lockdown, are in better position than regular western value countries against covid-19.

US couldve prevented a lot of cases if they enforced lockdown early and relentlessly. I think most will agree that a temporary reduction in 'muh freedom to go outside and cough on anyone' would be worth lives saved.
Johny_Snow wrote:
This is very interesting.

It seems like Sweden is the measuring stick. Can a country, which doesn't seem to care at all about the virus actually prosper? Are they running into a disaster? This will be a very interesting experiment to be sure. The UK failed it, implemented the measures too slow and are suffering. Lets see the Swedes.

No they are just smart. You dont crash a whole economy which will be 10x worse than 3% hit on your population succumbing to a virus. We are going to see unpaid HC workers, mass violence, mass suicides, and even starvation with no economy.
Git R Dun!
You know, I always wondered how is an economy, where hundreds of thousands die, going to fare. In the case of big countries like the US, India and Russia the numbers might be in the millions.

So answer me this, please. How normal will be the economy you envision when so many people are dying around you and you cant go to hospitals at all because they will be basically filled to the point where people will be tended outside on the street?
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Apr 2, 2020, 4:15:00 PM
Johny_Snow wrote:
You know, I always wondered how is an economy, where hundreds of thousands die, going to fare. In the case of big countries like the US, India and Russia the numbers might be in the millions.

So answer me this, please. How normal will be the economy you envision when so many people are dying around you and you cant go to hospitals at all because they will be basically filled to the point where people will be tended outside on the street?

It's happened many times in past but never has a nation put themselves in a self-imposed Great depression. This is a childish answer fit for an unserious age we are living in.

Sweden is still doing relative social disancing and quantines but not shutting down economy. “Just shut everyone inside their home.” is honestly something a child would come up with. I’m STUNNED it was ever considered.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep on Apr 2, 2020, 4:29:25 PM
Lets do some quick calculations.

1% death rate
but since there will not be space at hospitals plenty more people will die who otherwise would be saved
so lets bump it to 3%
3% out of 70% of the population, so lets say 3% out of 225 million
do the math

but this is not all, about 10% of these cases require hospital intervention
so you might as well put 10% out of the 225 million

of course there is a number of people who don't necessarily need hospitalization but still have high fever, so they are unlikely to be able to work either

you are looking at 20% of 225 million people not being able to work

this is without considering other factors, like the inability of the healthcare system to manage other cases, which have nothing to do with covid and the psychological effect when thousands of your compatriots are dying every day

Booming economy!
I don't think you know what you are talking about

Last edited by Johny_Snow on Apr 2, 2020, 5:02:02 PM

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